Eye of Sin

Chapter 734 Hug the thigh

Chapter 734 Hug the thigh

Under the stares of everyone, Nie Guang trembled even more: "I...wasn't I confused at that time...

I plead guilty! Liang Xuanming... was the one who hit him, but I didn't mean to kill him. I just felt unhappy when I thought about how I would suffer alone after the divorce while all of you would be so proud of yourself...

I have weighed the pros and cons and feel that this is the least sinful. After all, I only hit his car. Whether he lives or dies depends on whether God spares him. That is not something I can decide...

I really know I was wrong now... I thought I just didn't follow their plan strictly, and I can apologize for this later... But I didn't expect them to be so cruel and kill people directly..."

"Who died?" Lowe asked.

"My cousin... my cousin is dead! They killed him!" Nie Guang was shaking so hard that he almost bit his tongue. But now that things had come to this, he didn't dare to hide anything. "I know... I know, they wanted to kill me...

My cousin was playing a scoundrel with me. We look alike. Others say we are more alike than brothers. I just wanted him to pretend to be me, use my card to go shopping, and spend money, to prove that I was not there at the time and that I could not have done anything to Liang Xuanming...

This boy is so confused... He thought my clothes were all brand names, so he refused to return them to me and instead dressed up as me and walked around everywhere, and as a result, he was mistaken for me!

He is just an unemployed vagrant. If he hadn’t been mistaken for me, how could anyone want to kill him…”

Nie Guang was so frightened that he lost all control of his speech and even seemed a little incoherent.

But Huo Yan and others understood what he meant.

"Who are they? Who wants you dead?" Zhao Dabao asked.

Nie Guang shuddered and looked up at Huo Yan: "You...your second uncle..."

After he finished speaking, he looked at other people nervously, expecting surprise on everyone's faces, but he saw that everyone was looking at him calmly, obviously expecting it.

"You...you have suspected him for a long time?!" Nie Guang came to his senses, "Since you all suspected him, why didn't you arrest him!

If you had caught him earlier, wouldn't my brother have died?!"

"If you hadn't helped him hide it, we could have caught him earlier." Ning Shuyi retorted to him bluntly.

Nie Guang was choked and speechless.

"How did you get in touch with Xing Zhongde?" Huo Yan asked.

Nie Guang looked at him guiltily, stammering and unable to speak.

"He originally found you because he wanted you to target me, right?" Huo Yan didn't have the patience to wait for him to struggle, so he directly gave him the answer that he dared not say.

Nie Guang nodded hurriedly and secretly moved towards Zhao Dabao, as if hoping that if Huo Yan got furious and couldn't control his temper, there would be someone to help him stop him.

"You...you know everything!" He quickly took the opportunity to say, "Your second uncle thinks you have robbed his property, so he wants you dead.

He came to me and asked me if I was having a particularly bad time, and if the life was completely different from what I had originally wanted. He asked me to think about whether my plans had failed little by little since you appeared and intervened in the Ning family.

Your second uncle told me that not only did you ruin my life, but you also stole the property that should have been his, so as long as I can muster up the courage to take revenge, he will be my investor. He will also introduce me to his business connections and help me reach the pinnacle of life... The second-hand car, buying a fake license plate, and modifying it were all his ideas.

I admit that I was moved by his words at first, and I do feel that since you came to the Ning family, everything has gone wrong for me...

But later, when it was time to start, I changed my mind...

You are a policeman after all. If I fail, it will not be so easy to get over it...

I thought about it again. In fact, compared to you, I would rather see Liang Xuanming die. When I thought about how unhappy I was and how your sister and Liang Xuanming were so in love, I felt furious.

So... so I took the initiative and changed my target from you to Liang Xuanming. I thought... I'll give it a try first. If it succeeds and no one suspects me, then I can attack you at that time...

Unexpectedly, your second uncle got angry all of a sudden and scolded me. No matter how I explained or negotiated, it was useless...

I originally wanted to wait for him to calm down before going to him to explain... But it was only a short time ago, and my cousin suddenly died...

I...how can I not be scared!

I am guilty, and the law should deal with me as it should! But I can't die in such an unclear way for no reason!"

Ning Shuyi looked at Nie Guang coldly. This guy was still the same even at this point. He always tried to make himself look glorious when he spoke. He kept saying that he was "willing to accept the punishment of the law." It was nothing more than that he found that there was still a glimmer of hope if he was tried by the law. If he was silenced by the other party, he would have no way to survive.

"You said that Xing Zhongde instigated you to do all these things. Do you have any evidence?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"Yes! Of course I did! I'm not a three-year-old kid, I won't do anything without keeping any reservations for myself!" Nie Guang answered without hesitation, "I secretly recorded everything with a recorder! He didn't let me bring my cell phone, so I brought a recorder, the kind that looks like a signature pen, and I put it in my pocket, and he didn't take it seriously.

So I recorded everything he asked me to do and what he promised to give me.

I never thought that he would want to kill me to silence me just because I wanted to curry favor with him. I was thinking that if he turned against me later, I would at least have something to protect myself!"

"Where is the recorder?" Lowe asked.

"I left it in the express locker in the community where I live! I'll give you the phone, you go and get it!" Nie Guang answered immediately, fearing that he might not appear sincere enough.

Lowe took his cell phone and left immediately, and came back with a recorder a short while later.

There was indeed a recording inside, and the voice could be identified as Xing Zhongde himself.

However, Xing Zhongde obviously did not have the same brilliant rhetoric skills as Xu Li.

He used almost a teaching tone, carefully teaching Nie Guang how to do it, as if he was afraid that Nie Guang would not learn.

Luo Wei and Zhao Dabao's faces darkened when they heard Xing Zhongde's words instructing Nie Guang to kill Huo Yan.

Huo Yan, on the other hand, looked extremely calm, as if he was not affected at all.

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