Eye of Sin

Chapter 721: New Face

Chapter 721: New Face

Ning Shuyi frowned even more after hearing what Huo Yan said.

After thinking about it, she relaxed her brows and said to Huo Yan, "It doesn't matter, no matter who it is aimed at, we already have the analysis and direction, and the next step is to investigate.

We both need to be careful recently, and I won't be alone, so don't worry too much."

Huo Yan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart when he saw her quickly calming herself down. At this moment, anything he said would seem pale and powerless. He could only nod and say, "We will definitely resolve these issues soon!"

The first thing the two men did when they returned to the office was to retrieve the surveillance video of the street outside the community they had just visited.

There were no property surveillance cameras around the place where the two people parked their car just now, but because the parking location was not far from the community wall, there was a road traffic surveillance camera about ten meters away from the wall.

Although the angle and clarity of the photos are bound to not be particularly satisfactory, it is still better than nothing.

From the unclear video footage, we can see that there is indeed a person whose clothes are very similar to those of the cleaners in the community. He stopped near Huo Yan's car for a while, and seemed to squat on the ground sweeping some garbage. Then he walked away holding a broom or something.

Not long after that, the traffic police also called. After their immediate technical confirmation, they found that the tire of Huoyan was indeed tampered with, which led to the tire blowout, and it was still able to ensure the effect of delaying the tire blowout during driving.

So the two of them immediately reported the current conclusions of the matter, as well as some related speculations of the two people, to Dong Weifeng.

After Captain Dong learned about the situation, he also took it very seriously. This matter involved Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan, so he naturally couldn't let them run away on their own, as that would easily alert the enemy. He would assign another reliable person to do it later.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan are both reliable subordinates that Captain Dong trusts very much. He is not afraid that these two people will do anything out of line or impulsive. He just reminds them to be vigilant and pay attention to safety in their recent work.

If there are any abnormal or dangerous signs, do not be stubborn, report it immediately and stop all work at hand immediately to ensure personal safety first.

"There is one more thing," Ning Shuyi reminded Dong Weifeng, "No matter who they are targeting, the people who have the most motives we can think of have one characteristic: I wouldn't say they are very familiar with our colleagues in the team, but at least they have an impression of them.

If anyone like Lowe were asked to do these things, they might be easily recognized.

Do you want to borrow players from other teams?"

Dong Weifeng thought about it and waved his hand: "Don't worry about this. We have an old newcomer in our team, and he is guaranteed to be a new face."

"What does old newcomer mean?" Ning Shuyi was a little curious. She had never heard Captain Dong talk about this before. "Is there anyone in our team that I don't know?"

"Yes, let alone you, even Ji Yuan and Kang Ge who came several years earlier than you, I'm afraid they don't know him very well." Dong Weifeng nodded, "In fact, he is from the same class as Shen Wendong who was in our team before, a year earlier than Ji Yuan and Kang Ge, and he is a very outstanding person with very high professional quality.

His father was also a policeman. He died while performing an important mission to prevent criminals from escaping. In the second year after he was assigned to our place, his mother also became seriously ill and needed to go to Y City for treatment. The technology there was more mature than ours in treating his mother's illness.

As the only son in the family, he needs to be taken care of by his mother. His mother is the widow of a hero and model, so we also need to take care of her. So we asked for his opinion. Whether he wants to be transferred or seconded, it is all fine.

So, during these years, he has been working there on secondment.

His mother passed away a while ago, so after taking care of the old lady's funeral, he came back to report to us.

So leave your matters to him, there will be no problem. I guarantee his personal ability, don't worry."

Ning Shuyi really didn't know that there was such a person in the team. Although she didn't know him or understand him, after working with Dong Weifeng for a few years, she knew very well what kind of person the captain was. He was very reliable.

Since Captain Dong said that it is reliable and there is no problem, there is naturally no need to worry.

What's more, a stranger who has hardly ever shown up here is more reliable than someone borrowed from another team.

After the two people left Dong Weifeng's office, they immediately handed over all the related work on their matter to their colleagues, and then continued with their original work as if nothing had happened.

Maybe it was the sudden flat tire incident that turned their bad luck around, but then they were able to investigate the source of the counterfeit license plates surprisingly smoothly. They soon tracked down the most suspicious "supplier", and the supplier was not far away, in another city less than 200 kilometers away from W City.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan originally wanted to make the trip themselves, but this proposal was rejected by Dong Weifeng. He said that the time has not yet come for Ning and Huo to go out to work normally, especially for this kind of work that requires driving on the highway to other places, which is even more unsuitable.

So Qi Tianhua and his companions made a trip for Huo Yan and the other two, and soon brought back good news.

The fake license plate of the car was indeed made by that person. He originally wanted to deny it, but then he was worried that if he didn't explain clearly, he would be regarded as an accomplice of the murderer by the police, so he tried every means to provide all the information about the buyer that he could.

According to the confession of the counterfeiter who specializes in making fake license plates, the person who came to him to order the license plates was very random and didn't mind at all what the license plate number was. He said anything was fine and the only requirement was that it must be fast.

This kind of request is not uncommon for counterfeiters, so they readily gave their account numbers to the other party and asked them to transfer the funds through cardless deposit.

After the fake license plate was made, the other party came to pick up the goods in person at the agreed time, and the two people never had any contact again after that.

"Pick up the goods at your door?" Ning Shuyi frowned. "Do these people who make fake license plates feel so safe now? Do they dare to let people pick them up at their door?"

“It is said that most people would not be willing to do so, but that person was introduced by a familiar customer, so he agreed.

It was the regular customer who contacted him when he made the reservation, but he refused to say who the regular customer was. "

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