Eye of Sin

Chapter 723 1 business card

Chapter 723 A business card

Huo Yan slightly blocked Ning Shuyi behind him, leaving her just a little space to see him.

The man who was blocked by the two of them was stunned for a moment, but did not show any nervousness. He looked at Huo Yan, walked towards the two people as if nothing had happened, passed Huo Yan, and left.

Ning Shuyi was a little stunned, but seeing that Huo Yan did not have any special reaction, he did not show any strange expression and returned to the route they were supposed to take with Huo Yan.

It was not until they got out of the subway and walked into the gate of their own community that Huo Yan spread out what he was holding in his hand to show Ning Shuyi.

It was a folded business card. After being held in Huo Yan's hand for a while, it became a little damp and a little wrinkled, but generally intact.

After unfolding the business card, both of them were stunned for a moment, and then Huo Yan's slightly frowned brows relaxed.

They were really familiar with the style of that business card, because each of them had a similar one, just with different names.

"Qin Yi..." Ning Shuyi looked at the name on it, and then looked at the style of the business card, "Oh, the style of this business card should have been made in the previous batch, and then it was slightly modified.

When you came, it was already the new version, which was at least five years ago.

So... that person just now is the colleague that Captain Dong mentioned who has been seconded to Y City in recent years to accompany his mother who is receiving medical treatment in another city?"

"It should be." Huo Yan looked at the business card in his hand with some confusion, "But why is he following us?"

Ning Shuyi shrugged slightly. She couldn't figure this out either. But since they were her own people, they naturally wouldn't have any ill intentions. There was no need to waste too much time thinking about it.

Father Ning, Mother Ning and Grandpa Xing were all very happy that the two of them could suddenly return home so early. Originally, the three of them were just chatting leisurely after dinner, but when they saw Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan coming back, Father Ning immediately went to open the refrigerator happily to make delicious food for the two children.

"Dad, stop working! We can just make do with whatever is at home!" Ning Shuyi pulled his father Ning, not wanting him to work hard.

Father Ning patted her hands and said, "Silly child, the greatest happiness for a person is to be needed. When you are young, you are needed by the society. When you are older, you are needed by your family!
Your dad was able to conquer both of you with his craftsmanship, what a great sense of accomplishment that is, it's not tiring at all!"

Huo Yan hurriedly followed in to help, but was also kicked out by Ning's father.

"Go take a rest and chat with your grandfather!" He secretly signaled to Huo Yan, "The old man is a stubborn person! He obviously misses you so much in his heart, but he can't even admit it!

You go, the old man is so old, and he finally found his grandson. He originally thought that living together would allow him to at least see him twice a day, but I didn’t expect that you have been so busy recently that you can’t even come home!

Every day when it’s time to get off work, this old man stands by the window and looks out. When you ask him if he’s waiting for you to come back, he won’t admit it and insists that he has been watching TV for a while and needs to look into the distance to rest his eyes!

Children look far away regularly to rest their eyes and prevent myopia, but I have never heard of an old man of this age needing this!"

Mr. Ning’s words made Huo Yan laugh. He nodded and went out to sit with his grandfather for a while.

Huo Yan's personality is not suitable for a good conversation partner, but Grandpa Xing is quite cheerful. Although he is reserved and introverted when his grandson is not at home, he can't help but find a lot of topics to talk about with Huo Yan when he sees Huo Yan coming back. Since Grandpa Xing moved in, his life has become much richer than before, and he has more topics to talk about with Huo Yan.

Huo Yan didn't talk much. Most of the time he was listening to his grandfather and observing the old man's condition. Seeing that he was in high spirits and in high spirits, he felt a little more at ease.

"Grandpa, has Xing Zhongde contacted you recently?" After a while, Huo Yan asked tentatively.

After spending half a year together, he has been able to naturally call Old Man Xing "Grandpa", but he still can't do it towards his blood uncle, nor does he want to.

Xing Zongda didn't mind the way his grandson addressed his second son, and he could understand Huo Yan's feelings, so he naturally wouldn't force it. However, when he heard his second son's name, he would get a little angry.

"No! This useless thing!" He snorted angrily, "I was thinking that he should at least feel a little guilty towards you. Even if he was angry at the beginning because of the way I distributed my property, he should be able to accept it calmly after thinking about it with his conscience.

Or, even if he is thinking about his future, whether it is sincere or just for show, he takes a good attitude to ease the relationship with you, at least it is an act of admitting his mistake!

But later on, I thought about it again, if he doesn’t want to come, then he doesn’t have to come. It’s okay if I don’t try to ease the relationship with you!

If it were me, if someone did this to me, I would never forgive him in my entire life, and I would even want to strangle him to death with my own hands!

If he always comes in front of you, you will feel very suffocated!"

Huo Yan was somewhat moved.

Grandpa Xing was right. He didn't want to see any repentance or compensatory behavior from Xing Zhongde, because the harm he had suffered in the past thirty years could not be compensated by anything he did in the future.

But for Grandpa Xing, he was his biological son after all, with whom he had lived for decades. No matter how disappointing he was, it was impossible for him to have no feelings at all for him.

In other words, the flesh on the palm of your hand is flesh, and the flesh on the back of your hand, even if it is covered in dirty and smelly dirt, is still your own flesh. Even if it is rotten and cut off, it will still hurt.

"He can still come to visit you. He doesn't have to avoid him because of me." Huo Yan sighed and said to Grandpa Xing.

"I don't want to see him either." Grandpa Xing snorted stubbornly, but a little annoyance was still revealed in his words, "That unfilial son doesn't want to see me either.

Ever since he found out that I would not redistribute the property even if we broke up and there was no way to reverse the situation from a legal perspective, he completely stopped contacting me!
So there is no father-son relationship between him and me! I am just the oil residue that he can throw away after squeezing the oil!"

"So, you haven't contacted him in the past six months. I wonder what he is busy with outside?" Huo Yan asked.

Grandpa Xing nodded and looked at Huo Yan suspiciously: "Xiao Yan, why did you keep asking about my rebellious son today? Did he go around me and cause trouble for you?"

Huo Yan shook his head: "No, don't worry, he doesn't dare."

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