Eye of Sin

Chapter 711 No Sickness

Chapter 711 No Sickness
"So, Ji Sanbao usually exerts strong mental control over his son Ji Chuan and suppresses and denigrates him, which leads to a bad relationship between father and son and eventually leads to tragedy?" Ning Shuyi asked curiously.

Qi Tianhua sighed: "If this is true, there is nothing to say, and we wouldn't have such complicated feelings at the end of the investigation.

When we first learned about Ji Sanbao's personality, we thought he was a rather autocratic and overbearing father, old-fashioned and unkind.

But later, as the investigation deepened, we found that this was not actually the case. Many of the conflicts between the father and son were not due to Ji Sanbao's old-fashioned nature, but due to the poor communication between the father and son.

Although Ji Sanbao did not understand the new things popular among young people, when children asked him for something, he might refuse rudely and criticize the children for not doing their job and just thinking about playing all day.

But later if he finds out that this thing is indeed popular among his peers and everyone is using it, wearing it or playing with it, he will, because he can't save face, secretly give the money to his wife and let her buy it for the children.

He is an ordinary employee of a company. His income is not high, but it is enough to cover the normal expenses of life.

However, Ji Chuan was sixteen or seventeen years old, and influenced by his friends and classmates, he had higher and higher material pursuits. Although Ji Sanbao did not understand, he was afraid that his child would feel inferior among his classmates if he was not satisfied, so he refused to admit it and tried hard to satisfy him in private.

In order to cope with this expense, he bought a second-hand car after get off work and went out to drive an online taxi to earn money to supplement the family income.

On the day of the accident, he was on his way home after completing an online ride-hailing order.”

"It sounds like this father is quite good." Ning Shuyi sighed.

People have different personalities, so their expressions of emotions are also different.

Some people are more passionate and unrestrained, never stingy in expressing their love for their children, while others can't help but "love you but can't express it to their children". No matter how passionate their hearts are, they can't squeeze out a few words.

No matter what he says, at least a man who would rather work hard part-time to earn extra money than let his child be isolated and excluded among his peers is definitely not a truly arbitrary and authoritarian father.

Everyone's perception of emotions is different. Some people can understand the coldness and warmth of their loved ones, while others may find it difficult to detect and only feel wronged and sad.

Obviously, Ji Sanbao's son was unable to appreciate his painstaking efforts.

"What kind of personality does the suspect have?" Huo Yan asked.

Luo Wei shook his head: "It is said that tragedy is never caused by one person alone!

If either the child or his father had been more willing to communicate, this tragedy might not have happened! When the child was arrested, he claimed that he had bipolar disorder, so he couldn't control his emotions. He hated his father's long-term mental abuse, PUA, and cold violence, so he wanted to kill his father.

Ever since he discovered that the school's infirmary was not managed strictly, he always pretended to be sick and made excuses to run to the school's infirmary. Finally, he got the chance and stole a few sedatives while no one was paying attention.

Then the bastard ground the medicine into powder and secretly added it to his dad's tea cup, hoping that his dad would become drowsy and sleepy after drinking it and cause a car accident. This way, others would think that his dad was driving while fatigued, which was the reason for the accident!
After delivering a customer that night, his father felt extremely sleepy, so he parked the car on the side of the road and wanted to take a nap. He was not fully awake at the time, and without turning off the engine, he ran to the back seat, fell into a deep sleep. As the doors and windows were closed, he died of carbon oxide poisoning.

The worst thing is that this kid actually felt very regretful. He thought that if his father had had a car accident according to his plan, we would not be able to catch him!
When I heard him confess his crime, my head was buzzing!

What kind of little beast is this! His father might have had a bad mouth when he was alive, and he always had arguments with him, but he is seventeen years old after all, not seven!
His father doesn't go home after work, but drives a ride-hailing car outside until midnight. What is he doing this for? Can't he see it at all?

You don't know that when the deceased was found, he was wearing old clothes and shoes. They were all given away by his son because they were quite expensive and obviously didn't fit him, so Ji Sanbao just wore them to make do with them, trying to save money wherever possible.

During the investigation, we contacted his wife, and we found that she also did not own any new or expensive things from head to toe. She was very frugal.

If you didn’t look at Ji Chuan’s parents, his house and furnishings, you would have thought he was a young man from a wealthy family!

What I mean is, no matter how bad your parents are at expressing their feelings, just look at all the good things you have from head to toe, and then look at how your parents are dressed. At the age of seventeen, you shouldn't feel that your parents are bad to you!

Moreover, this guy confidently stated that he has bipolar disorder and psychological problems, so he behaves so emotionless and inhumane. This is not his problem, but the problem of his illness!"

Ning Shuyi frowned: "This method of committing the crime, as well as the state he described, is not bipolar disorder!"

"Yes, we thought he said that on purpose because he thought he could get away with it, but later we found out that it wasn't the case. He really believed that he had bipolar disorder. When we asked him how he got the diagnosis, he said he got it online!" Luo Wei hated Ji Chuan so much that he couldn't hide it at all. "So, we made an appointment for him with a psychiatrist to do a thorough evaluation.

The result is very interesting! This guy is 100% not suffering from bipolar disorder, or even any other kind of mental disorder!
How does the old saying go?

'Zhang San won't eat dead children - he's used to them being alive'!
This kid is just spoiled by pure living people!

He is extremely healthy both physically and mentally, but he is spoiled too much by his parents, so he is very selfish and is completely unwilling to stand in other people's shoes and consider others.

I don't know where he got the idea that he had a mental illness, and from then on he used this as a powerful weapon, magnifying his selfishness many times over!"

Thanks for the monthly tickets for Losing Weight is a Lifelong Career x2 and Fox Fairy Beauty x2!

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