Eye of Sin

Chapter 732: Going with the flow

Chapter 732: Going with the flow
"Why did you think of going there to find stab-proof clothing?" Ning Shuyi was a little curious.

When they suspected Xu Li before, their main consideration was that he seemed to be connected to many people in the cases that had occurred during this period. He initially appeared as a victim, and when they looked at him again, they felt that it seemed a bit deliberate.

So after discussion, they came to the conclusion that Xu Li was most likely taking advantage of the situation and letting himself play the role of the victim. This would leave a preconceived impression on the police and allow him to be removed from the list of suspects.

But it is obvious that he may be very good at grasping people's emotional changes, but he does not understand the police's investigative ideas well enough.

As a result, the effect of making things worse was achieved. After the subsequent cases happened, the vague "brainwashing" in it, because of his appearance in the first case, made people think of a special profession like a psychological counselor.

However, Ning Shuyi had not thought of the stab-proof vest before. After all, Xu Li was stabbed through and through in that case.

"It was just a sudden thought for me." Huo Yan said, "Xu Li is a smart man. Just like the recordings and chat records you found, it is obvious that he knows what it means to plan ahead.

When a person is inducing others to do bad things, he must always be careful not to let his words become evidence that can prove his instigation. Then how could he be completely unprepared before going to an appointment that he knows is full of dangers?

So I was thinking that he was trying to create the effect that he was attacked, but he would not really joke about his own life.

The result later was obvious. Although Xu Li's life was hanging by a thread, it was because he was not discovered in time, resulting in excessive blood loss. This was something he had not calculated correctly.

In fact, after the hospital examined him, it was confirmed that no major organs were seriously damaged.

So I made a guess that the wounds on Xu Li's body might not have been caused by Xu Chuanpeng.

After all, if Xu Chuanpeng stabbed someone without any preparation, the most likely consequence would be piercing of vital organs, causing irreversible serious consequences.

This is definitely not the result Xu Li wanted.

Therefore, if he uses the protection of the stab-proof suit, he only needs the other party to take action, leaving fingerprints and traces, and he can "take care of" the subsequent matters himself.

But something obviously went wrong. The stab-proof suit he bought was not of particularly good quality, which led to him being pierced accidentally.

Afterwards, Xu Chuanpeng fled. Because he suffered a certain degree of external injuries, the plan could not be implemented strictly according to the original plan, and he could only make adjustments within his ability.

For example, take off the stab-proof suit, throw it over the wall and into the abandoned yard next door.

I guess he probably didn't expect that it would take so long to be discovered, and he thought he would have the energy and strength to deal with the stab-proof suit after the storm died down.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong and I nearly died from excessive blood loss. This gave me the opportunity to find this stab-proof vest.

Now all I need to do is wait and see if there is any blood at the punctured position of the stab-proof vest, and then I will know if my speculation is correct. " Ning Shuyi nodded. This discovery is very important to confirm their speculation, but...

"But even if we found Xu Li's blood on the stab-proof suit, proving that your speculation was correct, he did know that the other party wanted to attack him, but he did not avoid it and went to the appointment alone.

Even if he was wearing stab-proof clothing and was stabbed, the wound was definitely not as serious as it later appeared. Even if he deliberately created the result of being stabbed through, it can only mean that Xu Chuanpeng did not commit attempted murder in this incident, but intentional injury, which reduces the harmfulness of the crime a little.

As for Xu Li, the only thing we can hold him responsible for is his intentional creation of serious injuries to frame Xu Chuanpeng. As for the rest, there is still no absolute objective evidence to prove his guilt!"

"You're right, but it's also good to prove that he has control over the whole thing." Huo Yan's attitude is still very positive. "Like you said, there is also your ex-brother-in-law, who is like a sieve. So even if he has a hundred precautions, he still has to guard against Nie Guang's negligence."

"I'm not sure if my guess is right. I think Nie Guang may not be part of Xu Li's plan at all." Hearing Huo Yan mention Nie Guang just reminded Ning Shuyi of another idea that popped up earlier, "The cases that I have sorted out that are related to Xu Li actually have some common points.

Let’s talk about Lian Yuguang first. He is a typical weakling who endures humiliation in silence but finally can’t stand it anymore and musters up the courage to fight back and kill the bully.

This kind of 'weak defeating the strong' plot is full of drama, and it itself appears to be more 'exciting'. For those who plan and instigate such behavior behind the scenes, it is obvious that the weak killing the strong can give people a greater sense of accomplishment than the strong killing the weak.

I think Xu Li really enjoys this sense of accomplishment.

Even in the Xu Chuanpeng case where he took advantage of the situation and turned himself into a victim, from the words he used to persuade Feng Hua, I felt that he actually wanted Feng Hua to play the role of "the weak defeating the strong" in the beginning.

It's just that Feng Hua was a really hopeless person, which made it impossible for his plan to proceed smoothly, which led to the subsequent smooth progress.

From this we can also see another characteristic of his behavior, that is, decisiveness, no procrastination, and no need for any uncertainty.

Since Feng Hua was not doing well, he would immediately change the plan. If he couldn't get the weak to kill the strong, he would rather change the original plan than take any risk of failure and add more uncertainties.

From this point of view, given Nie Guang's level, I don't think Xu Li would be willing to use him as his chess piece."

"So what you mean is that Nie Guang might be a 'new character' that Xing Zhongde added to the whole play out of his own cleverness?" Huo Yan understood what Ning Shuyi meant, and after thinking about it, it seemed to make sense. "No matter what, as long as we can find evidence of Nie Guang's crime, we can follow the clues and bring Xing Zhongde to justice.

Or if the person who tampered with the tire is found, then Nie Guang's account can be settled later, and Xing Zhongde can't escape no matter what."

However, although the two of them had sorted out their investigative ideas very clearly, the investigation on the other side was not progressing particularly smoothly.

On the one hand, although Nie Guang’s alibi was not perfect, it was difficult to overturn. On the other hand, there was both good news and bad news in front of the criminal police team.

Thanks to Ding Ding Xiaobao x2 for the monthly ticket!

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