Eye of Sin

Chapter 562: Distinguish between public and private affairs [Updates with monthly tickets]

Chapter 562: Distinguish between public and private affairs [Updates with monthly tickets]

The two people returned to the bureau. Before they could start work, Ning Shuyi was called over by Team Dong.

"How is Huo Yan's condition recently? Is his mood stable?" Captain Dong called Ning Shuyi to his office and chatted with Ning Shuyi as soon as he walked in.

Ning Shuyi was stunned for a moment. She and Huo Yan both had very low-key personalities. Even if their relationship was confirmed recently, only a few people in the team knew about it, and it had no impact. It was known to everyone.

And since the relationship was established, Huo Yan's state seems more relaxed than ever most of the time, and there is no worrying abnormal reaction.

She really couldn't guess why Captain Dong suddenly called her away alone to ask her about such a problem.

"Captain Dong, I don't think there is a problem. His recent state and mood are as usual and very stable." Although he was puzzled, Ning Shuyi still answered the other party's questions in detail.

Dong Weifeng nodded. He also saw Ning Shuyi's confusion. Since he called her over, he naturally had no intention of hiding the reason.

"Some time ago, Huo Yan's former adoptive mother came to me twice, saying that she hoped to help with Huo Yan's ideological work, or to put some pressure on the organization, so that Huo Yan would agree to help her and provide money. Treating his seriously ill adoptive father," he said to Ning Shuyi. Seeing Ning Shuyi's eyes quickly change from surprise to sullenness, he guessed, "Before looking for me, she had already found Huo directly. Was it rejected by Huo Yan?"

"Yes." Ning Shuyi nodded with a serious expression. He didn't say anything else, but waited for Captain Dong's next words.

Based on her understanding of Captain Dong, her leader is definitely not an unprincipled Madonna-type personality. He is not only principled but also reasonable. He has a clear distinction between public and private matters and will never inexplicably agree to the unreasonable demands of Huo Yan's adoptive mother. of.

Sure enough, Dong Weifeng continued: "She came to me and said that there was really nothing she could do. Her husband was seriously ill and her own children were too busy taking care of themselves to take care of themselves.

She felt that they had been kind to Huo Yan in the past, and even in return, Huo Yan should bear part of it.

She felt that as Huo Yan's leader, I should be reasonable and help her with Huo Yan's ideological work.

What are the original words... Oh, 'Anyway, he is alone and has no family expenses, so he should not be under much pressure'.

When she first came here, I did a good job of educating her and persuaded her to leave. However, not long after, she came to me again for the same reason.

I told her that she and her husband adopted the child back then, but then regretted it and returned it to the orphanage. No one held them accountable. She wanted to thank our society for putting more emphasis on feelings than reason!
But I am a person who can talk about feelings when I meet reasonable people. But when I meet people who specialize in playing the emotional card, I'm sorry, I only talk about logic.

Logically speaking, Huo Yan does not have that responsibility and obligation, so how to deal with their family's affairs is their own problem.

If you are really in difficulty, you can seek help from the society. At that time, whether Huo Yan is willing to donate money or not is his private matter. As a leader in the official business, I do not have the right to dictate.

But if she comes to us over and over again and interferes with Huo Yan's normal work, then she can only deal with it as obstructing official business, and she will consider the consequences herself. "

Ning Shuyi smiled, she knew that Dong Weifeng must be their strong backing when encountering such a thing: "Captain Dong is mighty! Don't worry, she didn't dare to look for Huo Yan alone, at least as far as I know, she never did it again. "His." "If you say no, then you really don't." Dong Weifeng smiled and looked at Ning Shuyi, "After all, no one has first-hand information better than you, except Huo Yan himself."

Ning Shuyi was very sure that when Dong Weifeng said this, he was definitely not referring to her working relationship with Huo Yan.

"Captain Dong..." she said tentatively.

Dong Weifeng waved his hand: "It would be nice to know that that family has not affected Huo Yan. This kid had a hard time in the past, but now he is finally becoming more and more humane. It is a good thing!
Both of you don't like to be public, so that's fine. Just pretend that I didn't find anything or know anything.

Go ahead and get busy. If you encounter any problems, don’t let him handle it alone. If you need to contact an organization, contact an organization! "

"Okay!" Ning Shuyi smiled and nodded quickly.

Returning to the office, Huo Yan had just made two cups of coffee. When he saw her coming back, he asked, "What instructions does Captain Dong have?"

"No." Ning Shuyi shook his head, "During the last meeting, I was asked to write a piece of material. Team Dong asked me if I had finished it. I might need to revise it later."

Huo Yan did not doubt that he was there, and handed the coffee to Ning Shuyi: "Drink some, we will definitely burn the midnight oil tonight."

"Let's screen the visitors first." Ning Shuyi took the coffee and took a sip, "Zhao Dabao and the others are also on their way back."

Before the others came back, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan quickly screened the visitor information. Out of caution, they only screened out the ones that happened during the period when Fu Xianhai was extremely popular because of the moral model award, just to join in the fun. Individuals or media units who have only visited the health care center once or twice.

The names of those who had visited Fu Xianhai before he was killed, and the names of those who had registered to visit Fu Xianhai repeatedly, albeit rarely, but intermittently, were all retained.

"According to the information in the visitor registration, Fu Xianhai's children were not completely indifferent to their old father during his lifetime." Huo Yan pointed to the record on the registration form, "A few months before Fu Xianhai's death, these two people actually We have all been here before, more than once, but not together, but separately.

When they came to report the crime, the brother and sister showed an indifferent attitude as if they had never had any contact with their father.

Is it possible that both of them went to find Fu Xianhai in private and were unaware of each other's actions, so they had to pretend like this in front of us. "

"I think this is very likely." Ning Shuyi agreed, "From the time of Fu Chen's three visits and Fu Shan's two visits, even the earliest visits by both of them started about three months ago. It's really never happened before.

I heard from the nursing staff today that about three or four months ago, the outside world had been making a fuss about Fu Xianhai, saying that he lived in a health care center and was a typical example of "good people are not rewarded", and they called for some social rewards. .

A local real estate developer in City W was impressed by Fu Xianhai's deeds. Of course, for the purpose of publicity, he donated a commercial house to Fu Xianhai in a very high-profile manner.

I heard that Fu Xianhai tried his best to refuse at first, but the developer had already built momentum. In the end, he couldn't refuse, so he signed the confirmation letter, and then publicly entrusted an agency to rent out the house, and the income was directly donated to aid in poverty-stricken mountainous areas. fund. "

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