Eye of Sin

Chapter 717 Well Prepared

Chapter 717 Well Prepared
Ning Shuyi watched the video and couldn't help but sigh heavily.

Liang Xuanming's nerves were so stupid that it was beyond words. He was followed by a car on such an empty street for such a long time, but he didn't even notice it and was not alert at all. I'm afraid he didn't notice anything until the moment he was hit!
If this guy had realized earlier that he was being followed, he wouldn't have to lie in the operating room to be rescued...

When Ning Shuyi thought of his old neighbor and old friend whom he had known since childhood, a person who was always laughing and joking and seemed never serious or dull, a person who was always energetic and vibrant, but was now dying, lying on the operating table in the hospital covered in blood, waiting for medical technology to save him and fate to decide, he felt as if a huge stone was pressing on his chest, so heavy that even his breathing was not smooth.

It is conceivable what kind of pain and torture Liang's father, Liang's mother, and sister Ning Shuyue must be going through under such circumstances.

Ning Shuyi quickly put away those unnecessary emotions and started to check the license plate of the white car.

The result was completely expected - it was a car with a fake license plate, and the camera installed on the car was completely different from the actual registered model record.

It was obvious that the other party's carefully planned and deliberate murder attempt was even more serious than they had ever seen.

"I wonder when we can find the car that caused the accident..." Ning Shuyi looked at the computer screen, rubbed his sore eyes, and murmured.

Huo Yan was also carefully observing everything on the surveillance screen just now.

"We should be able to find it soon." After hearing Ning Shuyi's words, he turned his head and looked over here, then pointed at the computer monitor, "After the collision, the white car had a very strong sense of frustration. If you look closely, the car continued to move forward after the collision, and there are faint traces on the ground, like leakage.

So even if the engine was not damaged, the car should have leaked the water tank or the engine oil, and it would not be able to continue driving for too long.

This leads to two possibilities. One is that the suspect was lucky and drove the car to a remote place with no surveillance, then abandoned the car and fled.

The other possibility is that the person is just unlucky and the car stalls when it is driving on a bad road and there is no way to restart it. This is actually a good thing for us.”

Ning Shuyi nodded and sighed deeply: "I'm afraid there are not many of us two who can participate in the investigation of this case."

"Do you think it was Nie Guang?" Huo Yan could see Ning Shuyi's guess and confirmed it immediately when they were in the hospital, but this time he did not particularly agree with Ning Shuyi's judgment, "You have always combined a person's personality to speculate his style of doing things. Although Nie Guang is annoying and you don't like him, objectively speaking, you still know him better than me.

I have only been dealing with him for a short time, but I know that he is an extremely selfish person. Would such a selfish person sacrifice himself just to get revenge on Liang Xuanming?"

"What you said is actually what I am confused about." Ning Shuyi sighed, "Although I am very familiar with Liang Xuanming, I don't know much about his personal affairs, so my initial suspicion of Nie Guang was also an instinctive reaction.

But my sister definitely knows Liang Xuanming better than I do. They were close to each other. Liang Xuanming might not mention something to us specifically, but he might talk to my sister.

Especially recently, their relationship has been further improved, and my sister has learned a lot about him. If Liang Xuanming has any enemies who are so hateful that they threaten his personal safety, he may not be able to keep it to himself with his personality. My sister is not so brave, and she did not seek help from us after hearing about such things. When this incident came out, my sister immediately thought of Nie Guang, which means that in her understanding, there is no one else who can have such a big grudge with Liang Xuanming except Nie Guang.

I also think that Nie Guang's previous personality would not allow him to take risks. This is indeed a rather contradictory point, but in terms of motivation, he is the most fully prepared. We cannot completely rule out the possibility that he will suddenly risk everything under some inducement."

Huo Yan nodded.

Although he still found it a little unbelievable that Nie Guang, such a selfish and cowardly person, would choose to murder Liang Xuanming.

It is also difficult to prove that he hired a killer. After all, Nie Guang was a person who would do anything to take advantage of others. He had hoped to gain some advantages from his ex-wife and ex-parents-in-law when he divorced. He didn't expect that his ex-wife's family had already been prepared for his actions. He didn't have any savings before, so even if he didn't end up leaving the house with nothing, it was almost the same.

If you ask him to take the money for hiring a killer, he might not be able to come up with it.

So this matter is really weird in every way.

The next morning, just after dawn, news came that the car had been found. However, the situation was not the ideal development they had expected. Instead, it was the first one Huo Yan guessed - the car made it to a remote area and was abandoned there.

And before the car was abandoned, places that would definitely be touched, such as the doors and steering wheel, were carefully wiped, and no valid fingerprints were found.

"What about the owner's information?" Ning Shuyi asked Luo Wei, who brought back the news. "It can be confirmed from the engine number, right? Even if the car has not been transferred, at least we can find out the previous owner's information and then find out from the previous owner who he sold the car to."

"The engine serial number was deliberately polished off. We had a bad feeling when we saw it. Fortunately, it was not polished too clean, so we finally found it. As a result, we found that the car was stolen seven or eight years ago, and the place where it was stolen is a long way away from our W City.

The car as a whole has been slightly modified and the color has also been changed, but these were all done several years ago. When we discovered it, the condition of the entire car was very poor. If it hadn't been crashed and scrapped, it probably wouldn't have been driven for many more years.

No one knows how many hands the car has passed through since it was stolen. At least based on the clues found so far, it is difficult to determine who bought the car from.

Oh, but there is one thing. The traffic police analyzed that the front bumper of the car had been modified, and it should have been newly made recently, which is equivalent to reinforcing it and enhancing its impact resistance.

So we can find some clues through this later!"

Thanks to zgr15, good at dry humor x4, book friend 160504161318831x2, I don’t care whether you have discovered me or not, He Yi Juyou x2 for the monthly ticket!

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