Eye of Sin

Chapter 77 Something is wrong

Chapter 77 Something is wrong

After realizing that her behavior might bring serious legal punishment to herself, Yang Huishu seemed to regret the "frankness" she showed earlier.

But what she said was like water poured out, and her programmer fan had already provided all the content of the conversation between the two of them because of fear, and Kang Ge was also restoring what was deleted by the programmer.

With all these evidences in front of her, Yang Huishu couldn't help denying it.

After some sophistry, she finally honestly provided the ticket purchase voucher. Basically, her motive and process of committing the crime are very clear, and all she needs now is to send the samples to the provincial department to get an inspection report.

If there are new discoveries, then there may be other possibilities for the conclusion of this matter. If no other abnormalities are found, then the "prank" planned by Yang Huishu may be the real cause of Wang Yuluo's death.

After dealing with these matters, Ning Shuyi returned to the office and sat in his seat in a daze.

Instead of feeling relieved, she felt even more confused. The whole process of this matter made her feel that something was wrong.

"No, I still have to ask forensic doctor Zhang!" She was silent for a while, then got up suddenly, said something to Huo Yan, and hurried out.

Seeing this, Huo Yan was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously got up and followed, and the two went directly to forensic doctor Zhang who hadn't finished get off work yet.

Forensic Zhang was not surprised when he saw Ning Shuyi coming. He seemed to be used to this girl's style of doing things, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Is there anything else that I don't understand?"

"Forensic doctor Zhang, I would like to ask, if the possibility of other rare toxins is excluded, and based on the time point of Wang Yuluo's death, is the concentration of blood residue obtained by our sampling sure to be able to reach the level after the shock? result in death?"

"This... I can't give you a 100% sure answer." Forensic doctor Zhang shook his head, "As far as the concentration of residual blood is concerned, it is definitely far from the lethal dose, but under that condition, how much do you suffer? Sudden cardiac death can occur due to stimulation. This is really different from person to person, and there is no definitive conclusion.

In other words, this is a matter of probability. Combined with the different physical health conditions of each person, there are great differences. Some people may have heart problems, and when they walk to the corner, they are frightened by a cat that jumps out there, and then they die.

We can only say now that because the special toad toxin was detected in Wang Yuluo's blood, it will indeed make her have the possibility of sudden death after facing strong stimulation and fright, but the probability of it happening is hard to say. . "

"Then if sudden cardiac death is caused by shock and stimulation, what is the general process?" Ning Shuyi asked another question after hearing Zhang's forensic doctor's rigorous answer.

"This... also varies from person to person. If it is fast, the entire process from discomfort to death can be completed within four to six minutes. If it is slower, fifteen to twenty minutes is also possible."

Forensic doctor Zhang answered this question patiently: "But no matter whether it is fast or slow, it must start with discomfort. There is a relatively complete process. Although it is called sudden death, it is definitely not a sudden death without warning. Tilt your head and you'll die!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the thoughtful Ning Shuyi and felt a little curious: "I heard that you have caught Wang Yuluo who provided toads and those who deliberately gave her tickets to horror movies. Are there any unsolved doubts in this case?"

"I can't say for the time being, but I think the process of Wang Yuluo's death is still a little unreasonable." Ning Shuyi frowned slightly, with a hint of confusion in his focused expression, "Yang Huishu's plan to kill someone with a knife can't be escaped." It's gone, but I still have some things I don't understand.

Although she made such a plan, her subjective wish was to hope that Wang Yuluo would die, but in the end it was a big gamble. If Wang Yuluo's sudden death was really caused by mental stimulation, then she won the gamble, and she should be judged according to the law. .

But in case she didn't win the bet, and Wang Yuluo happened to die in the 'round' she designed, wouldn't she be the one to blame?

Although no matter what, the best conclusion is that the attempted murder is an indirect intentional murder, but if an attempted criminal is allowed to take the blame for the completed murder, wouldn't the real perpetrator get away with it? "

"Your rigorous attitude is right. We have basically done everything we can do now. It depends on when the inspection report will be sent back from the hall. By then, your suspicion will be clearly found. Answer!" Forensic doctor Zhang liked this serious and stubborn girl very much, so he smiled and comforted her.

Ning Shuyi nodded, but said nothing more, thanked Forensic Doctor Zhang, and went back to the office with Huo Yan.

She didn't relax because of Zhang's forensic doctor's comfort, she was still full of worries.

With the current situation in front of her, Yang Huishu did plan to kill Wang Yuluo, but whether Wang Yuluo's death was due to her plan was not a firm conclusion.

Other people around Wang Yuluo also had motives for committing crimes, but because the samples sent for inspection had not been reported, there was no way to determine the potential modus operandi, and motives alone were not enough to determine a person's suspicion.

Now she was afraid that Yang Huishu would bet that she would kill Wang Yuluo without anyone noticing, but she lost the bet, and the real culprit was not her.

If they had other targets of suspicion, before the cause of death could not be determined, Yang Huishu was taken into custody in a high-profile manner. As a smoke bomb, it could confuse the real suspect who was originally vigilant and hidden.

But right now, they don't have any suspects. On the contrary, there are a lot of people with motives but no chance of committing crimes. In this case, it is much easier for the real suspects to fish in troubled waters and wait for an opportunity to escape.

It is even possible to use the time when the cause of Wang Yuluo's death has not been determined to desperately destroy the evidence. It may be difficult to start a deeper investigation after the conclusion is obtained.

As Ning Shuyi walked back, she quickly recalled many details of the case since she took over the case. Several times, if Huo Yan hadn't held her back, she would almost bump into a colleague who suddenly came out from the corner .

Back in the office, Ning Shuyi sat in front of the computer without saying a word, and recalled the surveillance video that was saved from the screening room of the movie theater that day.

Huo Yan also sat beside her, and Ning Shuyi made room for him, and the two of them watched the screen carefully.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of Shengfei Fangqizhong x10, fwy19690107 x2, and Vegetarian Piggy x6!
(End of this chapter)

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