Eye of Sin

Chapter 702 Observer

Chapter 702 Observer

One thing these three people have in common is that they are all still single.

"If you ask me, I think Jiao Cheng is the scariest. What a guy! He never makes it clear whether he likes her or not every day. He always stares at the girl for no reason. It's quite weird when you think about it." Zhao Dabao felt that the behavior of his colleague Zhu Qingqing made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"This kind of silent observer is indeed worth noting." Ning Shuyi agreed with Huo Yan's opinion, "It is mainly because there is no way for people to infer his intentions simply from his behavior. Is this kind of observation coming from attraction or disgust?"

"What about Jiang Jinyang and Cao Jin?" Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi, "Who do you think is more suspicious between the two of them?"

"From the surface, it must be Cao Jin." Ning Shuyi answered very straightforwardly without any hesitation. It was obvious that this was an idea she had already made up her mind.

"Huh? Why is that?" Zhao Dabao was a little puzzled. "If I were to take a look, I think Cao Jin's feelings for Zhu Qingqing might not be very deep. He was just interested in her, so after being rejected, he turned around and got together with someone else.

Would someone who doesn't take feelings seriously do something so extreme?"

"Too shallow." Ning Shuyi shook his head.

"What's shallow?" Zhao Dabao was a little confused.

"Your understanding of Cao Jin's behavior is superficial," Ning Shuyi said, "If Cao Jin pursued Zhu Qingqing vigorously at first, and then was rejected, and then immediately pursued another girl vigorously, then this is more in line with the situation you described. It may be that this person treats relationships so casually, treating relationships as a game and not taking them seriously.

But is Cao Jin like this? Obviously not.

His initial attitude towards Zhu Qingqing was ambiguous, giving people a sense of ambiguousness.

People around them seemed to think that the two of them had a close relationship and there must be some story behind them, but as the person involved, Zhu Qingqing had no way to properly reject Cao Jin because he did not express any clear meaning.

What is the starting point of your practice? "

"Self-protection." Huo Yan thought of it immediately. "This way, he can attack or defend, and the loss to himself will be minimal."

Ning Shuyi nodded. What Huo Yan said was exactly her judgment.

"It is obvious that Cao Jin's favorite person in his heart is himself. At the beginning, he approached Zhu Qingqing with a low-key and ambiguous attitude, hoping to avoid the risk of being rejected and lose face, and to win over Zhu Qingqing like boiling a loach in warm water. However, he did not expect that when people around them really regarded them according to his plan, Zhu Qingqing chose to make it clear and cut off the relationship regardless of whether he had made his feelings clear or not.

So afterwards he suddenly changed his previous behavior and pursued another girl in a very high-profile manner in a very short time, and showed off their love crazily in front of outsiders.

Putting these two completely different attitudes together can explain a lot of problems. The most obvious one is that the reason Cao Jin did this was not because he was a playboy, but because he wanted to save face. He could quickly chase any girl he wanted to prove his charm as long as he wanted, and by the way, he could clear up the previous embarrassment and prove to others that it was not that he was cruelly rejected by Zhu Qingqing, but that he never took Zhu Qingqing seriously at all, and it was Zhu Qingqing who was self-indulgent and wishful thinking. "

"Oh! I see! This guy pretends to be very slick, as if he can handle it with ease, but in fact he can't pick it up or let it go. All his actions to save face are just to cover up his inner embarrassment?
No wonder he later tried to find out in a roundabout way whether Zhu Qingqing was single or with someone. It turns out he hasn't let it go at all!
Then isn't this Cao Jin more worthy of suspicion?"

Huo Yan shook his head at him: "Just now Ning Shuyi said 'on the surface'."

Zhao Dabao was stunned. He vaguely remembered that Ning Shuyi seemed to have said this, but they just talked about a lot of other things, which diluted this seemingly unimportant sentence.

"Huo Yan, okay, okay! In the future you will definitely not have any family conflicts over things like 'did you listen to me carefully' or 'did you take what I said to heart'!" He gave Huo Yan a thumbs up and teased half-jokingly.

Huo Yan smiled and looked at Ning Shuyi again: "So the person you suspect the most is Jiang Jinyang?"

Ning Shuyi did not comment: "The reason why Cao Jin is so proud is that in his mind, everything about him is the most important, ahead of everyone else and everything else, with the highest priority.

So he would do whatever it takes to maintain his face. Afterwards, it may be that he has not let go of his unfulfilled feelings for Zhu Qingqing, or he may just be unwilling to accept it, or he wants to see the other person live a worse life than himself and be unhappy. In the final analysis, it is to make up for the damage to his self-esteem that year.

Such a person may be sarcastic, mocking, or even spreading rumors and slander, but he will never risk sending himself to jail to take revenge on Zhu Qingqing, the woman who hurt his self-esteem.

After all, getting yourself involved is a more unprofitable business.

But I can’t say now whether I suspect Jiang Jinyang or Jiao Cheng more.

Jiang Jinyang seems to be upright, but judging from the fact that he keeps fighting and fighting despite repeated failures and rejections, he is able to suppress his self-esteem, adjust his strategies, and try to make a comeback in different ways. This is no longer the level of deep affection or infatuation, but a person with a strong desire to win.

So it is hard to say whether his dignified exit later was because he was really willing to accept it, or whether it was the same as Cao Jin's, just to satisfy his own self-esteem.

We have already mentioned Jiao Cheng before. It is hard to tell what his purpose is as a quiet observer."

Zhao Dabao also got the idea after hearing this and nodded repeatedly: "That's true! When I was pursuing my wife, I wasn't so flexible.

I just had one thought: I liked this girl and I wanted to be with her, so I wanted to show her my good side, be nice to her, and care about her.

If I can impress her, I will keep trying. If she just doesn't like my style... I don't know how to change my style to please her!
After all, I am just a living person, not a Transformer, how can I have so many forms and changes! "

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