Eye of Sin

Chapter 80 Discovery

Chapter 80 Discovery
"Does the cat named Meimei usually go to sleep or hang around in various theaters?" Ning Shuyi confirmed with them.

Both cleaners nodded to indicate that this is the case.

"Meimei usually likes to sleep in an empty theater. When she is not hungry and wants to sleep, sometimes she can't find it. She goes everywhere, but there has never been a problem!

And Meimei was a stray cat before, but she was very careful. Since she was taken in by the movie theater, it was not fed by our movie theater people, and it would not eat anything given to it by others!
What's more, when the police came that day, you left after dealing with it. We were all afraid of that house, and no one dared to go there. Who can give it anything to eat!

It's because I can't figure it out no matter how much I think about it, the more I feel scared! "

Ning Shuyi felt that just after hearing this, her heartbeat involuntarily accelerated several times. She had to take two deep breaths to calm herself down, and then asked the two cleaning staff: "Then what did you do when Meimei was found dead by you?" of?"

"The screening hall was locked, and no one dared to go in these few days. It's not been a few days, and nothing happened. Our manager couldn't hold back anymore, thinking about wanting to re-open the screening room. Use it in the hall, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a waste of money for him to be idle!” Baojie replied.

Ning Shuyi waved his hand: "It's not about the screening room, I mean about the cat, how did you deal with it?"

"Oh, you are talking about how to deal with Meimei!" Baojie suddenly realized, "Although we are scared, we feel that the cat is also very pitiful. It used to wander around, and it has been a good life for more than a year after being taken in by this place. Suddenly, he died unexpectedly!
So I found a box, put it in it, took it to a park ten minutes away from here, and dug a hole in the park and buried it! "

Ning Shuyi hurriedly asked about where the cat was buried in the park. Although the cleaning staff was a little puzzled and didn't know why the police paid so much attention to a dead cat, she tried her best to recall it. She was a little uncertain, so she called to ask. The colleague who went to bury the cat together told Ning Shuyi the exact location as possible.

Ning Shuyi thanked the two cleaners, and asked them to send a message to the manager, not to reopen the auditorium for now, if you have any questions, you can call yourself.

When the two cleaners heard that the people from the Public Security Bureau did not support the use of the scary screening room, they were also very happy, and they happily agreed to come down with a look of relief.

When Ning Shuyi got out of the bathroom, he dragged Huo Yan away in a hurry. While walking to the nearby park mentioned by the cleaner, he told Huo Yan what he had just heard.

When they arrived in the park, they first determined the approximate location, then went to the park management office, explained the situation, and borrowed tools such as shovels.

Although the park management office is also very puzzled, I don’t know why a dead cat is worth the police’s rush to dig it up. Although they agreed to let them dig it, they made a condition that after digging, they must restore it to its original state. .

Huo Yan agreed to the terms of the park management office, and left with a shovel in his hand. Ning Shuyi wanted to borrow another one, but he stopped him: "I can do this little work, and I don't need your help." .”

Ning Shuyi didn't argue with him about this matter, the two of them came to the forest that Bao Jie had described, and started looking for the buried dead cat.

Although the cleaning has described the place where they buried the cat as accurately as possible, but eight out of ten trees in the forest look the same, so the degree of "accuracy" is very limited.

Fortunately, Huo Yan, don't look like he is quick and resolute in his actions, but he is actually not impatient and very patient. Perhaps this is also related to his previous status as a sniper. If you can't bear your temper, you can't accomplish such an important task. Task.

According to Ning Shuyi's description, he dug here and there in a more likely location. After digging about five or six holes, he finally found a thick hole from a tree. Hard, boxy cardboard box.

Ning Shuyi carefully opened the cardboard box, and it turned out to be a dead cat inside.

Fortunately, it's been cold in spring recently, and the ground temperature hasn't risen yet. It wasn't particularly labor-saving for Huo Yan to dig up just now, so the cleaning staff didn't bury it very deep. In addition, there hasn't been any precipitation in the past few days. The corpse is equivalent to being buried shallowly in the ground, and with the help of the low temperature in the ground, it is quite well preserved.

And thanks to the cardboard box that the two cleaners prepared for the cat, the quality was very good, the inside was dry and clean, and Ning Shuyi was very surprised that the cat could be preserved so "untouched".

Huo Yan swiftly refilled the pits just now, and treated the surface so that there were no traces of digging at all, even the administrator who came to check the situation from a distance Leng didn't find any faults, and approached him with great interest, asking how he did it.

Naturally, Huo Yan would not waste time answering this kind of question. After the two of them returned the tools, they drove back to the bureau with the cat corpse.

The cat's corpse was just like the cleaner's description, with a distorted posture, and it looked full of pain, as if it had died from poisoning.

After bringing it back to the bureau, Ning Shuyi and the others went straight to the forensic doctor Zhang and handed over the cat's body to him, and told him what they had learned from the movie theater.

"I think that just an hour or so after we finished dealing with Wang Yuluo's death scene, the cat also died in such a distorted position in the auditorium. There may be a connection between the two events. of!

Perhaps the thing that caused Wang Yuluo's poisoning death was still left in the auditorium, which caused the cat to accidentally eat or touch it after entering, and accidentally lost its life. "She expressed her thoughts to forensic doctor Zhang.

"You are indeed a reasonable doubt." Zhang Forensic Doctor nodded.

At this time, Huo Yan, who helped take the cat corpse out of the box, suddenly raised his hand to signal the others: "I found something here."

Ning Shuyi walked up suspiciously, and saw that he carefully lifted one paw of the cat corpse that had just been placed on the operating table, so that they could see clearly the gap between the cat's paws.

There seemed to be a worm caught between the cat's claws. Obviously, the worm was already dead when it was caught between the claws.

The bug was not small, and it could still reveal a little bit of its tail and tiny legs when it was held between the cat's claws.

A private cinema in a shopping mall should not be full of reptiles, especially in this season, there are not many traces of bugs even in the park, let alone the environment of the shopping mall.

Forensic doctor Zhang hurried over with tools and carefully took the dead bug out of the cat's claws.

And the appearance of the bug made everyone present a little stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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