Eye of Sin

Chapter 733 Terrified

Chapter 733 Terrified

The good news is that the person who secretly tampered with Huo Yan's car in that community has been found.

The bad news is that when they found him, he was already dead.

Initially, because this person's actions were so secretive, there was no way to find sufficient clues to confirm his identity. The criminal police colleagues had to start with the people who were blocking the road in the community that day, arguing and breaking off an engagement, especially the two people in security uniforms.

Unlike the others, the two men were wearing uniforms similar to those of community security guards. They walked out arbitrarily at a time that was clearly working hours, and would have attracted the most attention among the group.

Sure enough, someone from the property management of the community saw two people in security uniforms walking out during working hours that day, so he stopped them and asked them where they were going.

After stopping the people, the property staff felt that the two "security guards" looked unfamiliar, so they asked them if they were the security guards of their community.

The two men waved their hands hurriedly to indicate that they worked somewhere else and just lived there. The property staff did not ask any more questions and let them leave.

Through the property staff, colleagues from the criminal police team identified the appearance characteristics of the two men, and it didn't take long for them to be found.

From the mouths of these two people, they also learned what exactly happened that day regarding the "broken engagement farce".

That group of people was just as Ning Shuyi had suspected before. They were not really two families arguing over breaking off an engagement.

They were just a bunch of extras - literally "extras".

The two "security guards" said that they were hired and were not told what they needed to do. They were asked to act out the story of a dispute between two families over a broken engagement. There was a detailed division of labor as to who was the bride's relative, who was the groom's relative, who played the security guard, and who played the cleaner.

Among these people, many were old acquaintances who usually looked for work together, so with the help of these two people, other people who participated in the incident that day were quickly found.

They followed the clues all the way and thought they could easily find the suspect who destroyed the wheels under the cover of everyone, but they encountered a problem here - the person was not one of their group.

In other words, the group of people hired to stage such a farce were actually just a cover for this person.

Colleagues from the criminal police team conducted further investigations and finally confirmed the identity of the other party. They discovered that this man was originally an auto mechanic. He had lost a lot of money outside and was in debt. He was chased by his creditors and had to hide all over the world.

Just before Huo Yan's car accident, he suddenly paid off all his foreign debts, looking like he had made a fortune.

It was just because of his previous bad habits that no one thought much about it and just thought that his luck had suddenly improved.

After the mechanic tampered with Huo Yan's car, he also disappeared.

After a long search, his body was finally found. He was killed by a blunt object hitting the back of the head, the force was very accurate, and he was killed in one blow, leaving no room for resistance.

Before his murderer was found, this clue, which had become increasingly clear, was broken again.

And just the day after the mechanic's body was found, the team received another case in which a young man was attacked and killed. The fatal injury was very similar to that of the dead mechanic.

This coincidence attracted the attention of the criminal police team. At the same time, they also welcomed an unexpected "guest".

Nie Guang was sitting in the criminal police team's office, huddled up in a ball and shivering constantly. If he wasn't dry all over, Ning Shuyi would have thought he had just been pulled out of an ice hole.

As soon as he saw Ning Shuyi, Nie Guang lost his usual sarcasm and wanted to get up eagerly, but his legs went weak and he fell to the ground with a plop, giving Ning Shuyi a "big bow".

"Xiaoyi! Xiaoyi! I'm sorry for you, and for your Ning family! I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Please, save me!" He didn't let anyone pull him up, and just knelt on the ground, with snot and tears, crying incoherently: "It's all my fault!

I shouldn't have been so obsessed, I shouldn't have coveted the pie in the sky! I deserve death...

No, no...I am wrong, but please, save my life! I don't want to die!
I know I’ve let your family down, and I’ve let Liang Xuanming down…but…but you’re all good people, please save me…”

"What's going on? Can you cheer up and get up first?!" Ning Shuyi tried to pull him up angrily.

But Nie Guang was like a piece of chewing gum that had been spit on the ground, and he couldn't be pulled up no matter how hard he tried.

Fortunately, Huo Yan walked in from outside and saw this scene. He walked up, grabbed Nie Guang by the back of his collar, lifted him up from the ground, and almost "threw" him on a chair beside him.

Nie Guang glanced at Huo Yan. Due to the recent changes in Huo Yan's attire, he did not recognize him at first. It was not until Huo Yan took off the knitted hat on his head and took off his cotton coat that Nie Guang suddenly realized who the other person was.

He immediately wanted to stand up and rush over to beg for mercy, but Huo Yan saw through his intention and pushed him back before he could stand up.

"I advise you to just sit there and don't move! If you have anything to say, just say it clearly and don't waste time." Huo Yan's physical strength and energy have been exhausted to the limit during this period of time. His eyes are now full of bloodshot. He can still maintain his composure in front of his colleagues and Ning Shuyi, but when he sees Nie Guang, he becomes irritated both professionally and privately.

Although Nie Guang was emotionally broken, he was very sensible at this critical moment. Seeing that Huo Yan was angry, he immediately tried to cheer himself up and put his hands together: "Please, save me! I know I am guilty, but I don't deserve to die!
I admit all the mistakes I made! As long as you don't let anyone kill me, everything is fine!"

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan looked at each other and took the initiative to move away from the position closest to Nie Guang. Zhao Dabao and Luo Wei hurried to fill their position.

"Why are you backing off? Do you hate me so much that you don't want to care about me?" Nie Guang panicked when he saw the two people's reactions. "I really know I was wrong! I am willing to accept the punishment of the law! As long as I don't die unclearly, I am willing!"

"If you want to plead guilty, shouldn't you first make it clear what crime you want to plead guilty to?" Zhao Dabao reminded him, "Also, when we came to you before, weren't you stubborn and said you were innocent and asked us not to ruin your reputation?
Why did you suddenly feel guilty? "

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