Eye of Sin

Chapter 704 Patricide

Chapter 704 Patricide
In the second set of screenshots, the protagonist chatting with Zhu Qingqing has changed to another person. The avatar is a very literary photo. In the hazy night, a thin young man is holding a burning fairy wand in his hand. The golden flames of the fairy wand are reflected on the young man's face, revealing a sad emotion.

The conversation of this literary young man seems to be the same, full of philosophical thoughts and melancholy about life.

He started chatting with Zhu Qingqing under her reply to a post, and then moved on to private messages. At first, the topic of their conversation mainly revolved around the content of the post. It was not a very close communication, but there was some back and forth, with questions and answers.

However, later on, there was no room for further discussion on the content of that post, and the topic of literary young men naturally began to expand to other aspects.

Obviously, from then on, Zhu Qingqing no longer had any interest in having a deep conversation with the other party, and she stopped replying to the other party's messages. When asked by the other party, it would take a long time for her to make excuses, saying that she was too busy and had no time to chat, and then attaching an insincere "sorry".

The third group of pictures is a "middle-aged" netizen who looks very mature from the profile picture. He exudes wisdom everywhere in the communication process with Zhu Qingqing. He is always calm and composed like a person who has experienced it, and gives Zhu Qingqing some advice when she is very irritable.

This person can be said to be the one who received the most and most enthusiastic responses from Zhu Qingqing among the three groups of chat records that Huo Yan has seen so far.

Zhu Qingqing did not seem to reject the advice of this mature uncle, and at one point she even said with some gratitude, "If 99% of men in the world are the same, I'm glad I met an exception", which was a surprisingly high evaluation from her.

But the good times didn't last long. After the uncle began to show some enthusiasm beyond the level of concern between friends, Zhu Qingqing quickly realized this and began to distance herself from him in her words.

After discovering that the other party did not give up, Zhu Qingqing even blocked this person directly.

The last group of pictures also contains the most chat content.

This time, the person Zhu Qingqing was chatting with was a girl.

Initially, the girl came to Zhu Qingqing for help because she was troubled by the on-and-off entanglements between herself and her boyfriend and didn't know how to resolve the issue. She envied Zhu Qingqing's strength and independence in the discussion group, so she couldn't help but want to confide her inner world to her.

Zhu Qingqing was obviously more enthusiastic and considerate to this girl who was confused and helpless in her relationship than to other inexplicable netizens.

She listened to the girl's story and gave her all kinds of suggestions. Although she felt that the girl should cut the Gordian knot most, she did not express understanding when she saw that she was hesitant and unable to do so, and she just kept comforting her.

In this way, after a few times, although the girl never listened to Zhu Qingqing's advice to break up completely, it seemed that from her words, she gradually began to assert herself under Zhu Qingqing's guidance, dared to fight against her boyfriend, and safeguarded her rights, instead of blindly compromising.

Zhu Qingqing was very happy to see the change in the other person, and their friendship deepened.

After a while, the girl proposed to contact Zhu Qingqing using an app. The reason was that her boyfriend felt that she had changed a lot and always thought that someone was instigating her, so he began to check her account frequently. In order to avoid being disturbed by the other party, the best way was to change the platform.

The app she proposed has a very special function, which is "burn after reading". All incoming and outgoing messages will be kept for only one minute after being read and will be automatically deleted without any trace.

Zhu Qingqing agreed to the other party's request, and the chat between the two of them came to an abrupt end. Ning Shuyi saw that Huo Yan's eyes had fallen on the end of the last picture in the last group of pictures, so he asked: "How is it? What do you think?"

Huo Yan raised his hand to signal her to wait, then opened the first few sets of pictures and looked at them over and over again. With a look of certainty in his eyes, he turned to Ning Shuyi and said, "In these four sets of chat records, the person who talked to Zhu Qingqing from beginning to end is the same person."

Ning Shuyi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I knew that with your keen eyesight, you would definitely be able to find clues from this, but you found it much faster than I thought. It took me a while to figure it out."

"It's not hard to find out, it's mainly because this guy talks too much." Although Huo Yan's expression was calm, he still had some faint smile lines at the corners of his eyes when he was praised by his girlfriend, "When you talk too much, it's easy for people to catch your characteristics.

No matter what identity or topic he uses, or what tone he pretends to use, some core idioms will not change, including some typing errors, which both he and his input method have become accustomed to.

If it were just a few sentences, it might not be easy to see, but with so many conversations and so many accounts put together, the commonality becomes obvious.

Zhu Qingqing was a person who was in a difficult position. To her, these 'four people' appeared separately. She had no chance to compare the contents of the chats horizontally. In addition, she had a preconceived notion in her mind that these were four different people, so she naturally had no doubts. "

"Using so many identities to test repeatedly, who can do this? Even without saying it, we can tell." Ning Shuyi's opinion is exactly the same as Huo Yan's. "In this case, there is one person who is very important to us."

"Jiao Cheng." Huo Yan gave the answer for her.

The two of them had just reached a tacit agreement on this issue, and over there, Luo Wei and Qi Tianhua came back in a hurry with very complicated expressions.

"What's wrong? Are you having difficulties with the case?" Ning Shuyi saw them like this and thought that the other group's investigation had hit a bottleneck, so he hurriedly asked.

"It's okay. I'll come back to get the documents and prepare to close the net." Lowe wiped his sweat.

"Doesn't that mean the case is solved?" Huo Yan was a little surprised. "Then why do you look like that?"

"Don't mention it!" Qi Tianhua sighed, "This suspect is the son of the deceased."

"Patricide?!" Ning Shuyi was stunned.

Qi Tianhua nodded, glanced at the time, motioned to Luo Wei next to him, and then waved at the two of them, "Let's go get the paperwork first, the others are still waiting there!
Once we bring the person back and interrogate him, we will tell you in detail!"

Thanks to annes741111 x3, good at dry humor x2, and He Yi Juyou for the monthly ticket!

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