Eye of Sin

Chapter 709 Knowing everything

Chapter 709 Knowing everything
Jiang Jinyang was puzzled. After a while, he seemed to suddenly realize something and widened his eyes. "Did you do this on purpose? You deliberately asked around among the alumni I know, just to make me think that I might be found out?"

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan did not deny his guess.

The more Jiang Jinyang thought about it, the more angry he became. He wanted to reach out and hit his head, but unfortunately his hands were handcuffed and he couldn't do it.

"I'm so stupid... I'm so stupid... so stupid! Why can't I keep my cool..." He gritted his teeth and muttered softly, unable to hide the annoyance on his face.

"So what you regret now is why you didn't keep your composure? Instead of regretting that you killed Zhu Qingqing?!" Huo Yan listened to his mumbling and couldn't help but get a little angry, so he asked.

"Why should I regret it!" Seeing that there was no way to deny it, Jiang Jinyang was annoyed and also had the courage to fight for it, "She brought it upon herself! She deserves it! That's what she deserves!

I liked her so much back then. In order to please her, I tried every way to make her happy and cater to her in every possible way. But she ended up being shameless and acted like an airer!

I would rather put myself in a difficult position and change myself, just to ask her to respect my feelings and face them. But she rejected me so casually, and kept saying that she had no intention of falling in love!

In this world, when you reach a certain age, it is natural to fall in love and get married. How could someone want to live alone for the rest of their life?

Later I found out that she didn't just dislike me, she simply looked down on me and was always ridiculing me, mocking me, and even humiliating me online!

A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated! Why should I, a man, be treated like this by her just because I liked her? ! "

"Zhu Qingqing humiliated and mocked you online?" Ning Shuyi was a little confused. "When did it happen?"

"All along!" Jiang Jinyang raised his voice subconsciously in anger. "I thought I would do everything I could to cater to her preferences. Whether she likes extroverts, introverts, fashionable or elegant, I can do it!

There's no reason why none of them could impress her!
Unless, unless she didn't think highly of me from the bottom of her heart! She just treated me as a clown, a joke, and took advantage of my liking for her to trample on my self-esteem and make fun of me!
So I have been paying attention to her words and actions in private, trying to see if she has ever talked about me behind my back!
As a result, I discovered that she was always discussing with others on the Internet how ridiculous and shameless men were!
She has never had a boyfriend! She has never been in a relationship during college! Apart from me, there are no other boys she has been involved with!

Others would just give it a try, and if it doesn't work, just give up and cast a wide net. But I am the only one who is wholeheartedly devoted and only wants to please her!

Who else could she be mocking and ridiculing online? It could only be me!
I saw her say something on the Internet: some men are just pretentious. They are not that kind of people, but they pretend to be mature, fashionable, and gentlemanly. Isn't that what she said about me?
I admit that I'm not a smart person, but I'm not so stupid that I can't see who she is referring to! "

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan were both speechless. From what they had found out, Zhu Qingqing might not have taken Jiang Jinyang too seriously at all. After all, she had never considered developing a relationship with anyone, so after rejecting Jiang Jinyang, she had already forgotten about him. If it weren't for this case, she believed that Jiang Jinyang would have left no trace in her life.

But to Jiang Jinyang, those extreme words that Zhu Qingqing was brainwashed into by the mutual aid association seemed to be directed specifically at him. He kept eavesdropping on them, and then took them for granted, and finally accumulated such a deep hatred.

"Why did you pretend to be several different people to approach Zhu Qingqing?" Ning Shuyi asked, "Since you said that Zhu Qingqing humiliated you and made you angry and painful, why didn't you just scold her or block her completely and stop seeing any news about her? Instead, you took the initiative to test her, approach her, pretend to be someone else to pursue her, and show your affection to her?"

"Because I hate it! I want to expose her hypocritical mask! I want to let her take the bait, then humiliate her, laugh at her, and return all the insults she has brought upon me to her!

But I don’t know if it’s because my acting skills aren’t good enough or if Zhu Qingqing is too smart. Every time she acts fine at the beginning but refuses to take the bait later!
If she hadn't stood me up time and again when she was about to succeed, I wouldn't have been so angry and wanted to teach her the most severe lesson! This is all her fault!"

Huo Yan punched the table. The noise startled Jiang Jinyang, who was getting more and more angry and almost crazy. He seemed to calm down a lot in an instant.

"So you want to trick people, but they don't take the bait, and this becomes their fault?!" Huo Yan glared at Jiang Jinyang, who was spitting just now, "Have you ever thought about whether you are so important in the other person's mind that they would keep mocking you for so many years from college to now?!

If you want someone to have stronger feelings for you, whether it is like or dislike, you must at least play a certain role in the other person's life first!
What about you?! What role do you play in Zhu Qingqing's life? "

Jiang Jinyang opened his mouth but didn't say anything. It was unclear whether he was afraid of the intimidation emanating from Huo Yan or he was really speechless.

"In fact, you know very well in your heart that you are not that important to Zhu Qingqing." Ning Shuyi sighed, "You pursued her in the beginning because you had the self-confidence to win. After being rejected, you tried again in various ways. Rather than saying you loved her, it's more like an emotion of unwillingness to accept.

So it's not that she despises and humiliates you, but that you have been humiliating yourself, and then blaming your failure on the innocent Zhu Qingqing who had no obligation to accept your feelings!

Because you feel that your self-esteem has been trampled upon by her rejection, you hate her. Because you hate her, you try desperately to relate her every word and action to yourself, so that your resentment towards Zhu Qingqing seems well-founded, as if it is really Zhu Qingqing's fault, and not just your one-sided anger and shame!
Deep down in your heart, you actually know very well that Zhu Qingqing may not remember you at all, and you are just the most unimportant passer-by in her life.

But you can't admit it, because once you admit it, you won't have any reason to continue to hate her with a crusade mentality, to hurt her for the purpose of venting your hatred!"

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