Eye of Sin

Chapter 566 Rank

Chapter 566 Rank
"The fight ended in the police station?!" Ning Shuyi was also surprised.

When I met the brother and sister Fu Chen and Fu Shan before, apart from the unusual indifference they showed towards their father's death, they were generally considered to be polite and decent people.

Although it is wrong to judge people by their appearance, no one can avoid preconceptions.

So it was really unimaginable for her to think that this brother and sister and her cousin could go to the police station because of a fight.

No matter how unbelievable it is, it is an indisputable fact that the person is already at the police station. Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan hurriedly set off to the police station to see what was going on.

The police station that called them was quite far away from the police station. The two of them were stuck on the road for a while. By the time they got there, it was already late.

They were received by the policemen on night duty at the police station and brought them into the office.

"Where are the three people who were fighting?" Huo Yan asked.

The young police officer on duty was a little helpless: "We are in two separate offices! We can't get together. As long as we get together, say a word here, say a word there, you come and I can't stop you, and you will have to come again soon." Fight!"

"Please bring them all here." Huo Yan said to the young police officer.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" The young police officer saw that the three people had already caused a headache by the quarrel. At this moment, he thought that Huo Yan had not figured out the situation here. , I can’t stop you, I’ll take action as soon as I make a quarrel!”

"It's okay. If there's a fight, I'll be responsible for pulling away." Huo Yan nodded to the man and motioned for him to go ahead.

Considering that Huo Yan was from the city bureau after all, and was related to the case involving those three people, and that he was tall and strong, it would not be difficult for the young police officer to start a fight. The officer stopped insisting and asked another colleague to go inside and bring someone over.

The first person to come out was a middle-aged man about forty years old. He was wearing a pullover sweater. There were several jumper damage on the collar. If it weren't for his face, there would still be a blood mark that would not go away. , maybe people will think that this is some kind of trendy and avant-garde design concept.

This man's already slightly sparse hair was also very messy, as if it had been caused by a lot of tearing. At first glance, the battle seemed quite intense, but judging from his agility, there was also a somewhat cunning look in his eyes. It’s hard to see that this kind of “intensity” may also be created subjectively by this person.

This person is obviously Fu Xianhai's nephew Yang Jingcun.

Yang Jingcun followed the policeman out. He seemed to be honest and well-behaved, and even a little timid, as if he had suffered a great loss just now, and looked aggrieved.

But his eyes never looked honest for a moment. He first looked at Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan from a distance, quietly looked at them, and then looked towards the other door of the office, as if he was looking forward to the other side. The Fu family brothers and sisters appeared, and their eyes moved restlessly in their sockets.

On the other side, the two Fu brothers and sisters were also brought over with their heads drooped. However, as soon as they entered the office and saw Yang Jingcun who had come back ahead of them, Fu Chen's shoulders that had been slumped lifted up again. It seems that he wants to show off some authority and give the opponent some pressure in terms of momentum. Ning Shuyi looked at him and then at Yang Jingcun over there. It seemed clear at a glance who was a decent person and who was a bastard. The "rank" in this melee was also clear.

If Yang Jingcun didn't know Ning Shuyi and the others, and was still a little curious when he saw the two strangers, and would keep looking at them secretly, guessing their identity and purpose, and even their "camp", then he had already met them. Fu Chen and Fu Shan, who had interacted with each other before, recognized who these two people were at a glance.

The expressions on their faces suddenly became a little ugly.

After all, in the eyes of the two siblings, when they were at the Public Security Bureau, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan were polite to Cai Yujie and seemed to be more familiar with them than they were. They were already a little unhappy and felt that The positions of these two people are on Cai Yujie's side.

Now they didn't expect that for some reason, they would show up at the police station again, just in time to see the embarrassing scene of the two brothers and sisters at this moment, which naturally made them feel even more depressed and angry but did not dare to show up.

"Are you sure you want these three people to stay together?" At this time, the young police officer on duty was still a little unsure and asked Huo Yan again to confirm.

You can't blame him for being verbose. In fact, these three people were called to the police by neighbors for fighting outside. When they were taken to the police station to understand the situation and mediate, they actually got into a fight again in front of the policemen, and they were caught off guard. They started fighting, which was really hard not to give them a headache.

Huo Yan nodded calmly, thanked the two police officers who helped bring the three people over, and pointed to the three chairs next to each other: "You three sit down first."

Yang Jingcun observed the situation in front of him and sat down very obediently.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but he chose the middle seat among the three chairs. After sitting down, he didn't forget to turn his head to look at Fu Chen and Fu Shan, and patted the chairs on both sides with both hands: "Express. Brother, cousin, don't stand still! Sit down!

The police told me to sit down. You two are educated people who have studied in college. I, a semi-literate person, know that I have to obey orders. You two standing there with your old faces look so inappropriate! "

As soon as he said this, Fu Chen and Fu Shan's faces turned darker.

"That's how you arranged it?!" After all, Fu Shan was young and a girl. Even if she was annoyed, she was still a bit embarrassed. Fu Chen was braver than her. He pointed at the chair next to Yang Jingcun with a dark face and asked Huo Yan, "You How dare you let us sit with him?"

"Yes." Huo Yan acted very calmly and was not affected by Fu Chen's attitude at all. "Is there any problem? He bites?"

"Comrade police!" Upon hearing this, Yang Jingcun stood up and stood at attention, "Comrade police, I am a good citizen, not a dog, and I do not bite!"

Huo Yan ignored him and nodded to Fu Chen: "You heard him, he doesn't bite, so just sit down."

"No...are you crazy?!" Fu Chen didn't expect to get such a response from Huo Yan. His eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. He was so angry that he stuttered and pointed at an obvious red swelling on his cheek. "Do you have poor eyesight? Look here! This injury!
They were all beaten by him!
Now you actually want us to sit with him? ! Are you crazy? ! "

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