Eye of Sin

Chapter 731 Stab Defense

Chapter 731 Stab Defense
Huo Yan listened to the recording and frowned: "Is this considered a form of induction?"

“Yes, but it is very obscure and euphemistic. It seems to be helping others find the root of their problems, but in fact it is always giving them a negative psychological hint and spreading a fatalism that tragedy cannot be broken.

When people are sad and desperate, they will have two more extreme reactions. One is to give up on themselves completely, not have any hope, and not want to change the status quo, and they may even choose to commit suicide.

There is another kind of people who suddenly find courage in desperate situations and want to risk everything to get rid of the root of the evil once and for all.”

Ning Shuyi sighed: "Lian Yuguang is obviously one of these people. He originally just felt that recalling his past growth experience, the hurt brought to him by his mother, the hurt brought to him by his stepfather, and the bullying of him by Jia Hui, none of these were easy, but he endured it again and again, and he has finally gotten through it.

Before he went to receive psychological counseling, he was just feeling sorry for himself. In fact, he no longer needed to ask his stepfather and mother for money, and he didn't have to look at their faces. As for Jia Hui and the other idle hooligans, he just didn't dare to offend them openly, but there was nothing he couldn't avoid.

However, after listening to Xu Li's "guidance", his psychological trauma, which was not particularly serious to begin with, became even worse, making the situation worse.

He thought he had made it, but Xu Li told him about a drop of water that escaped from a river, turned into water vapor and flew up, but ultimately could not escape the fate of falling back down again. This not only failed to resolve his heart knot, but also tied a dead knot on the loose knot, and the window that originally allowed a ray of light to come in was completely nailed shut with an iron plate!
But Xu Li's words were very obscure. If we didn't have so many cases with potential connections on hand, I'm afraid we wouldn't have made such an association at the first time, and would have just thought that Xu Li was encouraging the other party to jump out of his original circle.

And this part, listen to it.”

Ning Shuyi changed to another recording, which was still Xu Li's voice, and it was very recognizable. However, because it was secretly recorded by Lian Yuguang, the voice was a little distant.

“There is no pain or happiness in this world that comes out of nowhere, but the difference between the two is that happiness is like water, which you can feel when it is sprinkled on you, but after a while, it dries up and disappears without a trace.

Pain is like ink. Even if it dries up, the mark is still there. Whenever you see it, you will always feel that your life and your soul are stained, impure and unclean.

And every time you touch the source of the pain again, it will repeat over and over again on the original stain, constantly adding up, getting darker and heavier.

So only when you completely clean the stain, let it disappear from your heart and your world, and can no longer reproduce and deepen, can you be considered to have completely walked out of that shadow! "

Huo Yan frowned even more tightly: "He is really good at beating around the bush! Every sentence he said has a hidden meaning. There is nothing wrong with the literal meaning, but the meaning of the words is clearly a kind of encouragement and instigation!

Isn't this sufficient as direct evidence to prove that Xu Li instigated their behavior?"

Ning Shuyi sighed and nodded: "That's true, this is what I meant when I said that it's not easy to collect clues.

It’s not that we can’t find anything to prove Xu Li’s involvement, but whether it’s the preserved recordings or chat records, it’s really hard to determine his instigation just by looking at the content of the conversations.

But the good thing is that among the people we have dealt with now, Lian Yuguang is not the only one who has had contact with him.

Treating a person in this way may not constitute incitement, it is just a coincidence and we are overthinking it. But what if most of the cases we have handled involved him behind the scenes?
If everyone goes through this kind of 'enlightenment', wouldn't it be possible to prove that this kind of inducement and instigation exists?"

"Then your workload will not be too small." Huo Yan sighed. Ning Shuyi waved his hand, indicating that it was not a big problem, and asked again: "I just talked about the situation on my side for a long time. What about you? After running around for a day, did you find anything?"

"Yes." Huo Yan nodded, his expression showing a bit of excitement, "I have already sent the things to the Criminal Technology Department, but I took a photo to show you."

As he spoke, he took out his phone and handed it to Ning Shuyi: "The latest ones in the album are these."

Ning Shuyi opened the photo album and found the photos that Huo Yan mentioned.

The photo looks like it was taken around a giant garbage dump.

The surroundings looked a bit desolate and shabby. All kinds of debris and garbage were piled around the dirty brick walls. Some of them looked like they had been piled there for a very long time and were covered with thick dust.

Some of the things looked like they had been thrown there not long ago and were scattered in a messy manner.

The next photo focuses on a smaller area, where you can see a dusty black vest among a messy pile of garbage and waste.

Ning Shuyi thought the style looked familiar: "Stab-proof vest?!"

Huo Yan nodded and helped her move to the next photo. This photo was even closer, and you could clearly see that there was a hole on the dirty stab-proof vest in the photo. It was obvious that the surface fabric had been pierced by a sharp weapon.

"See the wall behind the place where the vest was discarded?" Huo Yan pointed to the back of the photo.

Ning Shuyi nodded: "I can see it, it's quite high."

“The other side of the wall is a dead end.”

Ning Shuyi was stunned, and immediately understood what Huo Yan meant: "Xu Li's crime scene?"

Huo Yan nodded: "Yes, it was the dead end where he was later found. There was a wall on one side, about two meters high on that side of the dead end, and on the other side was an abandoned yard, which was basically no different from a giant garbage dump.

The quality of this stab-proof vest is not particularly good, but it still has a certain protective effect. I did a quick check and found that the stab-proof vest was punctured, but the hole was not big.

When I found it, there was a hole on it, but because it had been stored for a long time, it had been exposed to the sun and rain, and had many stains and became even dirtier. It would be difficult to find any valuable trace evidence from the surface. However, the surface of this thing itself is waterproof to a certain extent, so as long as it is not completely soaked in water, the inside should not be soaked by rain and washed clean.

So I brought it back and sent it for inspection to see if the damage matched the homemade knife that stabbed Xu Li, and whether I could try to extract blood from the wound. "

Thanks to Daisy Cat, fwy19690107 for x4 monthly tickets!

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