Eye of Sin

Chapter 727 Inheritance

Chapter 727 Inheritance
Ning Shuyi never expected Huo Yan to suddenly say such a thing and almost choked on his own saliva. He looked at him for a moment and forgot how to react.

"Although I'm not a person who advocates romance or ritual... but... this is the first time I've seen such a unique way of proposing." Ning Shuyi smiled and asked Huo Yan, "What tactics are you using? Taking the enemy by surprise?"

Huo Yan felt a little embarrassed by her teasing, but he quickly calmed himself down, put on a serious face, and asked Ning Shuyi very seriously: "Are you willing? If you are willing, we will go back and get the ID card and household registration booklet in a while!"

"Give me a reason why you are so anxious all of a sudden?" Ning Shuyi refused, "Did you suddenly find some master to calculate an auspicious date that is rare in a thousand years, or is it that the Civil Affairs Bureau is holding an event where you can get a marriage certificate for half the price of the second one?

Without any reasonable explanation, I don't think it's necessary to do such an important life event so hastily, don't you think?"

Huo Yan pursed his lips. Of course there was a reason why he suddenly became so anxious, but he had no way of telling the reason to convince Ning Shuyi.

"So, you don't want to marry me?" He had no choice but to bite the bullet and become the stubborn one.

Who knew that Ning Shuyi didn't buy it and shook her head at him directly: "I don't want to marry you for this reason."

"I thought the emotional foundation between us was solid enough..."

"Our relationship has a solid foundation, but it is definitely not something that has rapidly evolved to the point where we cannot accept not getting the marriage certificate right away in just a dozen or twenty minutes of driving from the cafe to here.

I hope that we can get the red book when our relationship has developed to the point where we can smoothly transition to marriage, not to inherit your property."

Huo Yan didn't say anything. Ning Shuyi told him the reason for getting married, which he had not said because he was afraid that she would be angry. He had no way to deny this conclusion against his conscience.

"You are so stupid, what can I say to you!" Ning Shuyi sighed and shook his head helplessly, "I had already thought of this just now, so I reminded you, and you figured it out with my hint, and then suddenly proposed to marry me, and you still expect me not to guess the reason why you want to get married?
Your grandfather gave the property under his name to you in the form of a gift, although your inheritance rights were originally far behind those of his sons.

Now that the donation has been established, those properties have changed from Grandpa Xing’s personal property to your, Huo Yan’s personal property.

So as long as you are alive, those movable and immovable properties are your legal property, and no one can take them away from you.

But if you die, then the situation is different.

If both your parents are gone and you are married and have a wife and children, then your property will be inherited by your wife and children.

At present, you are unmarried, so if anything goes wrong, all your property will be inherited back by your direct blood relative, Grandpa Xing.

And Grandpa Xing is old. If you are no longer in this world, the only person around him who has the legal right of inheritance is your second uncle.

So this is obviously the best way for him to regain his lost share of inheritance legally and reasonably.

The nature of our work itself is relatively high-risk. If something really happens, there will be more than one or two suspects, which is equivalent to diluting everyone's suspicion.

This is a 'challenge' that is really worthwhile and worth taking the risk. So after you figured this out, you wanted to get me married, so that if anything really happens, I can inherit your property."

Huo Yan remained silent.

Ning Shuyi sighed, reached out, and took Huo Yan's slightly cold hand: "I don't want the inheritance of a huge fortune, I want a living person.

Don't be so pessimistic. We have already thought of this and taken precautions. Instead of taking this passive approach, we should hurry up and catch the person."

Huo Yan was moved. He shook Ning Shuyi's hand back and nodded.

Although he didn't understand romance, marriage was a serious matter to him and he didn't want to complete it in such a hasty way or with other reasons.

"It's not surprising that Nie Guang knew about Liang Xuanming's car accident. Even if we temporarily put aside his suspicion of committing the crime, the fact that Luo Wei and his friends had contacted him before was enough for him to know the fact that Liang Xuanming had an accident.

But the interesting thing now is that his words and deeds revealed that something would definitely happen to you, which would completely frustrate my family's idea of ​​'making money' from you. This is very interesting.

We now know very well that the person who tampered with your car, or the mastermind behind that person, was well prepared. It was definitely not a spur-of-the-moment act. His methods were very sophisticated and he had a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.

So I personally am not particularly optimistic about this line. Although it is not a complete failure, I think it still requires a bit of luck.

However, compared with the meticulous plans over there, Nie Guang's IQ doesn't keep up with his self-confidence, so he thinks he is smooth and thoughtful when doing things, but in fact he is like a sieve, full of loopholes.

If he really knows about your affairs... then it would be a very beneficial thing for us!"

After listening to Ning Shuyi's analysis, Huo Yan felt as if things had suddenly become clear, and his originally heavy heart finally felt a little relieved.

"Also, according to our analysis, there is another positive side," Ning Shuyi comforted Huo Yan, "During this period, you don't need to worry about Grandpa Xing's personal safety.

If your second uncle really wanted to plan something to "send you away" so that he could take back the property by using Grandpa Xing's inheritance rights to you and his inheritance rights to Grandpa Xing, then he would not want Grandpa Xing, the "bond" in the middle, to be severed at this critical juncture, because that would mean complications."

Huo Yan nodded, feeling a little relieved.

Ning Shuyi sighed slightly: "However, there is probably not much we can do openly. We can either go out and act as a target, or do some work to help others."

Huo Yan didn't care much about these. He shook his head, checked the time, and said to Ning Shuyi, "Let's go, let's go find Captain Dong and tell him about this.

Based on our situation, I wonder if the task he assigned to Qin Yi needs to be adjusted accordingly."

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