Eye of Sin

Chapter 565 Work Consumption

Chapter 565 Work Consumption

"Don't say that." Ning Shuyi did not agree with Luo Wei's negative words at this time. "Before the surveillance camera equipment became popular, and even before DNA technology was applied to front-line work, could it be that this world Don’t you need to solve all the cases?

The case has just been taken over, and no efforts have been made yet. If you say such demoralizing words first, isn't it equivalent to giving up your strength? "

Luo Wei scratched his head: "It makes sense. It's hard to pass every level, and it's hard to walk step by step! We really need to have this spirit!"
Let’s get back to the point! The police officer at the police station said that the health care center initially wanted to contact Cai Yujie about how to handle Fu Xianhai's funeral, because during the years Fu Xianhai lived here, Cai Yujie had always been responsible for communicating and handling all matters related to him. .

It was the police officers at the police station who reminded that no matter how deep their relationship was, Cai Yujie and Fu Xianhai had no actual biological relationship in law. Since Fu Xianhai had biological children and other relatives, he was not qualified to handle Fu Xianhai's funeral affairs.

Only then did the health care center realize that they had subconsciously felt that Cai Yujie was Fu Xianhai's family member.

So later they found a way to contact Fu Xianhai's son Fu Chen. Fu Chen reportedly had no objections and just let the health care center handle it normally.

The health care center asked him to come and handle it himself. He said that he was very busy and could pay for it to let the health care center handle the funeral arrangements for him. He could bear all the related expenses and it was not a problem.

So the health care center entrusted this matter to Cai Yujie again, and later he insisted on reporting the case and refused to agree to the cremation of Fu Xianhai's body. "

As he spoke, he handed the relevant records brought back from the police station to others and asked them to pass them around.

Ning Shuyi looked at it and saw that it was recorded that the two caregivers who first discovered Fu Xianhai's death were two caregivers. In addition to Cui Xinyan, whom she had already known, there was also Wu Qiaolan.

According to the transcript at that time, two people went to each elderly person's room that morning to collect household garbage and replenish supplies. When they arrived at Fu Xianhai's room, they discovered the situation and were so frightened that they hurried to call someone.

Everyone present at the scene that day determined that there was nothing unusual about the situation in the room. Since Mr. Fu Xianhai’s children were not around, in order to avoid future disputes, the police officers from the police station cautiously took photos of the room at that time.

The photos were very comprehensive and basically covered the entire scene in the room at that time.

Ning Shuyi went to communicate with the nurse before and did not see the appearance of Fu Xianhai's room in the health care center. This time, he learned about the appearance of the crime scene from the photos.

Her eyes skipped the furnishings in the room and landed on the slightly open window of the room.

"Early in the morning, the window in this room was open just a crack? In this season, it's not necessary to open the window for ventilation around the clock, right?" She asked Huo Yan, "Is it usually like this?"

"Yes," Huo Yan had been curious about this before, so he asked Qu Yiming, who was present at the time, "It was Fu Xianhai's own request to open the window at night.

After searching about the working principle of a medical oxygen concentrator, he requested that he sleep with the window open, fearing that too much nitrogen would be bad for his health at night.

Although the nurses at the health care center had explained to him that there was no need to worry about this kind of thing and it would never happen, he was very stubborn. If the nurse closed the window, he would feel uncomfortable and get up to open it by himself.

After several attempts, the nurses and caregivers finally stopped insisting on not allowing him to open the window, considering that it wasn't too cold at night.

It has been like this for almost two years. "

"There should be no way to inspect outside the window, right?" Ning Shuyi calculated the time between Fu Xianhai's death and their visit to the health care center, and basically gave up any hope.

She was indeed right about this. Huo Yan nodded helplessly: "There was a heavy rain two days after Fu Xianhai's death, and the windowsill was washed clean, as was the small flower bed outside the window. No effective traces could be collected.

In addition, there are relatively many surveillance systems in the building for the disabled elderly in the health care center, and there are also surveillance cameras in the rooms.

In the health building where people can take care of themselves, there is absolutely no indoor surveillance, because these elderly people don't like to be filmed by cameras while living or sleeping.

Including the cameras in the corridor, some of them were broken by the old man with a cane. The ones that were not broken were also deflected, and the area that was originally intended to be monitored could no longer be captured. "

"So it was proven through other channels that someone secretly entered Fu Xianhai's room and adjusted the output of his oxygen machine. This seems to be difficult..." Ning Shuyi frowned worriedly.

Luo Wei spread his hands: "That's right! Just because there are no fingerprints on the adjustment button of the oxygen concentrator, it is not enough to prove that Fu Xianhai's death was caused by excessive oxygen administration!"

"Think about it again." Ning Shuyi murmured, pulling his chair back to the computer, tapping his fingers quickly on the keyboard, searching for relevant information.

The working principle of the oxygen concentrator and other things were completely outside her knowledge blind spot, and she was not sure whether her ideas were reasonable or not.

But these things are not something she can quickly figure out by simply searching for some relevant introductions.

"Let me contact the manufacturer of the machine." Seeing that she seemed to have no clue, Huo Yan handed the phone to Ning Shuyi, "This is the brand information on the machine that I took. I can contact the manufacturer.

No matter what the principle of oxygen production is, the machine always uses electricity. The power consumption is different with different power levels.

In addition, there must be many accessories and consumables in this machine that will be consumed during work.

Forensic doctor Zhang said that improving the purity and flow rate to create a 'happy death' is not something that can be achieved in an instant, but requires a time process.

Then if we provide some assistance through the manufacturer, we can always make slight differences through horizontal comparison, right? "

"Okay, then I will search for the contact information of this manufacturer!" Ning Shuyi looked at the brand and factory address on the photo and prepared to check the contact number.

Huo Yan pulled her and shook his head helplessly: "What time is it now?"

Ning Shuyi looked at the corner of the computer monitor and couldn't help but laugh: "Oh, it's so late! Unless the manufacturer can foresee that the equipment produced in his factory has been used by others and turned into a murder tool, it is indeed impossible at this time. There are still people on duty.”

"So it's not urgent. Are you hungry? Let's eat something first." Huo Yan was just about to ask Ning Shuyi what he wanted to eat when the phone on the table rang.

He hurriedly reached out to answer it, his expression changing from nervous to confused, and finally a little helpless.

"Okay, we'll go over there right now, thank you for informing us!" He hung up the phone, looked at Ning Shuyi, and sighed, "Let's go to the police station.

Fu Chen's brother and sister got into a fight with their cousin and went to the police station. "

Thanks to Aguiguiguigui, book friend 20210301101941354, and PualingZ x2 monthly pass!

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