Eye of Sin

Chapter 665 Report the crime

Chapter 665 Report the crime
I don’t know if it was because he was subdued by Huo Yan in one move, but after Xu Chuanpeng was taken back to the Public Security Bureau, he behaved very honestly and did not dare to struggle.

He also confessed to the fact that he attacked Xu Li and did not try to conceal or make excuses.

As for why she took action against Xu Li, the reason was consistent with Ning Shuyi and the others' previous speculation. It was indeed related to the fact that Feng Hua conveyed Xu Li's advice and analysis of her to Xu Chuanpeng.

Although Xu Chuanpeng seemed to find ways to suppress and belittle Feng Hua, he actually knew in his heart that he was inferior to her in every aspect.

The more he knew that he was not worthy of Feng Hua, the more he feared that Feng Hua would suddenly realize this fact one day after her passion faded.

So he began to exercise mental control over Feng Hua over the years, deliberately exaggerating his own advantages all the time to create a sense of crisis for Feng Hua. In fact, he was just using such means to add a little sense of security to his uneasy heart.

He knew that Feng Hua was in great pain and under great mental pressure because of his words and actions, but this was exactly the effect he wanted. Xu Chuanpeng turned a blind eye to this and even went a step further.

Until one day, Feng Hua suddenly cried and said to him that someone told her that he was the source of all the pain in her life, and if she wanted to get better, she must stay away from this source.

Xu Chuanpeng's heart suddenly became alarmed and he became extremely panicked.

So he began to try to retain Feng Hua by flattering and showing weakness, and to test Feng Hua's attitude.

Feng Hua really fell for his tricks. She had originally decided to leave, but she softened her heart and couldn't let go, so the two of them reconciled.

But after this incident, Xu Chuanpeng still felt a thorn in his heart, and he was extremely uneasy.

He realized that if Xu Li was not eliminated, this man would continue to whisper in Feng Hua's ear, and Feng Hua might really wake up at some point and he would no longer be able to scare her.

Hence everything that happened later.

Xu Chuanpeng did not hide his motives at all. It seemed that all his intelligence was used to brainwash Feng Hua. He did not hide the fact that he wanted to kill Xu Li. He even thought that Xu Li would definitely die under his knife because he lacked common sense and had only seen many characters in movies and TV shows who fell to the ground and died after being stabbed once.

With all the evidence and confession in hand, Xu Chuanpeng was quickly detained and awaiting transfer to the procuratorate.

The case of Xu Li's attack was successfully solved in less than 48 hours, making everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

But Xu Li himself was not so lucky. He survived the critical period in the ICU and saved his life. However, he was not able to wake up immediately after being transferred to the general ward and was still in an unconscious state.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan went over to inquire about the situation, but the doctor was unable to give a 100% certain conclusion. He could only cautiously say that, at least for now, the patient's life was saved, but after such a long period of shock, no one could say for sure when the patient would truly wake up.

Even after waking up, whether Xu Li can return to his original state cannot be concluded before he wakes up. After all, the human body is so complex and individual differences are so great that no one can serve as an absolute reference precedent for another person.

In this case, there is no other way except to wait. Fortunately, Xu Li was kept in the hospital, receiving intravenous drips every day and being taken care of by professionals, which made people less worried.

While Xu Li's case was transferred for prosecution, Ning Shuyi immediately started to deal with his own affairs.

"Report a crime?" After hearing the reason why Ning Shuyi asked for leave, Dong Weifeng was stunned for a moment and asked hurriedly, "What happened?"

Ning Shuyi nodded and roughly described what Fang Zhiyang had done. She also showed him the photos she had taken from Fang Zhiyang's mother's mobile phone.

After hearing this, Dong Weifeng's face darkened several degrees: "This is simply nonsense! Lying is already too much, and even making such fake photos! This matter cannot be let go lightly, both in public and in private!

Go ahead, let Huo Yan accompany you! I've approved your leave!"

Ning Shuyi's leave was approved, and she and Huo Yan left their workplace and went to the local police station where Fang Zhiyang's home was to report the case.

The police officers at the police station did not expect that a criminal police from the municipal bureau would come to their police station to report a case, and they were a little confused for a moment. However, after listening to Ning Shuyi's explanation of the reason, a younger one frowned after looking at the photo, and seemed a little reluctant to look at it, while the other older one reacted quite calmly.

"Okay, then let's go through the normal process." The older middle-aged policeman nodded and reminded Ning Shuyi, "But you have to be mentally prepared. This family is not easy to deal with."

"Do you know them?" Ning Shuyi had already guessed the general idea when he saw that the senior was not surprised at all that the offender he was going to report was the Fang family.

"I don't know him. I don't want to know such a person!" The senior smiled bitterly and waved his hands, "Although I don't know him, I have dealt with him before.

The son of this family is a bad guy. He is quite messy in his relationships with women outside. A girl once called the police and said that during the time he was in a relationship with her, he not only had an improper relationship with other people, but also tried to persuade her to join in the affair.

The girl was furious and ran to call the police.”

Huo Yan frowned when he heard this: "So how did Fang Zhiyang deal with it later?"

“No action was taken.” The middle-aged policeman waved his hands and sighed, “Because the girl’s situation was different from yours. You have irrefutable evidence, but the girl’s rights had not been substantially infringed at the time. That’s just one-sided testimony.

She jumped up and down and demanded that we must deal with it. We must call both parties over and understand the situation clearly before we deal with it, right?

So we called the son of the Fang family over. When he came, he denied it and said that the two of them had a conflict and he said that on purpose to irritate his girlfriend or something. The girl also disagreed with him and the two of them had a big fight.

After a while, his parents came over and said they wanted to talk to the girl. We found a mediation room for them to talk. After the conversation, the girl changed her story and said that they were indeed in love and had a quarrel. She impulsively went to the police and now she has calmed down and everything is fine.

Sorry for updating so late! There will be another update later!

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