Eye of Sin

Chapter 567 One step to reach the destination

Chapter 567 One step to get it right

Yang Jingcun sneered disdainfully and pointed to the scars on his body: "What a humorous thing to say!

I was the one who beat you, and I was the one who beat me?

I'm not good at anything else, I just like to beat myself up after beating others! How funny!
Our own brothers had a little quarrel, bickering, and physical violence. Just now, the police comrades criticized and educated me, and I, the older brother, also realized that I was wrong.

Shanshan is a girl, young and timid. I can understand if she is scared now.

You said you, a grown man, are already approaching 40, right? You fought with your cousin for a few times, and now in front of the police, you are as scared as a little daughter-in-law who met a gangster. You are making a joke! "

What Yang Jingcun said was extremely wicked.

On the one hand, he put on a good attitude, as if he knew his mistakes and could correct them, but on the other hand, he seemed to be trying to persuade him, but there was a thorn in every word, which made Fu Chen very uncomfortable, and he couldn't bear it anymore. No, if an attack occurs, the other party will make trouble again.

"Hey! You all have ears!" Fu Chen's face turned red and he was almost trembling with anger. Yang Jingcun asked Huo Yan angrily, "Did he mean something good by that?!
He dares to speak like this and be so provocative in front of you. What would it be like in private? Do you dare to think? !

You just watch him provoking here and don't care and don't interfere? !
Do you want to solve the problem or make it worse? ! "

In addition to his psychological quality, Fu Chen is obviously not half as good as Yang Jingcun in how to use language as his "weapon".

He shifted his gaze to a police officer next to him: "How should we deal with their nature just now?"

Whether it is a scolding, provocation, or a fight, you should be aware of whether it is right or wrong and what the consequences will be. "

Huo Yan still showed no emotion at all on his face and was unimpressed.

The police officers who were previously responsible for mediating and handling the conflicts between them all looked unhappy now.

"It's not something that needs to be dealt with at the moment," the police officer replied. "It's still at the level where it can be mediated, but if it continues like this, it's going to be hard to say."

Huo Yan nodded and turned his attention back to Fu Chen, Yang Jingcun and others: "You are all adults, and you can be considered senior adults.

Yang Jingcun wanted to interrupt, but Huo Yan noticed it and glanced at him coldly. Yang Jingcun choked back the words that had already reached his throat and did not dare to speak.

"Even if you didn't know it before, after the mediation by the police from the police station, you should know it now." Huo Yan seemed to have guessed what Yang Jingcun wanted to say, glanced at him, and continued, "I should tell you. The truth has been said before. If we talk about solving problems, then we are not the ones solving them.

You are the one who started the fight, and you created the problem with your own hands. To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. It is you who need to solve the problem, not us. He glanced at Fu Chen: "If you are at the police station and cannot communicate calmly in the same office in front of the police, who will be responsible for helping you isolate each other when you leave this gate and go outside?"
Will you have to fight again, trouble your neighbors to call the police, and waste police resources to repeatedly deal with the problem between you?
It would be better not to let you go until we are sure that you can communicate rationally. "

"Then what if he takes action?!" Fu Chen couldn't refute Huo Yan's point of view, but he felt unhappy and could only find other reasons, "Aren't you afraid that if you let him stay with us, he would hit us?

He didn't make a serious move before, it's just that he didn't find the opportunity! If you don't solve the problem and just watch from afar, aren't you afraid that he will do something evil next time?
Maybe there’s no need to do it next time. Just now in this office, didn’t he also use force on us? If the police hadn't stopped us, who knows what would have happened to our brother and sister! "

When he said this, the young police officer who was still a little confused about Huo Yan's decision became unhappy. He pointed at Fu Chen and said to Huo Yan: "Just now in the office, in front of us, they were arguing and making noise. No matter how much they argue, he is the first to make a move, not the other party! "

"Why should I strike first!" When Fu Chen heard this, the boss was not happy, "Can I say strike?! I just saw that his attitude was not good, so I touched him like that!"

"Yes, yes! Comrade policeman, he is right!" Yang Jingcun had been watching from the sidelines for a long time without speaking. Now, after hearing Fu Chen's words, he hurriedly smiled miserably and replied pitifully. , pointing to the injury on his face, "He did just touch me, blaming me for being made of paper and of poor quality! If someone touches me, that's what happens here!"

"Yang Jingcun, stop fanning the flames!" Fu Chen was so annoyed that he wanted to jump to his feet.

Yang Jingcun waved his hands hurriedly: "Don't dare, don't dare! I'm afraid you'll 'touch' me again next time! Although I'm your cousin, I should let you go, but you always 'touch' me like this, and I don't I really can’t stand it!”

"You're done, aren't you?! You're getting more and more energetic as you talk, aren't you?!" Fu Chen was furious and subconsciously raised his tone a few degrees, sounding quite aggressive.

Yang Jingcun stopped arguing with him now and turned to look at Huo Yan. He had just seen it clearly after a long time. Among these people, Huo Yan seemed to be the one with the most say.

"Comrade, you have seen it! Did I say anything excessive from beginning to end?
It’s not that I don’t want to solve the problem properly, it’s just that my cousin is too easily excited. I was wrong not to speak, and it was also wrong to speak. I didn’t know what to do! "He said to Huo Yan in a pitiful tone.

"You're done, aren't you?!" Fu Chen became angry, as if he could hardly control his anger.

The more he behaved like this, the more Yang Jingcun shrank. While shrinking, his eyes looked at Fu Chen with a bit of pride and provocation, making Fu Chen even more furious.

"Why don't you stop me?" The police officer on duty at the police station was young after all. Seeing the two people showing signs of fighting again, he couldn't help but ask Huo Yan again.

Huo Yan nodded and replied in a voice that everyone present could clearly hear: "There's no need to stop me. There's surveillance in the office. Whoever provokes first will take action first. It's not difficult to confirm, and it's easy to prove it afterwards."

You have already said the truth during the previous mediation. Both of them are adults. If they can't calm down in front of our eyes, then let's solve it here. Afterwards, whether it is provoking trouble or intentional harm, it will be an administrative penalty. Whether it is filing a criminal case or filing a criminal case, we will handle it normally and do it in one step, which will do no harm to them or us. "

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