Eye of Sin

Chapter 666 Come to the door

Chapter 666 Come to the door

"So let's just leave it at that?" Huo Yan asked.

The middle-aged policeman spread his hands helplessly: "Yes, what else can we do? The dispute between the girl and the son of the Fang family was just a verbal dispute, and there is no evidence to prove any substantial behavior of the other party.

In addition, after they left, our mediation room was also monitored - the old couple of the Fang family talked to the girl and decided that since they were not suitable, they should just part ways amicably. It was their son who was misbehaving and they did not educate him well, so they were willing to compensate the girl for her mental damages.

If the other party does not accept it and insists on making a big fuss, they will not stop them. However, if this matter gets out, others will think that the son of the Fang family has bad character and is not clean. The girl has been in love with him for so long, and others will not think she is clean. It will not do her any good in any way.

After weighing the pros and cons, the girl realized that this was indeed the case, so she agreed to pay compensation for mental damage, break up peacefully, and stop making a fuss.

In fact, the son of that family has a very bad reputation in this area. There are quite a few well-off families living nearby, and there is a small circle of rich second-generations who are spoiled quite badly. The son of the Fang family is also famous in that small circle.

Do you think we are used to it or not? Of course we are not used to it!
But we can’t help but feel that his parents are always there to clean up the mess for him. Whenever there is a sign of trouble, before it’s our turn to intervene, his parents will use money to settle the matter. This may be the so-called ‘money power’!”

"It doesn't matter. This time it's different. I have enough evidence." Ning Shuyi pushed the USB drive that saved the evidence, "Technically speaking, the chat records and file contents that they deleted during this period can all be restored.

Here is the evidence that my colleague from the team helped me process, showing how Fang Zhiyang used photo processing software to transfer my photo onto another person and create a fake photo. I will not accept the "money power" and only want to go through legal procedures. "

"Okay, leave it to us. We'll contact you when we have further news!" The middle-aged policeman nodded approvingly. "It's because so many people agreed to settle the matter privately with them for compensation, so they have the illusion that as long as they have money, they don't have to worry about any trouble!"

After handling the report, the two men left the local police station and drove back to their unit.

Huo Yan didn't say much along the way. Ning Shuyi couldn't guess what he was thinking, but she could feel that he must be in a very bad mood at the moment.

After returning to the bureau, Huo Yan parked the car in the parking space, turned off the engine, and was about to open the door and get out of the car when Ning Shuyi suddenly grabbed him and said, "Don't leave in a hurry. It's been a dark cloud all the way. We're about to go upstairs, and you don't even plan to tell me why?"

"You never told me before that Fang Zhiyang called you and asked you to be his honorary girlfriend and talked about open marriage and other nonsense." Huo Yan sighed and sat back down.

"Yes, I didn't tell you." Ning Shuyi nodded. "You were still feeling awkward at that time because of your background. At best, we were just colleagues who were relatively familiar with each other. I don't think I have any right to tell you about this kind of thing."

"This is what makes me angry." Huo Yan sighed, "Why was I so uncomfortable in the first place? If I had been honest about my true feelings earlier, I could have beaten him up openly at that time."

Ning Shuyi was stunned for a moment. She had indeed not expected that Huo Yan would be angry about this. She couldn't help but laughed.

When she smiled like this, Huo Yan's ears turned red. Back in the team, the others also knew that Ning Shuyi had reported the case. Although they were not clear about the details, they had a general idea.

Several male colleagues who were usually careless about matters other than work did not react much calmer than Huo Yan to this incident. They were all very indignant, especially after Ning Shuyi came back and asked about the details, they became even more angry.

"A grown man, but he doesn't learn his lesson and he even messes around with a young girl's reputation. I think he deserves to be punished!" Zhao Dabao is one of the few married people in the team and a father too. He feels particularly angry when he hears about this kind of thing.

"Brother Bao, otherwise you can be the first to get out of being single and get married early! With this 'friend of women' aura, you have already won at the starting line!" Luo Wei couldn't help but tease Zhao Dabao, but then turned to Ning Shuyi and said seriously, "I guess that guy won't just wait for others to investigate and deal with him, right?
By then, the whole family might make trouble again, and try every way to persuade you to do something openly or secretly, and plead for mercy. Don't give in!

If he dares to cause you trouble, don't hesitate to deal with us brothers!"

Qi Tianhua patted him on the side and raised his chin towards Huo Yan: "Brother, no matter from the perspective of strength or relationship, it seems that you can't get a place in this matter!"

"A good tiger cannot defeat a pack of wolves. Isn't this a proof that there is strength in numbers?" Luo Wei stiffened his neck. "Anyway, Ning Shuyi, just remember this. Don't be a coward! Such a shameless person must be taught a lesson!"

Others followed suit.

"I appreciate your kindness. I will definitely not back down. Let the law decide what responsibilities he should bear and the price he should pay. You must not do anything against discipline just to speak up for me. It's not worth it." Ning Shuyi shook his head at a few people and glanced at Huo Yan with a warning.

Huo Yan looked away without any reaction.

I thought the topic had come to an end, but unexpectedly, the next morning, Fang Zhiyang, who had heard the news from somewhere, ran to the Public Security Bureau to find Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi received a call from the gate guard. She was about to explain the situation to the guard on duty and ask him to send Fang Zhiyang away, but Huo Yan snatched the receiver from her hand and simply said to the other end of the phone: "Let him come up."

Ning Shuyi looked at Huo Yan, who smiled at her calmly, "It's better to tell him in person that he doesn't need to try to settle it privately, so that he won't harass you endlessly."

Although Ning Shuyi felt that Huo Yan must have his own little calculations, there was nothing wrong with what he said and it still made sense.

"Don't do anything stupid, because it would be more trouble than it's worth if such a scumbag was implicated and punished." She could only remind Huo Yan again.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid." Huo Yan smiled faintly, stood aside with his arms folded, and said nothing more.

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