Eye of Sin

Chapter 729 Why and How

Chapter 729 Why and How
The two of them quickly finished writing on the notes and showed them to each other almost at the same time.

Huo Yan's handwriting is vigorous and powerful, while Ning Shuyi's handwriting is elegant and neat.

Although the handwriting is very different, the same two words appear on the two pieces of paper - "Xu Li".

"How did you think of him?" Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi thought for a moment and said, "This is really a long story."

"It doesn't matter. We both have time now." Huo Yan smiled helplessly.

Ning Shuyi also smiled and nodded: "You are right! It would be a good idea for us to sort out our thoughts at this time.

In fact, I didn’t think of him at first. After all, although we had contact before, it was not frequent, and he didn’t show any signs of being overly enthusiastic or attracting attention.

Now thinking back, this might be his brilliance, being able to approach the other party imperceptibly without causing any trace, and not arousing the other party's vigilance or suspicion.

Although we met once during the initial case of the poisonous ants, the most obvious time he showed interest in you was when you came to give a lecture in our bureau. At that time, out of concern for you, the leader hoped that he could give you some psychological counseling or psychological assessment, or at least talk to you to see if he could help you change your state, but you rejected it very stubbornly.

I guess it was from that time that he realized that your experiences were very similar, so he became interested in you.

After you refused to attend his lectures and refused to accept any psychological counseling, he came to me. Initially, he wanted to learn about your situation through me, but I felt that since you were rejecting these things, as an outsider, I was not qualified to convey information to the psychologist on your behalf. So I took the opportunity to tell him about the situation of Mr. Pan, a nail house owner in the demolition project, to change the subject.

He did not show any obsession with you at that time. He followed my topic to learn about Uncle Pan's situation. He also enthusiastically offered help to Uncle Pan, provided psychological counseling, and persuaded him.

I have to admit that he is really smart in this regard and he did it flawlessly. From beginning to end, I didn't feel that he had any special attention to you. I just thought of it as the professional sensitivity of a psychologist.

So what really made me notice him and associate these things with him was that he became the first victim in all the cases closely related to keywords such as "PUA" or "mind control" that we have handled in the past six months.

Sometimes, if a person is very smart, his cleverness may backfire.

All the cases we have handled in the past six months seem to have some invisible connection. For example, the murderers all claimed that they were mentally abused or mentally controlled by the victims, but none of them were new conflicts that had only recently intensified.

It seems that someone is deliberately inciting these people's emotions, making them increasingly unable to tolerate some conflicts that have existed for years, and their emotions are fermenting again and again until they are out of control.

The only exception here is Feng Hua’s boyfriend Xu Chuanpeng.

As a person who was truly subjected to severe mental control and suppression, after being told that Xu Chuanpeng was the source of all her suffering, Feng Hua did not muster up the courage to eradicate this source. Instead, out of cowardice and lack of backbone, she told Xu Chuanpeng this.

Xu Chuanpeng also retaliated against this, and his target was Xu Li, a well-known psychological counselor.

Although he appeared in our field of vision as a victim, in the past six months or so, most of the cases we handled could be related to the reason of "resisting mental control". In almost all cases, there were no conflicts that escalated to the point where the other party could not be resolved without killing the other party. In fact, most of them had a significant common point, that is, the "weak" killed the "strong".

Of course, not all of them are weak, but at least in their own perception, they are the ones who are always targeted, humiliated, and oppressed. It is hard not to make some associations with such a uniform train of thought.

It just so happened that among these people, one of the victims was a psychologist. Thinking about the process of his murder in detail, it seems that as a person who usually does things maturely, steadily and flawlessly, he was particularly lacking in vigilance against others.

Faced with a notice from a client who admired him and threatened to commit suicide if he didn't go, Xu Li could have just sat back and watched. However, when he received an invitation for help in Feng Hua's name, at an unreasonable time and place, he accepted the appointment without hesitation.

Excuse me, I really don't see how important Feng Hua is to him."

Huo Yan listened to Ning Shuyi's words silently, then nodded: "So, in that case, although Xu Chuanpeng was arrested and confessed to the crime, there are indeed some things that have not been completely sorted out.

Looks like it's time to go back and dig into this old case!"

"How to dig? We can't act rashly now." Ning Shuyi reminded Huo Yan.

Huo Yan smiled and said, "I couldn't before, but when Qin Yi started to act, I was free.

There is only one 'Huo Yan' in the world, so when one 'Huo Yan' appears in one place, it is impossible for another 'Huo Yan' to appear somewhere else."

"You mean, when others see Qin Yi's version of 'Huo Yan' appear in a certain place, they will subconsciously let down their guard in other places?"

"Well, since Qin Yi will temporarily become 'Huo Yan' in the future, then I will just be someone else." Huo Yan seemed to have made up his mind, but after saying that, he was afraid that Ning Shuyi would be worried, so he hurriedly added, "Don't worry, I won't act on my own. I will definitely report to Captain Dong in advance and get permission before taking action."

Ning Shuyi nodded: "As for you, I'm not worried about this problem.

Now that we have come to this point, the two of us have reached a consensus on the question of 'who' and there is no disagreement.

But 'why' is another question I still can't figure out.

I used to really think that his curiosity about you came from the similar life experiences you two had in your early years, and that was why he particularly wanted to help you.

Now it seems that is not the case.

So this 'why' really puzzles me."

"I'm different from you." Huo Yan shook his head, "As for 'why', sooner or later we will get the answer from him.

For me, the most important thing now is the ‘how’!”

Thanks to book friends 20210301101941354x2, Jiutian Yunxiao x2, Little Kid Watching Cat, Late Bloomer 2020 x2, L0072, PualingZ x2, He Yi Ju You x2, Sweet Salad, Tanaka Minako, Pastoral Night, *Fish Yeah Fish* x2, Vegetarian Piglet x6, Xiao Damao x2, Good at Cold Humor x2, oshima x2, Xin Yanwei Yu, RoseAudrey x2, and Zhan Jian Mo Xun Yin for their monthly tickets!

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