Eye of Sin

Chapter 726 1 Empty Game

Chapter 726 All in vain
Nie Guang didn't expect Ning Shuyi to reply to him with these few words, and every word hit him in the face. He was so angry that his face almost turned purple.

"What are you so proud of? What should be within your reach?! Don't pretend to be so noble!" He glared at Ning Shuyi with gritted teeth, "Before, you kept quiet and kept Fang Zhiyang hanging, but as soon as you saw that this guy's worth went up, you immediately tricked Fang Zhiyang into doing that!

It’s bad enough that you cheated Fang Zhiyang, but his father will also hate me because of you!

All of you Ning family members, remember this account clearly! Things change over time. When I win the battle, I will make sure none of you can laugh.

If you don’t believe me, just wait and see!
Now, that guy surnamed Liang has finally helped me vent my anger...

Maybe his parents will see clearly later and realize that your sister is a jinx and whoever is with her will be in bad luck. By then, they will hope that their son stays away from your sister, and your family’s plan will be in vain!

He paused for a moment, and looked at Huo Yan maliciously. Huo Yan glared back at him, so he quickly looked away. After a slight hesitation, he swallowed half of the words on the tip of his tongue and said to Ning Shuyi, "Just wait and see. When your Ning family cries loudly, it will be my turn to watch the show!"

After saying this, he seemed to think that he might get beaten for saying such a harsh word, so he quickened his pace and left. As he accelerated, the inconvenience in his legs and feet became more obvious.

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan watched him walk away coldly, pushed the door open, bought a cup of coffee each, and left the cafe.

"How is it? Is there a problem?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan when they got back to the Public Security Bureau's car.

Huo Yan nodded confidently: "Yes, Nie Guang's injury is not on his ankle at all. When he walks, the force and twisting of his ankle are completely natural, there is no problem at all.

His leg is a little lame, the injury should be near the knee."

Ning Shuyi looked down at Huo Yan who was driving. Nie Guang was shorter than Huo Yan, so the position of his legs was slightly different when he was driving.

She roughly judged: "So his knee injury might have been accidentally injured when he drove to hit Liang Xuanming, right?"

"Yes, if he went to the hospital for examination and treatment, we can find out through his medical insurance record or ID card. But I'm afraid that he didn't go to the hospital for examination at all for the sake of safety, then we have no way to check." Huo Yan also agreed with Ning Shuyi's judgment. To be precise, he had made such a guess from the moment he saw Nie Guang's walking posture just now.

Ning Shuyi was quite optimistic about Huo Yan's worries: "Don't worry, Nie Guang is a person who takes good care of himself. It is impossible for him to be injured and endure the pain alone without seeing a doctor.

In order to avoid any sequelae, he will definitely go to the doctor, this is not a problem.

But there is one thing that I really can't help but think about."

"What's the matter?" Huo Yan quickly turned his head and looked at Ning Shuyi with some confusion.

Just now, his attention was mainly focused on observing Nie Guang's posture, and he didn't notice anything unusual.

Moreover, Nie Guang was just venting his anger and saying something to upset others. Huo Yan went over every word and action of the three people in his mind, but still couldn't think of any special details worth noting. "The way he looks at you is different from the resentment and anger he gives me." Ning Shuyi said his conclusion, "When he looks at you, he also has hatred, but it seems more like a kind of gloating.

Including the meaning revealed in his words, it seemed that Liang Xuanming had been unlucky, and his parents would definitely have reasons to blame my sister for this.

This sentence actually indirectly acknowledged that Liang Xuanming's incident was related to him. After all, only when Liang Xuanming's car accident was related to my sister's ex-husband and he did that to retaliate against my sister, would Liang Xuanming's parents possibly put the blame on my sister.

This idiot has basically confessed himself. If it weren't for the fact that our modern society requires a complete chain of evidence to convict a person, in ancient times, his intelligence and his big mouth would have been enough to send him to jail.

But the most crucial issue is that after looking at you with that gloating look, he told me to wait and see, and he was waiting to see what would happen in our family.

Connecting this with the previous part by Liang Xuanming, what do you think he wants to express? "

After Huo Yan was told this, he could finally figure out what Nie Guang meant by that: "He thinks your sister's plan with Liang Xuanming has failed, and that you will also fail with me?

How can I lose something here, since it is the gift given to me by my grandfather?

How can this be avoided? Grandpa’s gift deed was drafted under the guidance of a lawyer, notarized, and has come into effect. He was afraid that it would take too long to transfer the property, so he has already transferred it to me.”

"That's why I think his words are so intriguing." Ning Shuyi nodded, "Think about it, according to the law, all the property that Grandpa Xing left you has been transferred, and it's 100% safe.

After all, your second uncle has consulted lawyers repeatedly, and he is determined to find a way to invalidate the gift and prevent you from getting the property.

But they had no choice but to watch everything become a reality with no room for maneuver.

Is there any possibility that the property you legally received as a gift from your grandfather can be legally returned to your second uncle?"

Huo Yan was a little confused and didn't understand what Ning Shuyi meant at once. He could just see that her face looked very ugly at the moment.

The two men drove the car back to the Public Security Bureau and parked it in the yard. Huo Yan grabbed Ning Shuyi who was about to get out of the car.

"What's wrong?" Ning Shuyi's expression was a little more relaxed now, not as ugly as before. When she was about to get off the car, Huo Yan pulled her back. The other party's force was not small, and she felt a little stunned for a moment.

Huo Yan pursed his lips, and his face looked quite solemn at the moment. When he looked at Ning Shuyi, there was a bit of nervousness and uneasiness in his expression.

"What are you going to tell me?" Ning Shuyi hadn't seen him look at her with such an expression for a long time, and asked with some curiosity.

Huo Yan took a deep breath and said to Ning Shuyi, "I want to tell you... why don't we get the marriage certificate?"

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