Eye of Sin

Chapter 716 The number one suspect

Chapter 716 The number one suspect

"What did they say after arriving at the hospital?" Huo Yan asked.

Zhao Dabao sighed: "There is no alcohol in the blood."

After these words were spoken, Ning Shuyi's face became even gloomier.

Just like what Liang's father said just now, Liang Xuanming is the kind of person who is always laughing, very outgoing and cheerful, even a bit sociable. He can get along well with anyone and is not the kind of person who easily offends others.

This is even more true when it comes to the nature of his job. As a shopping mall manager, although no one can guarantee that he will not offend anyone in the course of his work, given the nature of his job, it is not quite reasonable for him to make enemies with others to the point of killing them.


Ning Shuyi was about to ask Zhao Dabao for more details when she heard her sister's voice behind her. She turned around and saw Ning Shuyue standing there with red eyes, waving at her.

"Let's go over there. I want to talk to you." Ning Shuyue's voice was a little hoarse, probably because she had cried so hard. Her voice was heavily nasal when she spoke.

Ning Shuyi nodded, motioned Huo Yan and Zhao Dabao to continue, and followed her sister to the stairwell.

Although she hasn't been home much recently due to being busy with work, she is aware of the situation at home.

In the past few months, Liang Xuanming listened to his previous advice and no longer deliberately made a fuss in front of Ning Shuyue, nor did he cling to Ning Shuyue without any sense of propriety. Instead, he calmed himself down, put aside his original bravery like a young boy, and showed Ning Shuyue his steady and reliable side as a mature man.

It turns out that this approach is effective.

Ning Shuyue's attitude towards Liang Xuanming gradually changed from initial hesitation to acceptance. The two finally opened their hearts to each other and were honest with each other. After communicating, they felt more at ease and their relationship seemed to have become closer.

Just about half a month ago, the two finally established a serious relationship. With Liang Xuanming's company, Ning Shuyue walked out of the shadow of her previous failed marriage, and Liang Xuanming finally succeeded in holding hands with the girl he had liked for so many years. Everyone was happy.

Unexpectedly, Ning Shuyi was busy with work and had not had time to share the joy of her sister starting a new relationship before such a big thing happened to Liang Xuanming.

The two sisters came to the stairwell, which was far away from the door of the operating room, and their conversation would not be heard by Liang's father and mother.

After all, the two old people are old, and at such a critical juncture, no one would have the heart to give them greater stimulation.

"Sister, what do you want to tell me?" Ning Shuyi asked when they reached the stairwell.

Ning Shuyue pursed her lips, and her right hand subconsciously grasped her left wrist. The skin on her wrist had turned white from being scratched, but she seemed not to feel any pain at all.

"I suspect that person was responsible for Liang Xuanming's incident..." She bit her lip and spoke to her sister.

Ning Shuyi listened to her sister's words, without any surprise on her face, she just nodded: "Nie Guang, right? He does have a relatively sufficient motive for committing the crime.

When was the last time you had contact or met?" Ning Shuyue shook her head: "I don't remember. Basically, since the official divorce, we haven't seen each other much, let alone contacted each other.

That time at the camping theme park, he followed us and was caught by Huo Yan, and you scolded him, so he was scared and never harassed me again after that."

"What about Liang Xuanming? Did he mention where he had seen Nie Guang?"

"No," Ning Shuyue's tears fell again, "Don't you know what kind of person he is? He usually laughs and seems to be very heartless, but in fact, if there is anything unpleasant, he will keep it in his heart and won't say it out.

He never mentioned to me whether he had met Nie Guang or not. I suspect that even if he had met Nie Guang, he would not tell me about it, because he knew that if he told me, I would be angry and worried..."

Ning Shuyue's tears flowed more and more fiercely: "He is... obviously a very reliable person, but he always pretends to be careless... Why am I so stupid and so unable to judge people...

If this time, it was really because of Nie Guang that he was harmed... I will never forgive myself in my life..."

"No, Liang Xuanming is blessed with a good life, he will definitely recover from the danger." Ning Shuyi comforted her sister, "Then you should be nicer to him!
Don't keep crying because you feel heartbroken now. When they get better, you will be too embarrassed to express your feelings again!"

Ning Shuyue felt a little comforted by her deliberate teasing. She nodded with tears in her eyes, "Then you and Huo Yan will have to investigate this matter carefully..."

Ning Shuyi shook her head: "If this matter really involves Nie Guang, then neither of us can participate in the investigation. After all, he is your ex-husband, and he has direct or indirect conflicts with me and Huo Yan. This is not in accordance with procedure.

But don't worry, other colleagues in the bureau will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and won't let it go in vain!"

Although if this case involves Nie Guang, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan must recuse themselves, but when all this is still speculation without any evidence, according to regulations they are not required to recuse themselves.

So the two of them will still have to help Zhao Dabao and others share the auxiliary work of the investigation.

After the two returned, they immediately retrieved the road traffic surveillance video near the bridge where the crime was committed, and carefully reviewed the video before and after Liang Xuanming's car was hit and fell off the bridge.

They soon confirmed that Liang Xuanming was indeed being followed all the way - Ning Shuyi traced back to the restaurant where he had a social gathering in the evening and discovered that a white sedan was following him closely.

Since there were fewer cars on the road at that time, the white car did not deliberately keep a distance from Liang Xuanming. Not long after Liang Xuanming's car drove onto the bridge, the white car suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Liang Xuanming's car from the rear.

Obviously, Liang Xuanming's attention was not on the car at all. His car did not make any emergency dodges, acceleration, braking or other operations from beginning to end. It was hit unexpectedly. The wheels changed direction under the impact and the car quickly rushed towards the bridge railing.

The white car did not stop at all after the collision. It was obvious that the car was affected to a certain extent and it drove a little jerkily, but it left the scene without any hesitation.

Unfortunately, the driver of the white car was wearing dark clothes, and the lighting and angle were not ideal, so it was impossible to identify his appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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