Eye of Sin

Chapter 533 "Instigating Rebellion"

Chapter 533 "Instigating Rebellion"

Ning Shuyi was more or less surprised when Guan Zhen mentioned that Lu Zhibao's ex-girlfriend still wanted to get back together after they were together.

However, her surprise was short-lived, and she soon realized the possibility of this matter.

"You said Lu Zhibao's ex-girlfriend, Tong Chujun? After you two got together, did you seek him out to get back together?" Ning Shuyi confirmed to Guan Zhen, "Have you ever met her in person?"

"That's not true." Guan Zhen is also an honest person. When asked by Ning Shuyi, she shook her head, "But I personally heard that woman call Lu Zhibao. She meant that she wanted to get back together with him and regretted it. The previous breakup."

"The content of the phone call was that Ashishiho turned on the speaker, and you listened along with it?"

"That's not true..." Guan Zhen was a little confused by Ning Shuyi's continuous questions, "It's just... he was hiding in the kitchen talking on the phone, and I heard him.

My boyfriend doesn't usually go into the kitchen. He says that a gentleman is far away from the kitchen.

That day, I went to the kitchen to listen to the phone with the door closed. I felt a little strange, so even though I knew it was not good, I still went to the kitchen door and eavesdropped.

He didn't turn on the speaker, but I heard him listen for a while, and then say something like, 'But I'm out of it,' and 'Let it go, okay? I have a new relationship now, and my relationship with my girlfriend is very good. You will also meet a better person in the future. What else? Although I am very sorry for your feelings, if I take this advice, it will be tantamount to Sorry my incumbent'.

So you still don’t understand this? Isn't it because his ex wants to get back together with him?

I was still very angry about this matter and had a fight with him. He deleted his ex-girlfriend's contact information in front of me. "

Guan Zhen said it aggrievedly, but also very confidently. It was obvious that she trusted her boyfriend very much.

"Then have you seen the call records? And his ex-girlfriend's phone number, have you seen what it is?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

Guan Zhen was stunned and shook her head: "I didn't read it. I was too angry at the time. He coaxed me and told me to delete the contact information, so he directly found his ex-girlfriend's name in the address book, which was Tong Chujun, and then deleted it directly! "

Ning Shuyi said nothing, but just smiled and looked at Guan Zhen silently.

When Guan Zhen looked at her like this, she was confused at first, but after all, she was just relatively simple, not stupid, and soon realized what Ning Shuyi wanted to express.

"Are you trying to tell me that Lu Zhibao's ex-girlfriend didn't want to get back together with him, that he was deliberately showing it to me?" Guan Zhen seemed unwilling to accept this statement, but judging from her tone and expression It was obvious that she had been shaken.

"Tell me how you and Lu Zhibao met and got together." Ning Shuyi did not answer her question directly, but brought the topic back to the previous question.

"We..." Guan Zhen, who was still a little angry at first, now had a clear sense of uneasiness in her tone after being shaken just now, "We just have a special fate..."

Ning Shuyi gestured to her: "You always meet by chance in different places, and you always meet each other on occasions that you are more interested in and like.

After several coincidences, you felt that you were so destined that you left each other's contact information. After a detailed chat, you discovered that you have so many common interests.

It feels like destiny. You are each other's most suitable half and soul mate.

Am I right about this general process? Guan Zhen looked at Ning Shuyi in astonishment and blinked: "Oh my god... you are really a policeman, right?"

If you weren't a policeman, I would be scared right now!
We have never met before, how come you can tell me and Lu Zhiho so accurately, as if you have been following us and peeping! "

Ning Shuyi smiled and waved his hand: "We will not do that kind of thing. The reason why we made it so clear is because Lu Zhibao's predecessor also had the same experience.

Even the girl he pursued two years ago followed the same routine. "

Guan Zhen’s eyes suddenly widened: “Can you please stop talking nonsense!

Although I don't know how you can explain the love experience of the two of us so clearly. You policemen must have your own ways, but although there are coincidences in this world, they cannot be everywhere.

How could it be possible that his ex-girlfriend also went through this process? ! "

Anticipating Guan Zhen's reaction, Ning Shuyi was not angry at her attitude. She silently took out her mobile phone and retrieved the original video material sent to them by the previous online blogger.

"You should take a look at this first." She handed over the phone, "Don't rush to conclusions."

Guan Zhen took the phone and looked at Ning Shuyi with a confused look on her face. She lowered her eyelids suspiciously and looked at the video content played on the phone.

When she first saw the two back figures in the video, she didn't realize anything. When Lu Zhibao's front face was revealed, she frowned and raised her phone a little, trying to watch it from the small screen. Gotta be clearer.

As the video played, Guan Zhen's brows became tighter and tighter, and then slowly relaxed, and her face gradually turned red, then gradually faded away, leaving her face pale and even a little blue.

After the video was played, she seemed to have not come back to her senses. Her posture holding the phone did not change. She seemed to have lost her soul and looked like a wooden person.

When Ning Shuyi saw this, although he felt a little sympathetic, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that although this girl has a little love brain, her rationality is still there and she has not been so completely brainwashed.

Guan Zhen had a pale face and was in a daze for a long time. Finally, she slowly came back to her senses. She played the video again without giving up, and even enlarged the video a lot on the screen and stared at it intently. In the video, Lu Zhiho seemed to be holding on to the last bit of fantasy, hoping that he had just seen it wrong and that it was just a resemblance between people.

However, the blogger who shot this video, Zhuang Xian, is a professional Internet video operator. In order to ensure the quality of his work, he adopted a very high pixel level whether he was taking photos or shooting videos, and the picture can be said to be quite clear.

And even if the appearance is similar, the sound is exactly the same, which makes no sense whatsoever.

Slowly, Guan Zhen's body began to tremble.

"What on earth is going on...?" She finally looked away from the phone and looked at Ning Shuyi again, her voice trembling, "You... you went home before...

How did Ashishiho's ex-girlfriend...die? "

Thanks to book friend 20210301106451197446x2, Vacuum Water x2, and e550 monthly pass!

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