Eye of Sin

Chapter 532 Figure it out

Chapter 532 Figure it out
Huo Yan was a little surprised: "When did you do this?"

"After get off work," Ning Shuyi said, "When I learned about Lu Zhibao's current girlfriend's personal situation, I checked her workplace information.

After that, she went to talk to her direct leader to understand the situation. As a result, she found out that the leader had a daughter at home, and he also had a warm-hearted personality.

So after making sure it was safe, I penetrated a little bit, and the eldest sister enthusiastically agreed to cooperate with us in our work. "

"Enthusiasm is one thing, but the main reason is that you know how to figure out other people's psychology." Huo Yan concluded with a very firm tone and a touch of pride.

"It's too praised, it's too praised!" Ning Shuyi deliberately cupped his hand at him in a serious manner.

The smile on Huo Yan's face became a little thicker.

The two of them drove near Lu Zhibao's current girlfriend's workplace. Ning Shuyi called her direct boss, the warm-hearted elder sister. After some warnings, the call was quickly hung up.

After almost ten minutes, the eldest lady called back.

"Don't worry, it's done." The other party's voice was not loud, as if she had deliberately lowered her voice, "I asked her to go downstairs and help me get a piece of materials that she had sent me during an errand. She wanted to go back to her work station to get her mobile phone, and I said she was going to run an errand. It's coming soon, don't pick up your phone, hurry up!

She had already gone down, and her cell phone was at her workstation without her. "

Ning Shuyi quickly thanked the warm-hearted elder sister and signaled Huo Yan to wait for her in the car. She got out of the car alone and strode towards the door of the office building.

As soon as I walked to the office building, I saw Lu Zhibao's current girlfriend coming out from a distance, looking around with a confused look on her face.

Ning Shuyi stopped and waved to her.

The girl looked at Ning Shuyi with a puzzled look on her face. It was obvious that after so many days, she had no remaining impression of the policewoman whom she had met once before.

However, seeing Ning Shuyi waving to her with certainty, she still came over with some doubts.

"You are..." She walked up and saw that Ning Shuyi had empty hands and didn't take any materials. He was not dressed like a rider riding a motorcycle to deliver goods. She was a little confused for a moment.

"Hello Guan Zhen." Ning Shuyi smiled at her and called her name, "We met once a few days ago, at your boyfriend's house."

When she said this, Guan Zhen finally showed a look of realization on her face, and through Ning Shuyi's prompts, she remembered the identity of the person in front of her.

"What a coincidence, we meet again! You... come to our place to do business?" She was a little hesitant. While greeting Ning Shuyi, she looked around, as if she was still looking for the non-existent flash delivery rider.

Ning Shuyi smiled at her: "It's not a coincidence, I just came to see you."

"Looking for me?" Guan Zhen was a little surprised and looked at Ning Shuyi, "What are you looking for for me?
Last time you came to the house, didn't you ask my boyfriend to find out about his ex-girlfriend?
I don't know his ex-girlfriend either. If you come to me to find out the situation, I really can't help you. "

"Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you with tasks that I can't complete." Ning Shuyi smiled with a friendly face, "Our car is parked on the side of the road, let's get in the car and chat." "But, I still I have to help our unit leader get the materials. I'm waiting to use them, but I'm worried!" Guan Zhen is a simple-minded person. She has no doubts about this "accidental encounter" downstairs and is still focused on completing the leader's instructions. The task.

"It doesn't matter, I won't let you have no way to explain to the leader." Before doing Tong Guanzhen's ideological work, Ning Shuyi didn't want to "betray" the warm-hearted elder sister yet, so she pointed The car on the roadside said to the girl, "I will ask my colleagues to wait here for you, how about it?"

When Ning Shuyi spoke to Guan Zhen, his attitude was gentle, without any sense of oppression or force, but his tone was not really discussing with the other party, just like a kindergarten teacher announcing to the children in his class Mission - Gentle, but no bargaining.

Guan Zhen is a soft-tempered person, otherwise she would not be manipulated by Lu Zhibao.

And people with such a personality often have a weakness, that is, she does not know how to reject someone other than her boyfriend.

As long as the other party's attitude is firm enough and unquestionable, she will instinctively choose to compromise, not daring to argue with them, and even embarrassed to refuse.

Although she looked unsure, Guan Zhen still followed Ning Shuyi's wishes and followed her to the car.

Ning Shuyi signaled to Huo Yan. Huo Yan knew that he might have something to say to Guan Zhen that it was not convenient for Ning Shuyi to say to Guan Zhen, or that Guan Zhen might not be embarrassed to say it, so he opened the door and got out of the car.

"Wait outside and see if there are any express riders coming to deliver documents. Please help Guan Zhen keep an eye on them." Ning Shuyi said to Huo Yan.

Huo Yan just heard the content on the phone and knew what it meant, so he nodded calmly.

"Get in the car." Ning Shuyi opened the rear door and motioned for Guan Zhen to get in. She followed him and sat in the second row, side by side with Guan Zhen.

Huo Yan helped her close the car door outside.

Guan Zhen looked extremely nervous. She looked at Ning Shuyi with a blank expression, and then looked at Huo Yan outside through the car window, looking a little at a loss.

"Can you talk to me about you and Lu Zhibao?" Ning Shuyi said to her in a very relaxed tone with a chatty attitude.

Guan Zhen looked at her doubtfully: "Isn't this... a private matter between me and my boyfriend? Why do you ask this?"

"Please believe in the professionalism with which we treat our work." Ning Shuyi said to her, "You may feel a little strange now, but let's have a chat first, and then I will definitely give you a reasonable explanation, how about it?
You and Ashishiho are in a free love relationship when both of you are single. This is indeed your private matter, but it is not considered private, right? After all, your relationship is one that can be seen in the light and can be made public. "

When she said this, Guan Zhen, who was still a little resistant, suddenly changed her attitude.

"Of course we are together openly!" Guan Zhen frowned, "Lu Zhibao's ex-girlfriend wanted to get back together with him when we first got together, but he had already moved on by that time. This idea has not been considered at all.

He was very honest with me about this matter, so of course there is nothing that can’t be said between us! "

Thanks to Sweet Salad, Vegetarian Lemon Fruit, Rouge Basin, minnie3abc, Book Friends 20210301105365700752, Book Friends 934***744, Vegetarian Piggy x6, Book Friends 20220913144700662x2 for your monthly pass!

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