Eye of Sin

Chapter 710 Regret

Chapter 710 Regret

Ning Shuyi saw through Jiang Jinyang's mentality completely. After listening to her analysis, he wanted to refute it, but he couldn't find any words to refute it, so he could only admit it reluctantly.

Jiang Jinyang himself also said that after committing the crime, he regretted it when he calmed down.

He said that it was not until Zhu Qingqing's death that his emotions finally calmed down. Only then did he finally realize that he was not really obsessed with Zhu Qingqing. It was just that over the years, he had always felt that he had invested so much energy and effort in Zhu Qingqing, but had not received any response in return.

Jiang Jinyang could not let go of the humiliation of being looked down upon. The resentment caused by his self-esteem continued to ferment, prompting him to test Zhu Qingqing online, trying to prove that she was just pretending to be noble, and was actually greedy and vain at heart, wanting to be with a rich second-generation man, or wanting to find a handsome guy.

He didn't expect that his probing would not get him the moral high ground he wanted, but instead he was once again ignored and treated coldly.

This "new hatred" and "old grudge" combined together made Jiang Jinyang's view of Zhu Qingqing more and more paranoid, and the idea of ​​not giving up until he had a chance to settle the matter continued to grow from that time on.

So, driven by evil thoughts, he continued to find ways to change his identity and role to deceive Zhu Qingqing's trust.

After finding that the male role was ineffective, he chose to play to Zhu Qingqing's preferences, taking advantage of Zhu Qingqing's prejudice against men and her concept of "women helping women", and pretended to be a helpless girl who was subjected to soft violence and mental control by a scumbag on the Internet.

This trick really worked, and Zhu Qingqing quickly took the bait.

After Zhu Qingqing took the bait, Jiang Jinyang was proud. The excitement of revenge continued to stimulate him, making it impossible for him to regain his sanity.

So he deliberately found a remote place to rent a house so that there would be no surveillance equipment around and few neighbors.

As for the red paint inside the house, it was indeed a temporary "addition" by Jiang Jinyang after he rented the house, because he felt that this would make it look more ironic and humiliating, and by the way, he could also eliminate his own traces, killing two birds with one stone.

After he succeeded, he was excited and happy, feeling the joy of having had his revenge.

But later he slowly realized that when the excitement and happiness slowly faded away, what followed was a kind of worry and fear that was not worth the loss.

He suddenly felt that even if he was really despised by Zhu Qingqing, living without worries seemed to be a good thing. Unfortunately, it was too late. He could only live in fear every day, worrying about his crimes being exposed.

When I was caught, I was panicked and desperate at first, but afterwards I inexplicably felt a sense of relief, as if the stone in my heart had finally fallen to the ground.

Jiang Jinyang, who was about to face legal trial, was naturally remorseful. He kept muttering that he actually didn't have such a deep obsession with Zhu Qingqing, but he didn't know why he was obsessed with fighting for this. It was not worth it, everything was not worth it, and he regretted it very much.

Unfortunately, regret is useless. A life that has passed away cannot be brought back, and he must pay the price for his mistakes. After handling this case, Ning Shuyi and the others did not feel relieved. They started to find out the details of the girls' mutual aid association. Unfortunately, the founder had fled abroad and would not come back. Apart from the two cases that attracted the attention of the school, there were no other particularly noteworthy incidents, so they had no way to investigate.

Most of the former members who could be found joined in because they had relationship troubles, or were dragged into the group by their besties or roommates. Initially, they just regarded it as an all-girls club for fun, but later they gradually realized that something was amiss.

One of the girls mentioned to Ning Shuyi that there was a girl who was brought to this mutual aid group by her friends because she was in a bad mood due to a breakup. However, she soon felt that the views here were too extreme and biased, and it was not the atmosphere she wanted. In this atmosphere, she would only feel more depressed and unable to get over the regrets of her previous relationship.

So the girl said that she didn't like the atmosphere of the mutual aid group and wanted to quit.

However, her behavior, which was not wrong in itself, provoked crazy online violence from other members. Whether on the school forum or in offline campus life, all kinds of gossip about this girl who withdrew from the mutual aid association came one after another. The core members of the mutual aid association ridiculed and mocked her, suggesting that this girl was a coquettish woman who only wanted to be with men, and that she had an indecent private life.

Words and actions like these flooded the girl and eventually broke her down - she developed suicidal tendencies due to severe depression, so she had to drop out of school and was taken home for treatment.

The girl who talked about this with Ning Shuyi was scared. She felt that the behavior of the mutual aid association was completely contrary to the purpose of mutual help among girls that they promoted. However, after all, she had learned from the previous experience, so the girl did not dare to announce her withdrawal so bluntly. She had to pretend that she was sick and would infect others. The other girls began to actively prevent her from participating in rallies out of disgust. She also posted some content on the Internet that was only visible to these members, pretending that she was still on the same page with them.

She persisted until one semester later, and finally she left school for internship, and finally got rid of the atmosphere that made her depressed and nervous.

Ning Shuyi frowned when he heard these things, but since the mutual aid association had been disbanded and was like a pile of loose sand, there was no way to start over, so this matter could only be put on hold for the time being.

After Ning Shuyi and his team finished their work, they finally had time to sit down and listen to Luo Wei and Qi Tianhua talk about the patricide case they had just handled.

Talking about that case, Lowe and the others sighed, not to mention how complicated their feelings were.

The murderer was a 17-year-old young man named Ji Chuan. The deceased was his father, named Ji Sanbao, who died shortly after his 40th birthday.

Ji Sanbao is a traditional father with very conservative ideas. He is serious with his children, rarely expresses his emotions, and is very strict.

He doesn't like to accept new things, they are unfamiliar to him and make him feel uneasy.

If that were all, there wouldn't be much to say.

Unfortunately, he imposed his own aversion to new things on his children.

Thanks to Tonghui x3, Heyi Juyou x4, a boring tree x5, missing coffin x2, book friend 20170823162748671, Feng の Lanwu x2, and Vegetarian Pig x2 for their monthly tickets!

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