Eye of Sin

Chapter 730 Induction

Chapter 730 Induction
Although Huo Yan is a man with his own ideas, he will never act recklessly.

So when he had a plan, he immediately went to find Captain Dong and discussed it with him behind closed doors for a long time.

Captain Dong was very interested in his and Ning Shuyi's bold analysis. Everything in the past six months was indeed too abnormal. There must be something fishy behind this sudden and unprovoked high crime rate. It was hard not to pay attention.

After making sure that their ideas and plans were not overly risky, Dong Weifeng did not try to stop them too much. At present, what Huo Yan and his team had to do was, in the final analysis, to collect some clues, which was not a big problem.

At present, the main investigation targets are still focused on Nie Guang and Xing Zhongde.

Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi will not deal with these two people, so there will be no risk of complications, and it also complies with the avoidance regulations.

So Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi started to get busy according to the division of labor agreed upon in advance.

Huo Yan is usually a very active person. He is tall and strong, walks with a breeze, and his hair is always trimmed short, looking neat and energetic.

To be honest, with his image, he is quite eye-catching no matter where he is.

Fortunately, it was winter at that time. Huo Yan changed into a thick cotton-padded jacket, which was a bit old-fashioned. He also did not shave cleanly. In just two days, he had a face full of stubble. Every day he put on a soft old woolen hat on his head and hung a neck collar on it.

After all this trouble, his whole appearance looked really different. In addition, Huo Yan deliberately slowed down his pace when walking, and his back was a little hunched. At first glance, he looked like a slightly bloated middle-aged man.

"Not bad! You're quite capable!" Ning Shuyi praised him after seeing him. "If I met you on the street, I wouldn't even dare to talk to you."

Huo Yan was flattered by Ning Shuyi's praise, but he also felt a little embarrassed, so he smiled and said, "It's much worse than Qin Yi, but it's enough to handle general tasks.

After all, in the past, when carrying out missions, disguised reconnaissance was occasionally necessary."

He went out in disguise and was not seen for the whole day. Ning Shuyi was also very busy in the bureau. He was so busy that he even forgot to eat lunch and did not feel hungry.

Ning Shuyi didn't get out of her work until it was completely dark outside. However, a fragrant smell wafted over and kept drilling into her nose, arousing her originally forgotten hunger, and her stomach rumbled with hunger.

When Ning Shuyi looked up, he saw a tall figure standing opposite him across two tables, holding a thermos bag filled with food.

Obviously, the fragrance came from the bag.

"Eh? When did you come back?" Ning Shuyi saw that it was Huo Yan and waved to him quickly, "Why are you standing there? You've been out there all day, why don't you sit down and take a rest!"

"I want to see when you will be greedy for the food I bought and notice that I'm back." Huo Yan's coldness had just dissipated and he felt warm again. He walked around to the other end of the table, put the bag on the table, and took out two boxes of takeout from it. "After completing the task, I passed by a barbecue rice restaurant with a lot of people on the way back, so I bought two.

I was worried that you might have already eaten when I came back, but when I came back I realized that I was worrying too much."

Ning Shuyi wanted to tease Huo Yan, but when she reached out to take the lunch box, she found that his hands were cold, obviously because he had been freezing outside, so she didn't say anything and hurriedly sat down to eat with Huo Yan. There is a reason why so many people line up for this barbecue rice. It is indeed fragrant and delicious, hot and a little spicy, and it makes people feel satisfied and happy after eating it.

"Have you been busy since I left today?" Huo Yan ate very quickly. He was really hungry, so he finished most of the food in just a few bites. Seeing that Ning Shuyi had also slowed down her eating speed, he knew that she was almost full, so he asked Ning Shuyi.

"Well, it's not as easy as imagined to collect clues." Ning Shuyi nodded, took the cup of water from Huo Yan, and drank a few sips, "First of all, we can't let the other party realize that someone is tracking his every word and action.

Secondly, didn’t we send people to look for Jiang Jinyang and Lian Yuguang before? The gains from Lian Yuguang were relatively direct.

He did receive offline psychological counseling. He had no money, but he signed up for a public welfare project. He only needed to register his situation when filling out the form. If he was selected, he would receive a notification from the organizer and receive a course of free psychological counseling without paying a penny.

Lian Yuguang said that he himself just felt unhappy for so many years. Although he now feels that he is about to get through it, that feeling of grievance is still in his heart and he has no place to vent.

So he filled out the application form and submitted it with the intention of venting his inner grievances, without holding out too much hope. Unexpectedly, he was actually selected.

When he heard that he was a well-known psychologist, he thought it was a rare opportunity, as if he had gotten a great bargain by picking up a wallet while walking.

So when he went to Xu Li for psychological counseling, he secretly recorded the conversation with his mobile phone.

Although the sound quality is average and a lot of noise is recorded, the general content can be heard clearly.

Xu Li is very good at using rhetoric when speaking. I have captured a few clips of his speech for you to hear. "

Ning Shuyi opened the selected audio file on the computer. She had cut out the unclear and worthless parts based on the original recording provided by Lian Yuguang and saved it separately.

"In ancient times, people called rainwater that did not fall to the ground rootless water. But now, we all know that rainwater is also condensed from the water vapor evaporated from rivers, lakes and reservoirs. So in the final analysis, it has roots. Not only does it have roots, but it is also a cycle, carrying a sense of fate that cannot be broken.

If there is a drop of water that was originally in a river, this may not be a kind of happiness for it, but a kind of torment. So it wants to get out of this situation very much, and it tries desperately to turn into water vapor and be evaporated.

One day, it really turned into water vapor and rose into the clouds. It was very happy, thinking that its fate was finally broken and it no longer needed to be entangled with those things that disgusted it.

As a result, all the efforts ended up with a rain, and the drop of water fell back again. Maybe it was no longer that piece of water, but it was almost the same.

Therefore, if you don't break this cycle fundamentally, temporary escape and avoidance are futile and cannot change anything substantial. There is no way to eliminate your pain from the root. It will only make you escape from the previous suffering and accidentally start the next one.

What you need to do is change yourself.”

Since the book is about to be completed, there will be no updates this weekend. The next book is tentatively planned to be a mystery novel in ancient Chinese. Ren Yaya’s story will have to wait for a while.

The intervals between ancient Chinese mysteries won’t be too long. As the last book in this series, Yaya’s story will definitely be realized. Please rest assured~

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