Eye of Sin

Chapter 728 Yeast

Chapter 728 Yeast
Captain Dong attached great importance to the latest clues provided by Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan. Although he did not quite agree with Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan's action of going out to defraud Nie Guang, considering that Ning Shuyi knew his former brother-in-law quite well and she was usually a prudent person, and the final gains were indeed very valuable, he did not say anything, but asked them to pay attention to safety in the future and not to rush for success and take risks.

Afterwards, it turned out to be just as Ning and Huo had guessed. Since the timing was not yet ripe for many things, the two of them could not go out to work for the time being. Both for public and private reasons, they should reduce their appearances in public for the time being.

What awaits them naturally is some auxiliary work in the office.

This kind of work is much easier than going out for a run, but it is not what Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan want. So although the two of them have to obey the arrangements of their leader, their brains are not idle. After finishing the tasks at hand, they started a new round of brainstorming.

“Actually, the tasks we have now are not easy at all, and the workload is still very heavy.

In the current situation, who do you think this incident is aimed at?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan.

"I." If he had some doubts before, Huo Yan was now quite sure of the answer to this question.

"Who is coming for you?" Ning Shuyi asked again.

Huo Yan was stunned for a moment: "Is there any other option for the answer to this question?"

"Not yet, but it should be." Ning Shuyi nodded, "Although we don't have a particularly deep understanding of Xing Zhongde, and don't have much experience in contact and dealing with him, a person's behavioral logic is basically related to his personality and is not easy to change.

The reason why you had such a growth experience is due to Xing Zhongde’s selfishness.

Similarly, the reason why you can live in this world intact is also due to his character.

Xing Chongde is definitely not a good person. No good person would have the heart to abandon the young baby left by his brother and sister-in-law who had just passed away.

Of course, whether you are happy to hear this or not, in fact, he is definitely not a particularly evil person. After all, it may be difficult to kill an adult, but in the case where no one knows you are still alive, killing a young baby is both secretive and easy. "

Huo Yan remained silent.

Ning Shuyi was right. From a subjective point of view, he was not happy to hear any words defending Xing Zhongde, but objectively speaking, the facts were indeed as Ning Shuyi had just said.

If Xing Chongde was really a cruel and inhumane guy at heart, he could have strangled himself to death with one hand, picked up a few stones, put them in a bag, and thrown it into a pond or lake in the wilderness. This would basically have put an end to it and saved a lot of subsequent risks.

But Xing Zhongde did not do that. He not only chose to abandon himself instead of killing, but also found a nearby welfare home and dumped himself at the door of the welfare home, so as to avoid being found in time and eventually dying. This does not mean that the malice of Xing Zhongde's behavior and the consequences and harm it brought can be erased, but it shows that although he is not kind, he is cowardly in his bones. Even under the catalysis of greed, he still fears killing and cannot do it.

After trying hard to put aside his personal subjective emotions, Huo Yan calmed down and understood what Ning Shuyi wanted to express.

"Nie Guang is the same, right?" He drew inferences from one example and said to Ning Shuyi, "Although his character is despicable, overall, he is obviously more of a 'villain' than a 'evil man'. He is a typical person with a lot of tricks in his mind, but he has the intention of stealing, but he is not very brave.

Others are desperate, but no matter how desperate he is, if there is an abyss on the other side of the wall, he will definitely stay calm and not jump. "

"I have to admit that your summary of Nie Guang is extremely insightful!" Ning Shuyi laughed, "He is such a person in my mind as well."

"So what you wanted to remind me just now was why this person, who has a bad character but does not have the courage to kill people, suddenly became so evil and had such evil thoughts?"

Ning Shuyi nodded: "Yes, to be honest, I don't know Xing Zhongde, nor am I familiar with him, but I am relatively familiar with Nie Guang. On the one hand, I know that Nie Guang has the strongest motive for committing the crime against Liang Xuanming, but on the other hand, I think it is a bit unbelievable that with his personality, he would risk his life to kill Liang Xuanming.

Although I hate him, as you said, he is a villain, but not a bad person. There is a big difference here.

So what I am most curious about now is, what gave these people, who originally did not have the courage to kill and who still had a fear of serious crimes, the courage that suddenly allowed them to upgrade from stealing money to killing?

There was no attempt to make money, he just suddenly had the courage to kill, and decided to use this extreme method to vent the resentment that had been buried in his heart for many years.

"They..." Huo Yan pondered, his thoughts becoming clearer. "You mean, whether it's Liang Xuanming or me, whether it's Nie Guang or Xing Zhongde, these two things are potentially related to what we discussed before."

"Yes, I have had this feeling ever since Liang Xuanming got into trouble. Later, we encountered a situation where someone tampered with our car. You analyzed which tire the other party had tampered with because they wanted one of us to get into trouble. Then, from Nie Guang's attitude, you inferred that there might be a connection between this and Xing Zhongde..."

All the thoughts that I was originally unsure about were now connected together.

Courage doesn’t come out of thin air, just like dough doesn’t ferment on its own. Someone has to put the ‘yeast’ in and knead it evenly so that the originally shriveled dough can expand. This is a process that takes a lot of time and is subtle and gradual.”

Huo Yan frowned slightly and fell into thought. After a while, he looked up at Ning Shuyi with some doubt: "So, as for the question of 'who', you already have the answer in your mind, right?
Do we have the same answer? "

"Write it out and let me see it?" Ning Shuyi took two pieces of notepaper from the side and handed one to Huo Yan, "Don't peek!"

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