Eye of Sin

Chapter 720 Goal

Chapter 720 Goal
"Fortunately, you were driving on a normal road in the city, and your speed was not very fast. Otherwise, even on the expressway in the city, if you drove at around 80, it would be very dangerous!" The traffic police was afraid that Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan would not take it seriously, so he reminded them, "I think this is pure revenge, but the other party didn't know your route in detail, and subjectively they definitely didn't want you two to end up in trouble!"

He looked at Huo Yan and praised him again: "Judging from the traces on the road just now, your reaction speed is really fast!
If you hadn't reacted quickly and handled the situation appropriately, your car would have definitely crashed through the guardrail and rushed into the opposite lane. If you hadn't been able to dodge and collided with the oncoming car, your life would have been in danger.

Even if it ran onto the sidewalk and hit a passerby, the consequences would be difficult to bear.”

Huo Yan nodded. Even though he had handled the emergency situation very properly just now, he was still frightened. When he thought that all this was done on purpose by someone, his face couldn't help but turn ugly.

As they suspected that someone had deliberately sabotaged the car, Huo Yan's car needed to be towed away by the traffic police for further inspection. The two men declined the traffic police's offer to send them back and hailed a taxi to return to the bureau.

The two men didn't speak on the way back, each thinking about something, until they got off the car in front of the Public Security Bureau and walked through the gate.

“What happened just now——”

The two of them spoke at the same time, and at the same time they heard each other's synchronized voices and were stunned for a moment.

"You speak first." Huo Yan gestured to Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi didn't try to be polite to him, but nodded: "The group of people who just had a conflict in the community because of disagreements over marriage have a big problem.

Is this what you wanted to tell me?"

Huo Yan shook his head: "No, you tell me your conclusion first."

"I actually just felt something was a little off, I just felt something was a little weird." Ning Shuyi said, "What I initially thought was a little weird was that those people were arguing and making a lot of noise, as if the conflict was irreconcilable and they had to have a big fight to vent their emotions.

But after you stopped them from making noise and told them not to gather there and disturb others, although they were hesitant, they left one after another when they saw someone leaving.

From beginning to end, no one tried to argue, and no one was unwilling to give in. The whole process was just like a group of kids secretly holding a party and being discovered and disrupted by their parents.

We have dealt with situations of gatherings and conflicts before, and although most people know how to quit while they are ahead, there has never been a case where a group of people dispersed without any explanation or resistance.

There were also the two security guards. Although they were wearing the work uniforms of ordinary residential security guards and looked fine, they were initially sandwiched in the crowd and looked like they wanted to mediate but were powerless. However, after you opened your mouth, the others dispersed and they actually left in the middle.

Logically speaking, they should say something to support when someone finally helps to control the situation, and stay until the end, and leave after everyone else has left.

But they followed you anyway. What did that feel like... It was as if the people you were driving away also included them, and they were part of the mob just like the others.

This is really not the reaction and behavior of a normal security guard.

Just now I suddenly thought of the fact that we Chinese have a relatively traditional concept that unless it is absolutely necessary, family disgrace should not be made public. Although it is a new era, whether to get married or not is not a big deal and has nothing to do with reputation, but if it involves economic disputes such as dowry and betrothal gifts, it is a bit unpleasant to quarrel in public.

In particular, among the two parties, the one living in that community is even more unwilling to have their neighbors prick up their ears to listen to the noise.

In addition, the weather is already very cold at this time of year. Who would not discuss a solution at home where it is warm and private, but instead have to quarrel outside in the freezing cold?
Combining all these details, the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong.

Those people should be used to delay us and create time for others who tamper with the wheels to commit crimes."

After listening to this, Huo Yan frowned, nodded, and agreed with Ning Shuyi's point of view.

"What do you want to tell me?" Ning Shuyi finished expressing his opinion and asked Huo Yan.

"Who do you think today's incident is directed at?" Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi shook her head: "I can't say for sure, Liang Xuanming just had an accident, he was hit by someone while driving and fell off a bridge.

And now your car is tampered with again and it almost breaks down.

If these two things are pure coincidence, then it is indeed too coincidental.

But if it wasn't a coincidence, I wonder if someone would be stupid enough to do it twice in a row with such a short interval, and both times they chose to do it on the car, because they were afraid that others wouldn't notice the clues?

If this matter is related to Liang Xuanming's case, then it must be directed at me, or at the two of us.

But if there is no connection, then I really can’t remember it. We haven’t handled any controversial cases, or cases where the family members cannot accept the facts. There is no reason to make such a big fuss against us.”

Huo Yan was silent for a moment, then looked up at Ning Shuyi. Seeing that Ning Shuyi was staring at him, he sighed softly. After all, they were at work now, so he could only reach out and touch the back of Ning Shuyi's head gently, then quickly took his hand back.

"I didn't intend to hide anything from you. I planned to handle it alone." He knew what Ning Shuyi's eyes expressed, and hurriedly explained, "However, this is just my personal guess. Maybe the person who did this didn't have such a meticulous mind and wouldn't consider so much.

So I hesitated a little bit just now.

Just now I was thinking, if the other party wanted to specifically target one of us, since he was able to recognize my car, he should have secretly understood our daily situation.

If the suspect's target is you, the most reasonable thing to do is to damage the front wheel on your side. In this way, if the tire bursts, the vehicle will lose control in the direction of your side. If you don't react in time to control it, the car will lose control and hit the wall, a tree, or be hit from the side by the car in the next lane, and you will be in greater danger.

But if the target is me, the best option would be to destroy the left front wheel."

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