Eye of Sin

Chapter 79

Chapter 79
Just like that, after a movie was shown, Ning Shuyi recorded a series of time points in her small notebook. When the movie ended and the lights came on, she got up and called Huo Yan to leave the screening room first.

The young couple in the back row looked at the back of the two of them leaving in a hurry with regret on their faces, and sighed.

"This buddy's plan is quite good, but I didn't expect his girlfriend to be so courageous!" The boy sighed to his girlfriend.

The girl couldn't help but sighed: "I think that young lady looks delicate, she doesn't look like a courageous person.

Probably because she was too angry with her boyfriend, so even if she gritted her teeth and resisted, she still had to pretend not to be afraid!In any case, his plan cannot be allowed to succeed!
But even if her boyfriend arranged to watch a movie, she refused to go down the stairs, what a contradiction it must be!Tell me, is it a play of cheating on a scumbag man to get back together? "


Ning Shuyi, who was in a hurry, didn't know that after she and Huo Yan left, the two curious children behind her actually arranged a love-hate entanglement plot for them.

In fact, in the past few days, she has been disturbed by the renters upstairs every night, so she can't take a good rest. During the day, she also asked Ning's father and Ning's mother. The room of the old couple is still quiet at night, not too big. There was a movement, as if the people upstairs were making noise on the roof of her bedroom.

Coupled with being busy during the day, the quality of her recent rest can be said to be worrying.

In the first two-thirds of the movie just now, she was able to concentrate on recording because of the frequent appearance of frightening points, but in the second third, the plot was really too dull, and she couldn't help feeling a little drowsy stand up.

It wasn't until the end of the movie that the last shock came, which made her feel a little more energetic. After the movie ended, she hurriedly left the screening room and went to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water to refresh her spirits.

While she was washing her face, the voice from inside floated into Ning Shuyi's ears, grabbing her attention in an instant.

"Sister Li, are you going to clean the locked hall later? I just heard from the front that the manager plans to put the projection hall that was locked in an accident back into use." A middle-aged woman's voice came from the bathroom.

"Don't go! I said I would definitely not go to that room, even if I was killed, I would not go! Let me tell you, don't go either, let's stay away from that screening hall, it's very evil!"

"Ah? How do you say this? Didn't the manager say that the accident in the hall before was because the woman had a heart attack and ignored the ticket purchase instructions posted here, so she was scared to death while watching a movie. Does it have nothing to do with us!"

"Just believe what he says?! He doesn't know much about anything, but you don't know much about bullshit?! Do you know that a little girl died in that room at the beginning, didn't the police come, and the police left , He asked us to go in to clean up, but as soon as we went in, we found that Meimei was dead inside!"

"Huh? Meimei is dead?!"

"That's right! You said that when the police came, they were all fine, but when the police left, Meimei died in that room again. How wicked!"

"But it's not right, the policeman has been to that house, and there is nothing wrong..."

"You man, how can you compare with the police! What do they deal with every day! They are all evil people! They can hold back that kind of general evil spirit!"

The more Ning Shuyi listened to it, the more strange she felt. She quickly took out a piece of paper, wiped the water off her face, and walked into the inner room with the curtain.

Two middle-aged women in cleaning clothes were holding a mop in each hand, chatting inside, when someone came in unexpectedly, the two of them were startled, stopped talking quickly, and did not continue talking.

"Hello, everyone, just now I heard you say that in the auditorium where someone died, another person named Meimei died? Is this true?" Ning Shuyi walked directly in front of the two people and asked.

The two housekeepers looked at me, I looked at you, and quickly looked at Ning Shuyi again, and the older one waved his hand: "No, you heard it wrong! We are chatting here, it has nothing to do with you .

Do you want to use the bathroom?Then use it, we're off to work! "

As she spoke, she pushed the other cleaner out, obviously not wanting to talk to strangers she didn't know about the topic they were discussing just now.

"You two, please wait a moment." Ning Shuyi didn't want to waste time talking to them. Anyway, the matter has come to this point. It sounds like they mean that something sensitive happened after the screening hall, but the police were not notified, which made her He chose to take out his ID and showed it to the two cleaners, "I am from the Public Security Bureau of W City, and I am investigating the murder case in the screening hall before.

You said that after a female audience died in the screening hall, another person named Meimei died? "

"Ah?" The cleaner, who was in a hurry to avoid it just now, stopped when he saw Ning Shuyi's ID, but after hearing her question, the expression on his face became confused again, "Human? Isn't it? Ouch! Little girl, you misunderstood! It's not a person, it's Meimei!"

Another cleaning staff saw that there was a misunderstanding, and hurriedly explained: "Yes, Meimei is a stray cat in our movie theater! Not a human! Ouch, I was shocked by what you said. !
Meimei is our cat. She is good-looking. She always sneaks into the shopping mall to steal food. When the security guard sees it, she has to chase her out. Later, she somehow got to our floor and was taken in by our manager. down.

Many people who usually watch movies like it very much, saying that it has one yellow eye and the other blue eye, it is so beautiful, so it is called Meimei! "

"You said that the cat was found dead in the auditorium after we left the scene that day? Where did it die?" After learning that it was a cat that died, Ning Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, but still I feel a little puzzled.

They went to the scene that day. After all, it was involved in a murder case. They had carefully checked the entire screening hall, and they didn't see a cat.

"The cat died in the gap between the two rows of chairs." A cleaner gestured to her, "Oh, that looks like that! I'm scared now thinking about it!
We don't know when Meimei slipped in. It took more than an hour after your Public Security Bureau left that day. The cat was nowhere to be found. I have already checked everywhere else. Just the screening room. After you left, the manager locked it. Woke up, haven't seen it there.

I couldn't find it anywhere else, so I opened the hall to have a look, and it turned out that it was really there, and it was dead to death!
That Meimei, there is nothing wrong with her whole body, she is so dead, twisted, it is very painful to watch.

People say that cats have nine lives, and they can survive if they fall from upstairs. How could they just wander into the theater for an hour or so, the room is so big and it can’t be stuffy, how could they die!
So they discussed in private, whether there is something unclean in that room, and it is...not auspicious to put that kind of film..."

(End of this chapter)

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