Eye of Sin

Chapter 78 Watching Movies

Chapter 78 Watching Movies

"Do you think Wang Yuluo's process from discomfort to death is a bit different from what Zhang forensic doctor described?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan after reading it carefully.

Huo Yan also looked at it seriously just now, when she asked her, he nodded: "Her discomfort appeared a little too suddenly."

Ning Shuyi nodded again and again: "Yes! That's the feeling! During the whole process of watching the movie, she seemed to be normal and had no discomfort, and then suddenly twitched, and then lost consciousness. quick.

In the monitoring screen just now, Wang Yuluo didn't show the slightest discomfort either before or after Cai Xin left, and he didn't even have many startled reactions due to the plot.

Her discomfort came suddenly after the bag on her lap dropped and she bent over to pick up what was scattered on the floor. "

Huo Yan got up and took the file of the case, and found photos of the items scattered on the ground at the scene of the crime: "There are a lot of scattered things in Wang Yuluo's bag, but it is certain that there are no first aid medicines."

Ning Shuyi still had some impressions of this incident when she appeared on the scene. Now that she saw the photo, her memory became clearer. She carefully looked at the sundries scattered on the ground in the photo. There were powder cakes, tissues, There are also makeup mirrors, small portable perfume bottles, keys and the like.

"What is this?" She stared at the photo for a while, pointed to a small translucent white capsule-shaped unknown object on the ground, and asked Huo Yan.

Huo Yan shook his head: "I noticed this thing at the scene that day, but I couldn't see what it was. But as you said, there is really no emergency medicine such as Jiuxin Pill."

"What happened after she bent down, or did she feel uncomfortable because of the plot of the movie before that, but didn't show it?"

Ning Shuyi muttered with some doubts: "Bent down to pick up something, but didn't pick it up, the person suddenly suffered from painful convulsions and died soon. The effect that can be achieved...

In addition, judging from the reactions of other people in the theater in the surveillance, when Wang Yuluo had an accident, it was basically certain that the more terrifying plot in that movie should have passed.

It seems that nothing went wrong during the scariest moment, but it happened after the plot calmed down? "

Huo Yan took out his mobile phone to search, and said to Ning Shuyi: "That private theater is still showing that horror movie.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Whether Wang Yuluo happened when the plot turned calm or not depends on the audience's reaction. Why don't you go and see for yourself.

Do you dare to watch this kind of movie? "

"I'm not afraid of people, but I'm afraid of ghosts?!" Ning Shuyi heard Huo Yan's meaning, and immediately got up, "Let's go! Let's go now and see is believing!"

The two of them went downstairs and got into the car. After walking halfway, Ning Shuyi remembered: "How do you know that movie is still showing in that private theater?"

"When I came to the scene that day, I registered as a member of their side, and wanted to see how I could find out the screening information of this kind of horror film that is not allowed to be released."

Ning Shuyi took a look at him, and thought that despite his rough and tough style, he was actually quite careful and thoughtful.

The two quickly came to the shopping mall where the private cinema was located. This time it was just the two of them, and the manager of the cinema was not there. The people at the box office didn't know them, so they didn't have any suspicions. It was natural. He quickly issued tickets for the two people and asked them if they would like to buy a snack set by the way.

When Huo Yan expressed his clear and decisive refusal, the little girl at the ticket office couldn't help giving him a look of contempt.

At this time, there were less than 10 minutes before the opening, and the two people took the tickets and went directly to find seats, and waited intently for the movie to start.

This time, the auditorium where the movie was watched was slightly smaller than the one where Wang Yuluo had an accident. It is estimated that the auditorium where the accident occurred would not dare to be put into use again so soon.

The difference from the screening room where Wang Yuluo had an accident is that this screening room is full of double sofas, the so-called "lover seats", most of the people watching the movie with them are young couples, girls holding popcorn and milk tea , sitting with her boyfriend, muttering and discussing the rumors on the Internet about the horror of this film.

Only Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan were sandwiched between them, sitting upright, with neither food nor drink in their hands, and no communication after sitting down.

The young couple sitting obliquely behind them was obviously curious about them, Ning Shuyi heard the girl whisper to her boyfriend: "I guess this is because there was a quarrel after buying the movie tickets, and I have to stop Come, come here with emotions! Otherwise, how can you watch a movie like "well water does not violate river water"!"

Her boyfriend obviously has a different opinion: "What do you know, I think this guy has a way! After making it clear that the two of them had an awkward cold war, he deliberately picked up his girlfriend to come to the store and chose such a horror movie .

Think about it, once the performance starts, the ghost comes out, and the girlfriend gets scared, what is your reaction?Definitely have to drill into his arms!
When the time comes, he will take advantage of the situation and give him a hug, and give him a few words of comfort at the critical moment to provide a sense of security. After watching a movie, the Cold War situation will be broken! "

His little girlfriend agreed with his theory, and whispered coquettishly, "Oh! You guys are really scheming!"

oops!You people really have enough time!

Ning Shuyi rolled his eyelids in the front row, feeling a little helpless at the two gossip-loving young couples behind.

But having said that, no one would have guessed that she and Huo Yan came here because of the case and "seeing is believing". People are guessing wildly, but there is nothing unreasonable.

Soon the movie started, and as the lights went out, the atmosphere in the auditorium gradually became startled as the movie plot unfolded.

Huo Yan was sitting upright. He had never been interested in this kind of movies about gods and ghosts, but objectively speaking, the production of special effects in this movie should be regarded as underwhelming. It was the first time that the ghost's face suddenly appeared When it was on the big screen, there was a sound of exclamation and gasping in the auditorium.

He turned his head and glanced at Ning Shuyi, and found that Ning Shuyi's expression was focused, and he was recording the time of this frightening point on the small notepad he carried with him.

Ning Shuyi is actually quite timid, but she is not so big. The main reason is that this time her attention is not on the plot of the movie at all. It can even be said that she has been concentrating on looking forward to "" "Ghost" appeared so that she could record every moment.

In such a state of "coming prepared", if you can still be scared, that's really a hell.

(End of this chapter)

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