Eye of Sin

Chapter 563 Everyone has their own thoughts

Chapter 563 Everyone has their own thoughts

"It seems that Fu Chen and Fu Shan are mostly here for this property." Huo Yan nodded clearly, "Including the nephew who is holding a suicide note and intends to monopolize the inheritance.

This nephew named Yang Jingcun began to visit his uncle frequently three or four months before Fu Xianhai's death. He had never visited his uncle once before.

If it hadn't been for the property donated by the developer, it might not have been so easy to awaken this family relationship that had been dormant for many years. "

Ning Shuyi looked at the list in his hand and sighed: "Today, a caregiver said an old saying - poor people in the downtown area have no one to ask for, and rich people have distant relatives in the mountains.

Although sometimes I don’t want to admit it, family love also has a very realistic side in many cases. "

"Qu Yiming, the owner of the health care center, told me that during a period when Fu Xianhai had a particularly large number of visitors, Fu Xianhai really couldn't stand the visitors who came here because of his reputation, so he asked not to see the media.

It's okay for the official media people to say that if they really can't do ideological work, they'll forget about it.

But nowadays, holding a mobile phone can turn you into a walking media, so this part is not so obedient.

In order to be able to go in and film Fu Xianhai, many people would lie, pretend to be other people, pretend to deliver express delivery, pretend to deliver food, pretend to be other people's relatives and friends.

Qu Yiming said that those people actually didn't really respect Fu Xianhai that much and wanted to meet him.

What they really want to see is Fu Xianhai living a miserable life alone in the health care center, with the best living in a room with the worst conditions. How desolate it is.

They just want to use "good people don't get rewarded" as a gimmick to attract attention. "

Ning Shuyi sighed: "It's often times like this when no one can be said to be a bad person, but their behavior can reflect the evil deep in human nature."

"Qu Yiming said that those people occasionally managed to sneak in. They ran to Fu Xianhai, asked questions and chatted with him.

Although the purpose was certainly not pure, and it was all to gather materials for himself, Fu Xianhai didn't say it, but he didn't feel that he was particularly resistant in his heart.

It's probably because except for Cai Yujie who goes to see him, no one really talks to him or chats with him, so even if a stranger talks to him for some selfish purpose, he doesn't really talk about the past. Very disgusted.

It was only after too many times, maybe because he was questioned about some topic that he didn't want to disclose, that he asked Qu Yiming to strengthen the management of visitor registration. "Huo Yan is not a person who is good at expressing emotions, but when he said these words, you can still clearly feel his sympathy for Fu Xianhai's state of mind during his lifetime.

Ning Shuyi felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this, but like Huo Yan, she quickly calmed down her emotions.

As a law enforcement officer, it is very important to maintain an objective and neutral attitude during the investigation of the case.

"What do you think is the motive of someone wanting to attack Fu Xianhai?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan.

Huo Yan answered almost without thinking: "Property. Fu Xianhai was originally a poor man. Although he had a house, it was not a high-end real estate or a prime location.

His income was quite satisfactory, and he had donated to so many poor students throughout his life, leaving him with almost no savings.

As a result, once he was rated as a model and passively accepted donations from the society, it was considered a windfall. After that, his children who had previously been unwilling to move suddenly came to visit their old father.

My nephew, who had never been seen in the past, has become a frequent visitor to the health care center. This clearly shows that they are all for the newly added properties under Fu Xianhai's name.

Although Fu Xianhai agreed to rent out the house and donate the rent directly, if he dies and the house changes owners, it will be up to the new owner to decide what to do with it. "

"Well, this is indeed the most intuitive and reasonable speculation." Ning Shuyi did not object to Huo Yan's point of view. She had thought so before, but when she was in the health care center, the woman named Xiao Lili What the caregiver said gave her another inspiration.

She relayed what Xiao Lili said at that time to Huo Yan, and then said: "Her views can be summed up in two points.

The first is that Cai Yujie may not have any good intentions. He will not show his courtesy for nothing, and he must have some agenda.

The second is to say that Fu Xianhai is not as great and selfless as the outside world advocates, implying that he has some stains on him that the outside world does not know.

I think she should know something, or even if it is just hearsay, she has heard something different from the mainstream rumors outside.

It's just that today nurse Ding Haixiu's name is the one with the most seniority and seniority among them.

She didn't want to get too involved in this matter, and she had been trying her best to express her dissatisfaction, and she didn't want others to say anything, so Xiao Lili didn't say anything in the end and just took the opportunity to vent a little emotion.

If you have the opportunity, you can talk to her privately and find out why she is so prejudiced against Fu Xianhai and Cai Yujie. "

"Didn't you say that the little nurse told you that the reason why Xiao Lili has extreme thoughts is because she just experienced the setback of a failed marriage?" Huo Yan was a little confused.

"Yes, it is because of this relatively extreme inner world that she is more inclined to collect and believe information that conforms to her own subjective views.

People will actively look for information that can support and substantiate their own opinions to prove their correctness and wisdom.

Therefore, we should not preconceptions that whichever side they say must be objective and whichever side must be subjective.

Listen and you will understand. "

Huo Yan nodded, pulled the visitor list over, flipped through many pages, and pushed it in front of Ning Shuyi: "Look at these two people."

Ning Shuyi followed the position of his fingers and saw two scrawled names: "Huang Kunshui, Ma Aihua? What's so special about these two people?"

Huo Yan flipped back several pages of the thick registration book and pointed to the page again: "Look here again."

On the visitor registration form on this page, a scrawled "黄" appears every few names, followed by an equally scrawled "马". The handwriting is exactly the same as the "Huang Kunshui" and "Ma Aihua" in front of it. It's very strange. Apparently they had visited many times and were too lazy to write down their full names. The guard was familiar with them and knew it was them, so he just signed their last names and let them go.

"Look at the interviewees at the back." Huo Yan slid his finger back along the "Visitor's Name" in front of one of the records and stopped at the "Interviewee" column at the back.

Ning Shuyi followed what he pointed at and was stunned: "The person being interviewed... Gu Tiezhi?"

Thanks to book friend 20210920111158716x2, Yilong x2, and book friend 20231108074611155 for their monthly votes!

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