Eye of Sin

Chapter 705 Thoroughly

Chapter 705 Thoroughly
Luo Wei and Qi Tianhua came and left in a hurry, arousing the curiosity of Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan before running away.

Fortunately, Ning and Huo also have their own things to do, so they can suppress their curiosity for the time being.

They first communicated with Zhao Dabao's group to confirm the situation of the people who were being targeted and their own speculations. After gaining their approval, the two set off and headed straight for the company where Zhu Qingqing worked before her death.

When Jiao Cheng walked out of the elevator after get off work, he saw a strange man and woman standing opposite the elevator, and their eyes fell on him.

He subconsciously turned his head to the side and quickly checked his appearance through the reflection of the silver elevator door that had just closed. There was nothing wrong with his appearance and there was nothing worth a stranger's stare at.

Turning back, Jiao Cheng quickly glanced across and saw that the two people were still there, still staring at him.

He frowned, pretending to be unaware, and walked out with big strides. After passing through the automatic access control, he turned his head and found that the two people had followed him out.

For some reason, although Jiao Cheng did not turn his head to look directly at the other person, he inexplicably felt as if the two people's gazes were glued to him.

This feeling is not good. It makes people feel indescribable self-consciousness and a kind of creepy panic surges from the bottom of their hearts.

Driven by this emotion, his pace involuntarily quickened.

Behind him, the two people also quickened their pace.

Finally, just as he walked down the steps in front of the office building, Jiao Cheng, who had been disturbed, could no longer bear it and turned around abruptly, wanting to yell at the people behind him, "What on earth are you doing?"

But...where are the people... ?
Behind him, people getting off work came out one after another and dispersed after leaving the building.

There are no strange men and women following him...

Jiao Cheng stood there in a daze, even a little dazed for a moment, wondering if his brain was a mess after working a whole day, so he had such an inexplicable hallucination.

But the illusion seemed a little too real...

He shook his head, trying to forget that feeling, and walked quickly to the parking lot next to him, wanting to drive home as soon as possible, finish the day's work, and devote himself to his personal life.

When he finally saw the familiar car parked in the familiar spot in the parking lot, Jiao Cheng was surprised to find that the man and woman, whom he had just thought was an illusion, were now standing in front of his car, still staring at him expressionlessly.

Jiao Cheng opened his mouth subconsciously. If the sun had not set yet and the bright, golden sunlight was shining on his face, he would have felt like he had seen a ghost.

"What do you do?!" he asked with some anger and displeasure.

But for some reason, the words he said not only did not sound intimidating, but instead sounded weak.

"It doesn't feel good to be watched secretly, right?" The woman among the strange man and woman smiled at him, but did not answer his question. Instead, she threw another question back at him.

Jiao Cheng felt an inexplicable sense of guilt.

The strange man, expressionless, took something out of his arms, held it out to him, and showed it to him. Jiao Cheng saw clearly that it was a police officer's ID card...

At that moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, felt a little guilty, a little angry, but more of a sense of relief.

"Jiao Cheng, please cooperate with our work and come with us." After some mystification, looking at the satisfactory results in front of him, Ning Shuyi smiled gently at Jiao Cheng and spoke.

Huo Yan raised his hand and pointed at their car parked not far away.

"Then...what about my car?" After Jiao Cheng came to his senses and found that these two people were police officers, his voice finally returned to normal.

After asking this question, he regretted it a little. Without waiting for the two people to answer, he waved his hand hastily: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask. I'll go with you and leave the car here. At worst, I can take the subway to work tomorrow morning."

"Give her the key. You and I will share a car, and she will help you drive your car to the police station." Huo Yan gestured to Ning Shuyi.

Jiao Cheng subconsciously felt that this male policeman was not someone who was easy to negotiate with, so he didn't say anything more, took out the key and handed it to Ning Shuyi, then followed Huo Yan into their car.

About half an hour later, two cars turned into the gate of the Public Security Bureau one after the other.

Ten minutes later, Jiao Cheng was already sitting in the criminal police team's office. Although he was a little nervous, he was generally calm.

"Jiao Cheng, we don't want to waste too much of each other's time. First of all, thank you for your willingness to cooperate with our work. Secondly, let us confirm again that Zhu Qingqing is your colleague, right?" Ning Shuyi said to him.

When Jiao Cheng heard Zhu Qingqing's name, his eyebrows twitched, and then he nodded: "Yes, we are colleagues."

"She has been missing for several days. You know this, right?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

"Yes, I know." Jiao Cheng replied, "Not only do I know it, everyone in our company knows it." Jiao Cheng replied.

"She's dead." Ning Shuyi told him directly, "So, please tell us everything you know about Zhu Qingqing in as much detail as possible. This will be of great help to our investigation."

"He's really dead..." Jiao Cheng didn't seem particularly surprised. After a slight pause, he just murmured in a low voice, then nodded, "Okay, although I don't know how I can help, but if there is anything I can understand, just ask me, and I will do my best to help."

"Mr. Jiao, you're too polite." Ning Shuyi smiled. "I can't say anything about a wider range, but at least looking at your entire company, I'm afraid there's no one else who knows Zhu Qingqing as well as you do, right?"

After hearing this, Jiao Cheng opened his mouth to make some explanation, but Ning Shuyi raised his hand to signal him.

"Mr. Jiao, we are very grateful for your active cooperation with us, but sometimes, playing dumb is not a smart move.

You are responsible for network maintenance in the company, right? As far as we know, you are very thorough in this regard, and you have done a good job in both what should be maintained and what should not be maintained." Ning Shuyi said to him with a smile.

Jiao Cheng wanted to say something to defend himself, but he swallowed it back and could only grin: "It seems that you have done a thorough job..."

There will be extra chapters in the evening for monthly tickets!

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