Eye of Sin

Chapter 713 Similarities

Chapter 713 Similarities
After hearing what Ning Shuyi said, Liang Xuanming grinned awkwardly.

He has always been a person who, no matter how confident he is in his heart, pretends to be relaxed on the outside, and likes to use a cheerful and frivolous attitude to cover up all his insecurity, anxiety, and depression.

So it was the same this time. Even though Ning Shuyi was busy with work and had not watched him and Ning Shuyue get along much, she was right about this matter. On the one hand, she was afraid that Ning Shuyue would be in a bad mood after the divorce and wanted to make her happy, but on the other hand, she was afraid that if she acted too serious, it would put pressure on Ning Shuyue, so she directly refused.

Unexpectedly, looking back, his stopgap measure didn't seem to be helpful at all, but instead hindered him.

"Okay, then I know what to do." Liang Xuanming took a deep breath, picked up the iced American coffee in front of him and drank it all in one gulp, as if it was a bowl of farewell wine, quite heroic.

But this spirit lasted less than half a minute, and then -

"Oh my, it's too cold!" Liang Xuanming pressed his hands on his temples, "It's so cold that my head hurts!"

Ning Shuyi looked at him with a helpless look and sighed.

In fact, Ning Shuyi was not worried at all about whether Liang Xuanming could win her sister's heart.

Although Ning Shuyue is a little indecisive sometimes, she is definitely not the kind of person who would keep someone hanging and ask them to be nice to her even though she clearly doesn't like them.

Given her personality, if she had no feelings towards Liang Xuanming at all, she would have been scared away long ago, just like she did back then.

So Liang Xuanming just used the wrong method, which made Ning Shuyue unable to make up her mind to accept a new relationship. It’s not a big problem.

Huo Yan was not idle during this compensatory leave. Xing Zongda also saw that his grandson had irregular working hours, so he took advantage of the free time and called the lawyer to complete all the remaining transfer procedures.

Huo Yan himself was not a person with particularly high material demands, but accepting his grandfather's gift would, on the one hand, give the old man peace of mind, and on the other hand, make his second uncle Xing Chongde unhappy, so he naturally would not refuse.

We all grew up eating and drinking water, we have flesh and blood and temper, we are not saints or bodhisattvas, and we cannot say things like "let the past be the past" or "don't feel any resentment or hatred".

There are real helplessness in reality, but if conditions permit, he doesn't mind making his second uncle, who caused such a tortuous life trajectory in the first thirty years of his life, a little more unhappy.

His only concern was that his grandfather was old, and if his second uncle kept coming to make trouble, it might cause adverse stimulation to the old man.

But it seemed like he was worrying too much about this matter.

Xing Chongde did not have any attitude and seemed to have made up his mind to ignore his father and nephew and have no contact with them.

Huo Yan naturally didn't mind these things. He carefully observed for a while and found that Xing Zongda didn't seem to be unhappy because of this, so he felt much more relieved.

In the next three or four months, the criminal police team was as busy as ever. For some reason, the crime rate this year seemed to have increased significantly compared to the same period in previous years. Not only the criminal police team, but also the police stations and sub-bureaus showed that the incidence of public security cases was also on the rise.

No one can explain why this situation has occurred. The environment is still the same and all security measures remain the same as before.

And if we say how bad the public security situation was this year and how obvious the increase in crime rate was, it doesn't seem to be that serious. It's just a slow increase that is not deep but very long-lasting.

This inexplicable situation made all departments in the bureau busy and exhausted. The already busy criminal police team became even busier. The public security department also held several meetings and increased the number of patrol personnel and vehicles.

However, this strange state remains the same without any obvious change.

As the weather gets colder, autumn turns to winter and the end of the year is approaching.

It is the end of the year when things are more likely to go wrong, and this year's situation is even more disturbing.

That day, they had just driven a night car. Early in the morning, in the criminal police office, several people were holding life-saving coffee, and their faces were full of fatigue.

"I was so naive before..." Lowe's eyes were bloodshot from staying up late, and his eye sockets were a little sunken. He drank the coffee like water, wiped his mouth, and sighed, "I always thought that those big unsolved cases were particularly torturous, but I didn't expect that I was wrong!
That's like a short-distance race, one hundred meters, two hundred meters. Don't think about anything, just run as hard as you can!

What is this now? A middle-distance race or a marathon?!
I feel like I don’t know when it will end. It’s so tiring, both mentally and physically!
It turns out this is the most uncomfortable thing!
I feel like I haven’t gotten over my fatigue in the past six months or so! ”

"There must be something fishy going on when things are out of the ordinary." Ning Shuyi was also very tired. At the same time, there was a question that had been lingering in her mind for the past few months. "I always feel that this situation is not right. There must be some connection behind it."

"But all the cases we handled in the past six months, whether it's gender, age, identity, or the root cause of the conflict or the method of committing the crime, have no connection at all and no intersection at all?" Qi Tianhua was a little confused.

"I know, but I have always had an inexplicable similarity." Ning Shuyi shook his head, "I don't have any direct evidence to prove it, it's just a subjective feeling.

Let’s not talk about those public security cases that we didn’t handle for now, let’s just talk about the cases we handled ourselves, whether it’s Jia Hui, Xu Li, Zhu Qingqing, Ji Sanbao, etc., none of the cases we took over in the past six months were based on deep hatred where the other party had to be put to death.

Among these people, the feud between Jia Hui and Lian Yuguang is relatively serious, but it is not a problem that has only recently intensified. However, they are both in their twenties and there is no need for either of them to get rid of the other.

Not to mention the others, in addition to the fact that the conflict has not intensified to that extent, there is one thing in common, these people all mentioned a key word, can you recall it and see if you still remember it?"

Are there any common keywords in so many cases?
Several people looked at each other, and they couldn't think of what the keyword was at once.

Huo Yan thought about it, a little unsure, but still said: "PUA?"

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