Eye of Sin

Chapter 719 Sudden

Chapter 719 Sudden
Normally, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan would not interfere in such disputes. After all, engagement and cancellation are personal behaviors and there is no need for law enforcement personnel to intervene. Moreover, disputes are generally not serious enough to require police intervention and coordination.

What's more, if this kind of thing really gets to the point where the police need to step in to coordinate, it should be handed over to the public security police of the local police station to handle. There is no reason for them to interfere.

Unless... the situation develops to an uncontrollable level.

Originally, the two men saw those people gathered together chattering and it was very crowded, so they just wanted to pass by quickly. However, when they came up to them, they found that these people seemed to have a serious breakdown in the negotiation. Now they had turned from quarreling to pushing each other. There were two people in security uniforms who were not sure if they came to persuade them, but they were also squeezed in the crowd. There was no room for mediation, and they were already unable to take care of themselves.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan couldn't squeeze into the group of people at all. They saw that they were arguing more and more fiercely, and even wanted to fight. The conflict was about to escalate. As police officers, they couldn't just ignore it.

Ning Shuyi wanted to speak, but Huo Yan stopped her: "I have to do this."

Ning Shuyi agreed with this aspect. Huo Yan had never been able to achieve the desired effect in terms of affinity, but he was very familiar with deterrence and achieved twice the result with half the effort.

So she did not object, nodded to Huo Yan, and waited aside.

Huo Yan took a deep breath and shouted, "Stop making noise!"

His voice was loud and penetrating, and his shout was heard clearly by all those who were making noise at the scene. They subconsciously shut their mouths, stopped arguing, and looked for the person who had made the sound in the direction of the voice.

When they saw that the person who made that loud shout was a tall, unfamiliar man, their expressions were a little confused, as if they had no idea what was going on.

Huo Yan took out his police officer ID and showed it to them: "Don't make noise or quarrel here, it will affect the residents around here.

If you gather here to cause trouble and disrupt public order, it will constitute provoking disturbances, and you will have to consider the consequences yourself.”

Those people looked at each other, looking a little confused and nervous. You looked at me, I looked at you, and for a moment no one made any noise anymore, and no one even spoke.

"If you have any problems, solve them peacefully in private. Don't make a scene outside. Just go away," Huo Yan said to them.

Those people were a little hesitant, but finally an older man looked at the ID in Huo Yan's hand and said to the others, "Listen to the police comrade! Let's go! Let's all disperse! We can talk about other things later!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked out. The others were still a little hesitant, but seeing this, they began to follow him and leave in twos and threes.

Someone took the lead and left, and more people were willing to follow. In less than two minutes, all these people dispersed, including the two security guards.

When they left, they gathered in groups of three or four, whispering to each other, and no one knew what they were discussing. From time to time, someone would turn around and look at Huo Yan again.

Finally, all these people dispersed, and the road in the community finally returned to peace. Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan returned to the parking place and drove back.

The community where the car modification workshop is located is some distance away from the Public Security Bureau, and two people need to drive through almost the entire central urban area.

Fortunately, it is not rush hour now. Although there are many cars on the road, they can still move at a constant speed.

However, when passing a wide and flat road, Huo Yan's car suddenly made a loud noise, accompanied by a violent bump, and at the same time the abnormal tire pressure warning light also lit up. The moving car changed direction uncontrollably and rushed into the lane next to it.

Huo Yan's face changed slightly, but he remained calm in the first moment. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and pulled the car back. While avoiding the surrounding vehicles to avoid causing casualties and property damage to other people, he asked Ning Shuyi to help him turn on the hazard lights and slowly control the speed.

Fortunately, the surrounding vehicles realized what happened as soon as his car encountered the problem, and quickly slowed down or changed lanes to avoid it. At this time, the area around Huo Yan's car was cleared.

Under Huo Yan's control, the speed of the car slowly decreased and finally stopped steadily on the side of the road. Except for the slight friction between the body and rearview mirror on one side of the car and the lane guardrail at the moment of the accident, no other adverse consequences were caused.

Ning Shuyi's heart, which had been hanging in the air just now, finally settled down. He took a deep breath to calm his violent heartbeat.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Huo Yan unbuckled his seat belt with concern and turned around to check on Ning Shuyi's condition.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Ning Shuyi shook his head, "Did the tire burst suddenly?"

"Well," Huo Yan nodded, "Let me see what's going on."

Ning Shuyi got out of the car with him, walked around and found that the left front wheel of the car was completely deformed, with a conspicuous hole on the black rubber, and the wheel hub was also twisted to a certain extent.

"There has been no warning of abnormal tire pressure. How could this happen? This is abnormal, isn't it?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan.

Huo Yan nodded: "It's not normal. It's been less than half a month since the last maintenance. During this period, it was used normally without any abnormal prompts. It's not summer now, so it doesn't make sense for the tire to burst suddenly.

I called the traffic police and asked them to check what was going on."

Ning Shuyi nodded. He had just been frightened and was sweating all over. Now that he had gotten out of the car and was standing outside, the wind blew and he felt a chill that went straight to his heart.

However, after being blown by the cold wind, her confused mind suddenly became clear, and some of her originally vague thoughts gradually became clear and organized.

Soon the traffic police arrived, and after a careful inspection, their expressions became somewhat serious, especially after they learned that Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi were colleagues in the criminal police department, their expressions became even uglier.

"You are being targeted, retaliated?" the traffic police said to them, "someone has tampered with your wheels.

There are traces of glue on the punctured tire, and we found this when we checked it just now."

He showed Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi something that was already packed in a small bag.

It was a length of metal, like a thinner nail, but without the flat head end.

"Someone put this in the groove of your tire tread, and then coated the surface with glue, so that the car will not be able to sense abnormal tire pressure so easily.

After the car drove out, as the wheels turned, the thing was slowly pushed deeper in, puncturing the airtight layer, and the gas was squeezed out all at once, exploding from the place sealed by the glue. "

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