Eye of Sin

Chapter 534 Awakening

Chapter 534 Awakening
Seeing that she finally understood, Ning Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and pressed the window a few times with his fingers.

Huo Yan heard it immediately, turned around and looked at Ning Shuyi through the car window. After getting her signal, he turned around and opened the driver's seat and sat in.

When Guan Zhen saw Huo Yan just now, she still felt nervous and cramped. Now she was trembling like chaff. When she saw this male detective with a strong aura, she felt inexplicably at ease.

"Guan Zhen, don't be nervous." This was exactly what Ning Shuyi wanted. She took the opportunity to say to the poor girl, "Now that it's come to this, I guess you've already understood.

There are no documents that you have to go downstairs to get. We came here specifically to let you understand your current situation.

We hope you can cooperate with our work and protect your own personal safety. "

Guan Zhen bit her lip, almost crying: "What the hell is going on?!

I always thought that I had realized the plot that can only be found in idol dramas in real life, which is very beautiful and dreamy...

Why did this sweet dream... suddenly turn into a nightmare..."

"The reason idol dramas are called 'idol dramas' is because they are used to weave dreams." Ning Shuyi comforted her, "You just said it was very dreamy, but in the more than twenty years since you were born, you have... I'm afraid I can't even remember how many dreams I've had, and I can't count them, right?

But has any dream really become a reality?

If something like a dream really happens around you, you really have to be more vigilant.

After all, in real life, there are only people who pretend to be asleep, no one really lives in a dream. "

Guan Zhen looked downcast as she was mourning for her heir, and nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Guan Zhen, let me ask you. I hope you can answer the next question truthfully." Ning Shuyi asked, "Has the mobile phone you are using now been sent to the official after-sales online store of this brand in W city for inspection? After-sales maintenance?”

Guan Zhen nodded: "I have repaired it."

"Before you and Ashishiho confirmed your relationship?"

"More than that, it was before we met. We met for a long time after that. There was at least half a year between us." Guan Zhen was a little nervous and confused, "Why did you ask me whether I had repaired my phone? Son?
You guys...how do you know that my phone has been repaired before? "

There were obviously many doubts running through her mind. As soon as she finished asking the question, she thought of another thing: "Just now our manager asked me to come down to get some materials. He was so anxious that he couldn't say anything." If I'm not allowed to bring my phone, I have to say it's too late...

After the results came out, you called me to the car. There were no documents at all...

So there is something wrong with my phone, right? "

"Let me ask you," Huo Yan turned around and asked Guan Zhen seriously, "Have you ever searched for something more popular or something you like on your mobile phone? Lu Zhibao bought it for you soon after. experience?”

"Yes! Yes!" Guan Zhen nodded quickly, "These are the moments that moved me the most during our relationship!" "Have you ever wondered why there are so many inexplicable things between the two of you? "Tacit understanding"? "Huo Yan felt a little headache at her answer.

"No..." Tears overflowed from Guan Zhen's eyes, "Don't they talk about the compatibility of souls, soul mates!

I just thought that we were really in tune with each other from the bottom of our hearts, as if we were telepathically connected. I never thought of any other possibility...

My parents have a tacit understanding. When two people do something, they often don’t even need to discuss it. One of them has such an idea, and the other one just speaks it out before he can say it.

I thought Ashishiho and I were like this too! "

"The tacit understanding between your parents comes from many years of living together, their understanding of each other, running a family life together, and their understanding of the content of life. It is not a compatibility of souls, nor is it as simple as a tacit understanding."

Ning Shuyi sighed. Originally, she had always thought that her sister Ning Shuyue was the type who was too well protected by her parents. Now looking at Guan Zhen in front of her, she was really soaked in a honey jar. An innocent girl who is not at all defensive.

Guan Zhen's face turned a little whiter. Her hands subconsciously rubbed against the car seat a few times, and her teeth bit her lips until they were almost bloodless.

"So, you are saying that I am being monitored and monitored by my boyfriend around the clock?" She finally gritted her teeth and said the fact that she had just realized but had never had the courage to say directly.

Ning Shuyi sighed softly and nodded to her: "Actually, you have already realized this problem rationally, but you just don't want to face it."

"How could this happen!" Guan Zhen finally couldn't hold it any longer and burst into tears, "This is the first time I've ever had a serious relationship!
I thought I was the luckiest girl to have met a boyfriend who understood me so well and loved me so much!

I’m not particularly greedy, I just want to find a satisfying partner and live my own life sweetly!

Why did this happen to me!
God is so unfair! "

Huo Yan looked at the girl whose face was covered with tears and snot, and who was crying dirtyly. He frowned and couldn't help but feel a headache.

Ning Shuyi signaled him not to worry with her eyes, and took out a few tissues and handed them to Guan Zhen, asking her to wipe the tears on her face.

Guan Zhen's current reaction may be a bit troublesome for people who are afraid of hearing others cry, but it is also a reassuring signal.

Normal people, when they are immersed in a sweet "fairy love", are suddenly woken up by someone, and a piece of bad news is dropped in their pockets like a bolt from the blue. If they can accept it calmly and take it calmly, then Ning Shu Artists should worry whether this person has been brainwashed into his brain and is hopeless, pretending to cooperate in front of them.

If that were the case, this matter would probably be even more troublesome.

Now that Guan Zhen is crying and emotionally broken, it means that she has woken up and returned to reality from her dream.

After crying for a while, Guan Zhen was finally tired of crying. She no longer cared about the image or image, and blew her nose loudly.

"So, his ex-girlfriend, the girl named Tong..." She cried with a stuffy nose and her voice sounded angry. "Did the incident happen after she broke up with Lu Zhibao, or did it happen after she broke up with him? "

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