Eye of Sin

Chapter 69 Double-sided

Chapter 69 Double-sided
"This..." Ning Shuyi was a little dazed. It was the first time for her to experience a one-vs-five situation, let alone a one-vs-five situation where the "five" ended up unconscious.

She knew that Huo Yan was very capable, but she couldn't help but worry that if this guy couldn't stop, if he accidentally got into trouble, it would be more harm than good.

"Give them..." she asked.

Huo Yan guessed Ning Shuyi's worries at this moment from her nervous expression, and shook his head at her: "Don't worry, I'm not dead, nothing will happen.

These few were all stubbornly resisting, so I knocked the carotid sinus, passed out temporarily, and could wake up when they turned around.

I temporarily removed their arms so that they would not be armed or run away with their legs lifted.

If I want to control these people as soon as possible, without creating too much momentum and alarming the outside world, I can only use this method. "

Ning Shuyi nodded to express her understanding, and by the way told Huo Yan her guess about the elevator failure and other colleagues being trapped in the elevator.

Huo Yan looked at the time: "I'm here to guard, you go and see if it's what you guessed, if that's the case, how to bring these people back to the bureau, make an idea as soon as possible, so as not to cause complications , I will be troublesome then."

Ning Shuyi also understood this truth, and immediately nodded kindly, putting aside all other thoughts in his mind for the time being, and hurriedly turned around and went out. When he went to the elevator room, he found that the elevator car was still stuck on the original two floors. Did not move at all.

But compared to just now, now I can hear a little movement coming from the elevator shaft, it seems that the rescuers have arrived.

Taking out her mobile phone, she tried to dial the numbers of those colleagues, but there was still no response. Ning Shuyi came to the window on the side of the elevator and looked downstairs. A fire truck, and there are some onlookers beside the car.

It seems that it is not easy to quietly take people away according to the original plan!

After all, even with a fire engine parked outside the building, people can gather around to watch, what is the rescue scene inside the building like!

Since you can't pull people away in a low-key manner according to the original plan, you might as well do the opposite, and simply raise your profile!

Ning Shuyi used his mobile phone to search for a local ambulance rental company in W City, contacted the paid ambulance transfer vehicle, and told the address where the "wounded" needed to be picked up and the destination to be sent to.

If the information on the Internet is correct, this paid ambulance transfer leasing company is considered small and well-experienced, but at first hearing Ning Shuyi's request, I was a little dazed, and I kept checking with her. It was to be sent to the Public Security Bureau, not to the hospital, and in the end he agreed with suspicion.

After contacting the ambulance, Ning Shuyi paced back and forth in the elevator, worried that Huo Yan would guard the five suspects alone, and also worried about the few colleagues who were tied up in the elevator.

This elevator has been out of order for a while. The car is hanging halfway up a high-rise building, and there is a lot of risk in itself. In addition, she and Huo Yan have experienced it just now. There are many people, so many people are crowded in the small car, the air that is not well circulated is afraid that it will be even thinner, and the feeling must be uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the sound from the elevator shaft is still clanging non-stop, making it hard to guess what's going on downstairs.

After a while, Ning Shuyi heard voices coming from the stairwell, so he quickly raised his vigilance, staring at the door, and then saw his colleague Xiao Sun climbing up out of breath.

Seeing that it was him, Ning Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried up to help him: "Are you trapped in the elevator?"

Xiao Sun waved his hand out of breath, and took a breath before answering her: "It's more than that! You don't even know what we've been through!
After we waited for the two of you to go up, we felt that it was almost the same, and we were about to go upstairs, but when the elevator reached the sixth floor, it suddenly lost control and fell down. Fortunately, Li Jun reacted quickly and pressed all the floor buttons in the elevator. !
Then when the elevator fell to the second floor, it slowed down, stopped for a while and started to go down. We all thought that when it stopped and opened the door, we would rush up the stairs. We never thought that after the elevator reached the underground, it would stop. Stop, but don't open the door!
We were locked inside, and the mobile phone had no signal, and we were about to die of panic!
But our luck was pretty good, the other elevator was said to be stuck in an awkward position, and people couldn't get out after the door was opened!Firefighters and elevator maintenance people are still figuring it out!
Our side comes out first. I am the youngest and have good physical strength. I am not as uncomfortable as some of them. I will come up first to meet you!
How about it?What's the situation above?How are you in the elevator?What about our team 'Gun God'? "

"Everyone called Huo Yan down, so I called a private ambulance to help us transfer back to the station, so that it would be less likely to cause confusion." Ning Shuyi didn't think too much, and replied casually, "Now both elevators are still in use. It has not resumed operation, and it may take a while for people from the ambulance transfer company to come up, and it happens that you have all arrived, so I have a bottom line in my heart."

Xiao Sun opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised, but asked uncertainly, "How many people are there?"

"Five in total." Ning Shuyi said.

Xiao Sun's mouth opened a little wider, and stars were about to appear in his eyes: "Oh my God! It's really me, Huo Shen! One against five, and a landslide victory! That's amazing! Sister Ning, are you here?" Wait for them here for a while, I'll go and worship them!"

Xiao Sun is a fresh graduate who has just been in the team for less than half a year. It is the stage of enthusiasm, especially when facing a hard-line temperament like Huo Yan. Art is a little dumbfounded.

In fact, it's no wonder Xiao Sun was excited. She hadn't seen how Huo Yan knocked down the four in the room by himself just now. Just seeing the series of actions he made to subdue the little yellow hair in front of her had already possessed Shocking enough.

But what surprised Ning Shuyi the most was not Huo Yan's one-to-five ability, but Huo Yan's unprecedented spirit just now.

At that moment, it was as if the invisible seal had been released from his body, causing his whole body to emit a dazzling light, sweeping away the previous depression and restraint in an instant.

It seemed that only at that moment just now did he show complete confidence and release the other side of himself that had been closed and hidden from others.

(End of this chapter)

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