Eye of Sin

Chapter 714 The Invisible "River"

Chapter 714 The Invisible "River"

As soon as he said this word, everyone else showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

It seems to be really the case!
Xu Chuanpeng believed that Xu Li was PUAing Feng Hua and inducing Feng Hua to leave him, so he took revenge.

Lian Yuguang also said that he had been oppressed and bullied since he was a child, but the people who PUA him included not only Jia Hui but also his stepfather and even his mother. However, he could not bear to retaliate against his mother, and after weighing the pros and cons, he chose to attack Jia Hui, who had no blood relationship with him.

Not to mention Zhu Qingqing and Jiang Jinyang. Although Zhu Qingqing's extreme views and words and deeds were the result of brainwashing and inducement by the mutual aid association, Jiang Jinyang firmly believed that Zhu Qingqing's refusal and subsequent words and deeds on the Internet were all suppression and targeting of him.

Ji Chuan was the most straightforward one. When confessing his crime process, he repeatedly emphasized that his father Ji Sanbao had been doing PUA on him for a long time, suppressing his personality, destroying his self-esteem, and so on.

In recent years, people have been using the word "PUA" more and more. From being a novel word at the beginning, it has become commonplace now. We have even lost our sensitivity after hearing it so many times that we don't care much about it anymore.

If only Ji Chuan was shouting like this, it could be understood that this half-grown kid learned a new word and misused it everywhere.

But now that Ning Shuyi said this, they also realized that it seemed that in the cases they had handled in the past six months, the suspects had either directly said this word or indirectly expressed this meaning.

Then this is definitely not a question of misusing popular words.

This kind of coincidence is not easy to confirm, but it does exist secretly.

"That's really the case... It seems that every murderer believes that they have been mentally suppressed and controlled by the deceased to some extent! This is indeed a bit of a coincidence!" Qi Tianhua nodded in agreement, "It's just that these people express it in different ways. Some people directly say 'PUA', and some people use other words, but in the final analysis, the meaning is basically the same.

This is indeed a bit difficult to explain. Although everyone is talking about mind control and mind control now, in fact, the words and actions of many people cannot be said to be under control. At best, they are just mean and speak harshly.

It is not easy to determine whether it is mind control or not, because trying to resist the other party's mental control and simply killing the person makes it even more difficult to say whether it is a real thought or an excuse.

The situation we are facing now is that regardless of whether these suspects are actually looking for a reason that can convince themselves to commit the crime, or whether they really can't stand the long-term mental torture, almost all the cases we have handled in the past six months are related to this element! "

“I remember a long time ago, there was a news report about a farmer in a certain place who was poisoned. After being sent to the hospital for treatment, it was confirmed that the farmer had ingested some ingredient used in pesticide production.

At the time, the incident was suspected to be a deliberate poisoning and was investigated. However, even after investigating all the people who had conflicts and disagreements with their family, no results were found.

Later, someone else in the village was poisoned, and the examination results were similar, so they thought it was a serial poisoning, took it very seriously, and expanded the investigation.

As a result of this expanded investigation, the problem was soon discovered.

It turns out that this situation happened not only in this village, but also in another village. However, the situation was relatively mild, with only physical discomfort and no danger. Even the person involved did not take it seriously and did not even go to the hospital.

If the investigation had not been expanded to the next village, the man himself might not have realized that he was poisoned. And this person is not an isolated case. In addition to him, there are several similar people. In some families, although the villagers themselves are fine, their livestock have been poisoned. "

Ning Shuyi suddenly mentioned a news report from a long time ago.

When the others heard her talk, they seemed to have a vague impression of the incident, but because it happened a long time ago, they couldn't remember it so clearly.

"What was the conclusion of this matter?" asked Zhao Dabao.

"After discovering that there were poisoned people from other villages, the public security organs that handled the case first ruled out any connections between these poisoned people and found that many of them had no connection with each other.

So after some investigation, it was finally determined that this series of events were indeed related, but it was not an intentional poisoning, but a complete accident.

There is a small river running through the village where these people live. There is a farmland upstream. For some reason, the farmers have illegally used excessive amounts of pesticides, and this has been going on for more than one or two years.

Originally, nothing serious happened, but it happened that there was a lot of rain that year, causing the river to surge and flood the farmland.

The components that had been infiltrating into the soil were carried away by the river water, and part of them seeped into the groundwater.

The family that suffered the most serious poisoning was the one closest to the flooded farmland. Before the accident, the elderly in the family went to the river to wash clothes and washed the vegetables at the same time, and then went home to make cold dishes.

The remaining households all suffered varying degrees of discomfort because they drank well water in the yard. A small amount of medicinal ingredients seeped into the ground with river water and polluted the groundwater.

As for why most villagers were fine, it was because those villages had already achieved tap water access, and the few households that had problems either were reluctant to use tap water or used well water to feed livestock, so problems arose. "

"So..." Lowe scratched his head, not quite understanding.

He didn't understand, but Huo Yan did: "On the surface, the incident you mentioned doesn't seem to have any signs of serial poisoning, and there is no direct intersection between the villagers.

But the reason why they suffered such a sudden disaster was because of the river that ran through the village, or because of the pesticide residues in the river that penetrated into the groundwater.

Groundwater is the invisible link that connects all the poisoned villagers and livestock.”

"Well, for no apparent reason, in a normal year, with no external triggers, the crime rate suddenly increased so much. There must be some underlying connection behind this that is not easy to detect.

So what we need to do now is to find out the invisible 'underground river' and find out why so many people suddenly have such zero tolerance for 'PUA' to the point where they must make the other party pay with their lives!" Ning Shuyi nodded, with a smile on his face, but his tone was extremely serious.

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