Eye of Sin

Chapter 68

Chapter 68
The elevator that had broken down sounded quiet. It was estimated that the rescuers hadn't arrived yet, so Ning Shuyi was a little anxious.

The square face just now was obviously very vigilant and very careful. The two of them have been staying on this floor. If they are bumped into again, it will definitely arouse the other party's suspicion and alarm them. The consequences may be serious.

She was worried, and hurried back on tiptoe, trying to tell Huo Yan about the unexpected situation here, and the two of them discussed a countermeasure.

As a result, they came to a fork in the road and did not see Huo Yan's figure. Ning Shuyi continued to walk forward, passed the door in the middle of the corridor, and through the sound of rumbling music, he vaguely heard some noisy voices inside, not the chatter before. It was the sound of fighting.

Ning Shuyi was startled, this was accidentally discovered by the other party, so Huo Yan rushed in alone? ? ?

She suddenly understood Dong Daduan's intention of making her stare at Huo Yan.

Although there are five people on the other side, there are only herself and Huo Yan on their side, and her level of close combat is just on the passing line, but the matter has come to this point, and there is no other way, her grappling and fighting skills can no longer be improved. No matter how bad he is, at least he can be regarded as a helper. He can't hold back, and can't let Huo Yan fight alone.

Ning Shuyi took a deep breath and walked forward quickly. Just two steps away, the little yellow hair who had sent them out ran out from inside, looking very panicked, with a dagger in his hand.

He probably didn't expect that there was another person blocking the corridor. He was shocked when he saw Ning Shuyi, and then he quickly looked behind Ning Shuyi, and saw that there was no one else. , and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Get out of the way! Don't force me to fight with you!" Little Huang Mao waved the dagger in his hand, and shouted at Ning Shuyi fiercely.

Ning Shuyi didn't expect to have such a "narrow encounter" with Xiao Huangmao at this time. After recovering from his senses, he didn't have any hesitation. He turned around quickly, rushed to the door in the corridor, and closed the door superior.

She may not be able to defeat many gangsters by herself, but at least in this situation, it is completely fine to ensure that the other party does not run out.

"What are you doing?!" Little Huangmao was not really a ruthless character, and when he saw that Ning Shuyi had closed and locked the door, as if he was going to block it and not allow anyone to pass, he was a little flustered.

But in a panic, he still put on a vicious face, shouted at Ning Shuyi and rushed towards her: "I advise you to get out of the way and get out of the way! Otherwise, I will help you today." Make a few holes, and then don't cry!"

Ning Shuyi stood at the door without giving way. Although he said that he had been out on the job for the past few years, he had never met someone like this before, especially when the other party was holding a dagger in his hand. gangsters.

She knows that she has no advantage in physical fitness, so she has never had the bad habit of overthinking her abilities. When she saw that the little yellow hair was about to charge forward, she immediately stretched her hand to her waist and took out the pepper she had been carrying all year round from her pocket. spray.

In a situation where physical strength is not dominant, even if she has the same dagger in her hand, she may not be able to turn the situation around smoothly, but the unexpected pepper spray is far better than a murder weapon that is easy to be snatched away much.

Just when she was holding the time in her mind and was about to spray pepper water on Xiao Huangmao at the best time, behind Xiao Huangmao, a nimble figure rushed over at an extremely fast speed. Ning Shuyi glanced at him After a while, Little Huang Mao didn't even have time to turn around when he heard the voice, when he was pulled from behind violently and lost his center of gravity.

Huo Yan is like an agile leopard, with a set of grappling movements that are not sloppy. In the blink of an eye, the stern little yellow-haired man was disarmed, lying on the ground in an awkward posture, with his arms cut behind him, and was caught by Huo Yan's knee. Pressed down, he couldn't move at all, and the dagger was kicked away by Huo Yan, and it slid a few meters away against the tiled floor.

"Do you want to make a few holes in other people's bodies?" Huo Yan had a sneer on his face, looking at the embarrassed little yellow hair, his eyes were a little more playful, "Come on! Try to get up! Pick up your dagger and go open it!"

The little yellow hair was startled and frightened, but after all, it was uncomfortable to be so provocative, so he squeezed out a bit of courage from nowhere, fought hard to feed, and really wanted to struggle a few times.

However, his struggle seemed weak, like a monkey grandson who was pinned down by the Tathagata Buddha at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, unable to turn over at all.

Huo Yan put more strength into his knees, and the little yellow hair suddenly groaned in pain. Huo Yan looked at him contemptuously: "Dare to commit crimes with weapons in front of me, do you think I'm dead?!"

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Ning Shuyi, and seeing that she was a little dazed, he asked, "How is it? Are you all right?"

Ning Shuyi came back to his senses, waved his hands to show that he was fine, put the pepper spray back into his pocket, and asked Huo Yan: "Where are those people in the room?"

"It's all subdued, don't worry." Huo Yan replied, "Don't worry about running away for a while."

Ning Shuyi was a little surprised. It didn't take long for Huo Yan to rush in. The four people inside didn't seem to be good at it. He settled it all by himself?

As if he had sensed Ning Shuyi's surprise and doubt, Huo Yan's next actions immediately gave an answer.

I saw that he was pinching the little yellow hair's big arm with ease, but I didn't see how he did it, and felt that when he pushed and pulled, the little yellow hair let out a cry of pain.

Immediately afterwards, he repeated the action just now, lifted the knee that was originally on the little yellow fur's back, stood up, and clapped his hands, as if he thought the little yellow fur was dirty.

The little yellow hair was lying on the ground in a dead dog-like posture. If he hadn't been grunting in pain, it would have been more like that, with his arms stuck to the ground and motionless.

"His arm is...?" Ning Shuyi looked at the scene and guessed it in his heart, but he was still a little uncertain.

"Dislocation, dislocation of joints, don't dare to move." Huo Yan replied very naturally, "We don't have enough manpower now, otherwise we can't control it."

"The four in that room...?"

"The same." Huo Yan nodded.

Ning Shuyi hurried forward a few steps, bypassing the little yellow hairs on the ground, came to the door, looked inside, and found that the people in the room were different from the little yellow hairs. It was also lying there unconsciously.

Turning her head again, before she could ask what was going on, Ning Shuyi found that the little yellow-haired man who was still grunting just now was lying on the ground without moving.

(End of this chapter)

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