Eye of Sin

Chapter 561 Glass Cat

Chapter 561 Glass Cat

This statement is obviously somewhat untenable, and cannot reasonably explain Qu Yiming's attention to the progress of the case investigation.

However, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan had a tacit understanding that neither one of them would dwell on this matter. Instead, as if they didn't feel anything unusual, they brought the topic over in an understatement.

At this moment, Huo Yan's peripheral vision caught a figure rushing towards him quickly. He pulled Ning Shuyi behind him without leaving a trace, blocking her with half of his body.

Ning Shuyi was a little surprised by Huo Yan's move. This gesture obviously meant a little bit of precaution and protection.

But, not much.

At least it was much different from the instinctive reaction Huo Yan showed when he sensed some external threat in the past.

Soon she knew the reason behind this.

They saw a skinny old man rushing towards them with an agility beyond his age and physique.

The old man didn't really rush over to have physical contact with anyone. Instead, he "suddenly braked" and stopped one meter away from the other people.

He stared with a pair of big bulging eyes, and his chest heaved violently, like a bellows blowing.

"Everyone must die! No one can escape! Everyone must be killed! Starting with the oldest and most useless people first! After those in their seventies have died, it will be the turn of those in their sixties and fifty There are many, those in their forties, those in their thirties..." He said in a mysterious tone, and suddenly pointed at Ning Shuyi, "There are still more than 20 people who must die! No!

This is Zhazi Cave! "

"They are all police, you old man! Why are you talking nonsense in front of others!" Qu Yiming hurriedly wanted to step forward to block him.

After hearing what he said, the skinny old man glanced at Huo Yan, and soon his eyes fell on Ning Shuyi again. He curled his lips and snorted: "A glass cat that can't catch mice! Looks good, but useless!" "

Ning Shuyi, who was rushed out and yelled at by a crazy old man for no reason, and was despised for no reason at the same time, felt a little bit dumbfounded at this moment.

"Why did he let him run out again!" Qu Yiming looked at the skinny old man in front of him with a headache, and stamped his feet anxiously, "Where is the person?! Why don't you take him back quickly! Find a cartoon or something to watch. , to distract him!

Don't let him run around like this, in case someone with a bad heart is scared out by him again!

We can't cause any more chaos at this point! "

While he was greeting the two caregivers who were following him, he stretched out his hand to grab the other person, but the thin old man turned around and ran back. The caregiver quickly chased him away, coaxing him to follow him in a good voice while chasing him. They went back to watching TV.

"I'm sorry..." Qu Yiming's face looked a little unhappy, and he put his hands together and made a few apology gestures to Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, "I asked him to come here and talk nonsense again!
We are now in a dilemma for such an old man, who has a confused mind. We cannot lock him up or train him. The family had given him an old man because he was too much tormented when he was confused. It's impossible for us to send someone back because of something like this...

Don't take it seriously! Don't be surprised! "

Ning Shuyi looked at Huo Yan's calm expression, and then listened to Qu Yiming's meaning, guessing that this kind of thing had happened to Huo Yan and the others just now.

Huo Yan knew that the old man himself did not have any aggressive tendencies, and he was old and skinny, so he only protected himself a little and was not particularly vigilant and nervous.

Qu Yiming sent the group to the door and exchanged contact information with each other. Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan said goodbye to him and got into the car. They followed the car of their criminal colleagues and returned to the bureau together. "Did I scare you just now?" Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi while starting the car.

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "I can't even talk about being scared. Does that old man have Alzheimer's disease?"

"Yes, if someone passes away in the health care center, he will have a big reaction, but after a while he will forget about it and return to normal.

But this time, for some reason, I had a particularly big reaction to Fu Xianhai's death. I had been so surprised for a while. "

"What did you find there?" Ning Shuyi nodded thoughtfully and asked Huo Yan again.

"There was an unexpected discovery." Huo Yan nodded, "When collecting fingerprints at the scene, my colleagues from the Criminal Technology Department found that there were no fingerprints on the switch and concentration adjustment button of the medical oxygen concentrator."

Ning Shuyi understood that this discovery was indeed not surprising at all.

When Forensic Doctor Zhang analyzed the possible means of Fu Xianhai's "happy death" for them, this matter was basically a tacit fact in everyone's mind, and the fingerprint collection just now was considered a confirmation.

"Fu Xianhai was rated as a provincial moral model more than half a year ago, and the news was relatively hot during that period." Ning Shuyi briefly talked about the main changes that took place in Fu Xianhai's life before his death, "It can be seen from the number of visitors that Is it obvious?"

"Obviously." Huo Yan had already read through the visitor record when he got it. "There was a peak of visitors half a year ago. His own visitor registration record alone had as many as one or two pages every day.

It lasted for more than half a month, and it was reduced by more than half. It was only a few compared to the beginning, but compared with the past, it was still a lot more lively.

More than three months later, the number of visitors rose again for about a week, and then fell again.

As for why there is such a repeated process, the health care center cannot explain it. "

"In fact, if they knew everything Fu Xianhai did during his lifetime, that would be really scary, right?" Ning Shuyi laughed and joked when she heard this.

Huo Yan also smiled and nodded: "Well, we can figure out the reason ourselves."

At this time, an incoming call number suddenly appeared on the central control screen, and a series of unfamiliar numbers lit up on the screen.

Huo Yan only glanced at it with no warmth in his eyes. He raised his hand and quickly pressed the red sign of rejecting the call.

After about two seconds, the screen lit up again, and it was still the same number.

Huo Yan still quickly and simply pressed reject, as if nothing had happened just now, and there was no wave on his expression.

This time, the number seemed to have accepted its fate and did not dial in a third time.

Ning Shuyi glanced at him silently and said nothing.

The two people had a tacit understanding, as if nothing had happened, and continued to exchange the results of each other's inquiries.

In the evening, there will be additional updates for the monthly pass, ha ha~ haha!

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