Eye of Sin

Chapter 722 Following

Chapter 722 Following
"So what does the person who comes to pick up the goods in person look like?" Huo Yan asked.

"I didn't see it. He was covered up very tightly, with a hat, sunglasses and a mask. Everything was hidden." Qi Tianhua replied, "He was also wrapped in thick clothes, so it was hard to see. His height was quite obvious.

Oh, by the way, the man said that the buyer had a facial feature that he recognized. There seemed to be a light red birthmark behind the ear. The area was not very large, near the base of the ear, but he could not remember the specific shape or size. "

After hearing what Qi Tianhua said, Ning Shuyi's face suddenly became even uglier.

As soon as they saw her expression, the others immediately guessed what the possibility was.

"Your ex-brother-in-law also had this kind of red birthmark behind his ear, right?" Qi Tianhua asked.

Ning Shuyi nodded: "Yes, he boasted to my sister at the beginning, saying that he was such a lucky person who would grow up well. If he was unlucky and not good-looking, and had that red birthmark on his face, like Zhong Wuyan, it would be terrible.

But his is behind his ear, and no one would stare at other people's ears for no reason, so it has no effect at all.

My sister was still thinking about having children at the time, and she even went online to search whether birthmarks were hereditary, etc., so I had a very deep impression of it.”

Qi Tianhua sighed and nodded to her with some sympathy: "Okay, then you and Huo Yan should not interfere in this matter for now. No matter whether it is him in the end, it is better for you two to avoid suspicion at this time."

Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi naturally could not object, so they agreed.

The two people who were originally very busy were suddenly no longer needed for any investigation and became inexplicably free.

The two people planned to stay in the team to help deal with some other trivial matters, but when it was time to get off work, they were "driven away" by Dong Weifeng, who told them to go back and rest. Even if they were safe, they still needed to adjust.

The two men left the unit and went to the hospital again to see Liang Xuanming who was still in a coma.

Liang Xuanming's condition was much more optimistic than what people had originally worried about, which was a blessing in disguise. However, he was such a lively and outgoing person, but now he was covered in scars and connected to many monitors, which naturally made people feel very complicated.

Because the elderly in the Liang family are old, Ning Shuyue asked them to look after Liang Xuanming in the hospital during the day, and she would go there after work in the evening. Even though she had hired professional nurses from the hospital, she still refused to go back to rest.

Ning Shuyi knew what her sister was thinking. It was because she suspected that this matter might be related to Nie Guang that she felt even more guilty towards Liang Xuanming. She thought that all this was caused by herself. Now she was using this method to express her apology, or it might be a kind of psychological atonement.

In fact, this matter was not Ning Shuyue's fault. Her relationship with Liang Xuanming never had any impact on her previous marriage with Nie Guang. The eventual breakdown of that marriage was 100% Nie Guang's fault. Ning Shuyue was an innocent victim, and Liang Xuanming was an irrelevant person.

Logically speaking, Ning Shuyue does not need to bear joint liability for the mistakes made by others.

But from an emotional point of view, if anyone encounters this kind of thing, with such speculation and suspicion, they will probably inevitably feel the same guilt and self-blame.

Seeing her sister pretending to be strong, Ning Shuyi only asked about Liang Xuanming's condition with concern, and reminded her sister not to wear herself out. Now Liang Xuanming has caregivers, nurses, and so many monitors, so his family doesn't need to spend too much energy and physical strength to take care of him. When he is completely transferred back to the general ward and starts the recovery process, then the hard work will begin.

As for the fact that the person who bought the fake license plate had a red birthmark behind the ear, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan did not mention it to their sister.

The two of them stayed with Ning Shuyue in the hospital for a while, and then Ning Shuyue sent them back to take a rest.

The two men left the hospital. Due to the severe traffic congestion in the area, it was difficult to get either an online ride-hailing car or a taxi. After discussing it, the two men decided to walk to take the subway.

The hospital gate is about one kilometer away from the nearest subway station. Although it is past the rush hour, there are still many pedestrians along the way.

After Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan walked three to five hundred meters, she suddenly felt Huo Yan holding her hand a little tighter, and his pace secretly quickened.

She didn't say anything, adjusted her pace to keep up with Huo Yan's rhythm. The two of them held hands and turned a corner at the intersection where they were supposed to go straight, walked half a street, and came back from another intersection.

"Is someone following us?" When they were almost at the subway station, Ning Shuyi stood on the escalator going down, and whispered in Huo Yan's ear, as if she was talking to her boyfriend, "Did you get rid of him?"

"No." Huo Yan stood in front of Ning Shuyi, took Ning Shuyi's hand and put it on his shoulder, tilted his head back, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of alertness. He quickly glanced at the billboard on the wall and the figure projected on the screen. "It's been neither far nor close, and I can't tell what his intention is."

"Then let's wait and see what happens."

Huo Yan nodded, reached back and touched Ning Shuyi's cheek: "I'm here, it's okay."

During this period of time, the subway line going home was still busy. Ning Shuyi was almost pushed into the carriage by the people behind her. Although she was a girl of medium height, she was quickly submerged in the crowd in the carriage.

Fortunately, Huo Yan was a tall and outstanding man, standing there like a stabilizing force. Ning Shuyi leaned beside him and stood with him, judging the current situation through the information conveyed by his eyes and the subtle expressions on his face.

It seemed that the person who was following them was also in the carriage. Huo Yan could vaguely lock on to the other party's position, but they were each near a carriage door. If the other party didn't move, they couldn't act rashly to avoid startling the other party and causing him to flee as soon as the door of the next stop opened, or to have any extreme reaction, threatening the safety of other passengers.

They arrived at a major transfer station two stops away from the Ning family. Many people got off the train. Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan got off the subway among the crowd and walked along the winding corridor towards the transfer passage.

The transfer route at this station was notoriously long. The two people moved quickly among the crowd and came to a fork in a passage. With a flash of their figures, they turned into a small branching corridor next to it.

A few seconds later, an equally tall man appeared at the entrance of the small corridor.

As soon as he turned the corner, he saw a dead end right in front of him. He was slightly stunned and turned around to retreat. However, when he turned around, he found that he was blocked in a small corridor by the couple in front of him.

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