Eye of Sin

Chapter 703 The Second Rich Generation

Chapter 703 Rich Second Generation

Huo Yan also nodded, he felt the same way.

It’s not that you can’t make some changes for someone just because you like them, but it’s difficult to change one’s nature, and the changes you can make are ultimately limited.

For example, if a person who doesn’t like spicy food falls in love with a girl who loves spicy food, he may try to adapt to her food taste for the sake of love.

For example, a person who doesn't like watching horror movies normally may choose a horror movie that the other person likes in order to please the other person.

Another example is clothing style. In order to make the other person happy, when two people are on a date, they will dress according to the other person's preferences and change their usual style.

This is all possible.

But it is very difficult to make a person who has no sense of romance to celebrate 365 anniversaries in different ways in 400 days a year in pursuit of a sense of ritual, or for a person who is allergic to peppers to stuff peppers into his mouth in order to please his partner.

But Jiang Jinyang, in order to pursue Zhu Qingqing, sometimes played the role of an artistic young man, sometimes played the role of a passionate athlete, and he used all kinds of styles.

It is difficult to say whether this is because of liking the other person, wanting to please the other person, or a spirit of not admitting defeat.

"In fact, there is another problem here," Ning Shuyi had been thinking about one thing just now, "Based on Zhu Qingqing's personality in real life, she doesn't seem to intend to have a deeper relationship with any member of the opposite sex.

In such a situation, what is the probability that she would choose to accept an invitation from the opposite sex and go to such a remote crime scene, a house that obviously has few residents?"

"So when Zhu Qingqing went on the date, she probably didn't know that the person who asked her out was a person of the opposite sex." Huo Yan understood.

Zhao Dabao also quickly came up with the answer along this line of thought: "The murderer disguised himself as someone else on the Internet, such as a woman of similar age to Zhu Qingqing, approached her, gained her trust, and tricked her into coming over!"

"So right now we have to proceed in two directions simultaneously. On the one hand, we need to grasp the real-life movements of Cao Jin, Jiang Jinyang, and Jiao Cheng and collect clues. On the other hand, we need to continue to investigate Zhu Qingqing's online activities and see if anyone says that she has close online contacts." Ning Shuyi already had a clear plan in mind. "Zhao Dabao, which side do you want?"

"I want the real life stuff!" Zhao Dabao said without hesitation, "I really don't understand those things on the Internet. Even though those people in their early twenties are only 11 or 12 years older than me, when they say that, I really don't understand a lot of what they mean!

So just hand over the living people outside to me!"

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan had no objection to this, so Zhao Dabao contacted other people in the group, and after everyone divided the work, they went back to their work.

Zhu Qingqing has quite a lot of contacts on the Internet. After some investigation, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan discovered that some of them were actually classmates from the girls' mutual aid group she attended in college. These people encouraged and cheered each other on the Internet, and quarreled with others together, just like a fan club of a "quarrel organization."

Although these people were very aggressive on the Internet and had close contacts with Zhu Qingqing, they were also excluded in the first batch because they were all women without exception.

Other accounts that did not win the argument against Zhu Qingqing in the comment area or discussion group, and abused Zhu Qingqing in private messages were also excluded. There is a clear psychological difference between women and men.

Some men who are not mature and cautious enough are often easily provoked. Even if they dislike each other and insult each other, as long as the other party provokes them with a sentence like "You dare not do this or that because you have no guts", these people will instantly lose their minds, immediately accept the other party's invitation or challenge, and prepare to go to the appointment with high morale.

However, few women have such psychological characteristics. On the one hand, this is because women are naturally more adventurous than men, and on the other hand, it is also due to the subtle education from society and family.

Under the influence of various factors, women tend to be more cautious and rarely buy into invitations or provocations from strangers, so it is rare for women to succeed through provocation.

Zhu Qingqing's personality in real life is very different from her online behavior. Naturally, she is not someone who would be easily provoked and then rashly go to a date.

The more people argue with her online, the less suspicious they are.

After eliminating these two groups of people, the remaining workload will not be that heavy.

Although the workload has been reduced a lot, it is still quite trivial overall.

Fortunately, Ning Shuyi has always been very patient. He was not in a hurry. He compared carefully and steadily and soon made a new discovery.

She took screenshots of some pictures and sent them to Huo Yan: "Take a look and see if you can see anything!"

Huo Yan opened the pictures she sent him and found that they were all screenshots of private chats. Although they were all sent to Zhu Qingqing, the senders were from different accounts. From the avatars to the nicknames, they were all different and had no similarities at all.

In the first set of screenshots, the avatar of the account that sent a private message to Zhu Qingqing was a photo of a muscular man. He looked sunny and strong, dressed like a trendy man.

This man was very enthusiastic towards Zhu Qingqing from the beginning. He took the initiative to talk to her, introduce himself, and describe his educational background, age, hobbies, etc. It was not difficult to tell from his words that he should be a person with very good living conditions. His hobbies are mostly diving, gliding, wine tasting, and even off-road racing. In short, these are extremely expensive hobbies.

This second-generation rich man claimed that he was learning in his family's business, but his family was not in a hurry for him to take over. Instead, they hoped that he could use this time to find a satisfactory girlfriend and settle the marriage issue as soon as possible.

He personally prefers traditional Chinese girls and not overly enthusiastic ones. He hopes to see the world and enjoy life with his future partner. After all, the conditions are there and expenses are not a problem.

It can be said that this person is quite proactive and aggressive, and among the various information introducing himself are some handsome photos of himself.

Unfortunately, compared with his proactive enthusiasm, Zhu Qingqing's reaction was very cold. At first, she responded with a few words, but later, when she saw that the other party was talking more and more about her intention to meet in person, she even ignored him.

This is the last volume of this book. After the main story is finished, do you have any extra stories you want to read? If you do, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can have some time to think about it and satisfy you as much as possible~

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