Eye of Sin

Chapter 87

Chapter 87
Not long after, the errand delivery man Huo Yan found before came to the Public Security Bureau as scheduled. According to his memories, he made a rough portrait of the orderer he came into contact with that day.

Although most of his face was covered by sunglasses and masks, the delivery man had a good memory, and some small details could be confirmed to be consistent with Yu Mengpeng.

Everything was ready, Ning Shuyi and others drove to Aunt Wang Yuluo's house to wait for "Dongfeng" to throw himself into the trap.

Although Aunt Wang Yuluo's house is very close to Wang Yuluo's house, the community is much older, and many supporting facilities cannot be compared at all, but the atmosphere of life is much stronger in comparison. There are many old people chatting together downstairs, obviously They are all old residents of this area.

A police car came suddenly, which quickly attracted the attention of these residents. Ning Shuyi and the others got out of the car and entered the unit door almost under the watchful eyes of the people around them.

Looking at this posture, I'm afraid that after today, Aunt Wang Yuluo's family will become famous in this community!Thinking that the image of a benevolent person that Aunt Wang Yuluo had painstakingly created for her over the years would collapse overnight, and that the whole family would be poked at the spine from now on, Ning Shuyi felt very ironic.

Both Aunt Wang Yuluo and Uncle Wang Yuluo were at home. They were a little dazed when they saw a few policemen visiting suddenly, but they immediately showed enthusiasm and greeted a few people into the house.

"Officer Ning, how is my niece's case? Is there any progress? As family members, we are in a hurry! It's suffering!" Aunt Wang Yuluo asked Ning Shuyi with a sigh.

Ning Shuyi nodded: "There is progress, we have locked the suspect, and Wang Yuluo's case will be closed soon."

As she spoke, she quietly paid attention to the reactions of Aunt Wang Yuluo and Uncle Wang Yuluo, and found that after hearing these words, both of them breathed a sigh of relief and seemed very happy.

The two of them had been expressly hinting before that they would focus their investigation on other people. They were probably afraid that their small actions behind the scenes over the years would be involved in the police investigation.

No wonder they were so happy when they heard that the suspect had been locked down and no further in-depth investigations would be carried out.

"Oh! That's good! That's good! Thank you so much! After so much hard work, the case was solved in just a few days! As a family member, we thank you! Thank you so much!" Aunt Wang Yuluo hurriedly expressed her thanks.

Ning Shuyi smiled and didn't say anything. At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door. Aunt Wang Yuluo was about to ask who the suspect was, and her attention was drawn away.

"It must be my daughter's back!" She walked towards the door, and when the door was opened, Yu Mengpeng couldn't wait to share the good news with her daughter as soon as she walked in, "Mengpeng, it's time for you to come back, look Who is coming!
These police colleagues came to our house to announce the good news!They have found out about Wang Yuluo's case, and it will be closed soon! "

When Yu Mengpeng first entered the door, he was still in high spirits, and looked in a good mood. Before he could see who the people in the living room were, he heard his mother's words, and then raised his head to see clearly who was standing in front of him. Shuyi and Huo Yan immediately turned pale, their bodies swayed, and they almost lost their balance.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Aunt Wang Yuluo was startled when she saw her daughter shaking with a pale face, and hurriedly asked.

Ning Shuyi stepped forward and showed the official document he brought: "Yu Mengpeng, you are suspected of killing Wang Yuluo, now please come with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Yu Mengpeng couldn't stand anymore, he shook and fell to the ground.

Aunt Wang Yuluo panicked when she saw this, she rushed over to protect her daughter, and asked in a crying voice: "Officer Ning, is there any misunderstanding here? Is there a mistake? How could this matter have anything to do with my daughter?" Does it matter?"

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "The evidence is solid, there is nothing to misunderstand. Yu Mengpeng bought highly poisonous ants privately, and before Wang Yuluo left for the movie theater, he intentionally avoided monitoring and put the plastic capsules filled with poisonous ants near the boarding point. In Wang Yuluo's bag, Wang Yuluo was bitten to death by poisonous ants.

We have already mastered the complete chain of evidence for the whole matter, which is very clear and there is nothing to be misunderstood. "

Yu Mengpeng sat on the ground, trembling like she was sifting chaff. Aunt Wang Yuluo was frightened and muttered: "Impossible...Impossible..."

I don't know whether she was forced to collapse by her mother's thoughts, or the huge psychological pressure finally broke the young girl's ability to bear, Yu Mengpeng suddenly uttered a loud cry, shaking everyone including her parents. Startled.

"Yes! It's me! I admit it!" She gasped heavily, clenched her fists with her hands by her sides, her face was still pale, but her expression was ferocious, "I did it, I I have been planning for a long time, but I have never had a suitable opportunity. I have been waiting for a long time!

She touched some things that shouldn't be touched outside, and even asked someone to watch a horror movie. If I don't seize such a good opportunity, I don't know when I will meet again!

I saw that ant in popular science a long time ago. After inquiring a lot of ways, I finally found one that had the goods. This is the most sneaky way I can think of!
She obviously touched a prohibited object, and someone else followed her when watching a movie with her, why don't you suspect them!Why do you come to doubt me! "

Aunt Wang Yuluo was a little dumbfounded. After she came to her senses, she also rushed over, crying and beating her daughter: "You dead child! What kind of fool are you doing! Why do you do such a stupid thing!"

"It's not you! It's all forced by you!" Yu Mengpeng yelled at his mother hoarsely, "Since I was a child, because my uncle's family is rich, we have to curry favor with him! My father curry favor with my uncle, you serve my cousin! We The whole family has to please their dad and dad like they are inferior!
The two of them live in a spacious loft mansion, and the three of us are like servants and grooms living in the servant's room!
Wang Yuluo can spend as much as she likes, but I have to save money all the time, neither this nor that!
My dad said he was doing business with my uncle, but in fact?It's not like you have to look at other people's faces in everything, consider whether uncle is happy or not, agree or disagree!
As long as uncle is unwilling, he has to give up no matter how good the plan was before!Even the secretary that my uncle almost married back home dared to treat us as thieves and control us in everything!Later, he urged my uncle to kick my dad out!

If it weren't for you guys to live like this, would I have been forced to this point!It was you who showed me how miserable life is without money!It was you who made me understand that you can't follow other people's buttocks, and wait for them to eat enough meat before picking up the leftover soup!
That is unreliable at all!I have to find a way to make us rich! "

"You... you... what are you talking about, child!" Aunt Wang Yuluo obviously didn't expect her daughter, who was usually quiet, to hide such a big emotion, and she was almost dumbfounded by fright.

"I don't want to see you fawning after other people's ass anymore! I've had enough of the days when I'm always inferior to others, and I always have to think hard about deducting a few small money from others, and it depends on the mood of others!"

Yu Mengpeng gritted his teeth and said: "You always say that studying law is too difficult and useless. I can't achieve anything with this idea! But in fact! I almost succeeded!"

"What did you succeed in, you... Is it, is it someone who taught you badly and urged you to do this?! Tell your mother honestly!" Aunt Wang Yuluo's thoughts were still turning quickly. After being shocked, she was very upset. Calm down quickly. Seeing her daughter's emotional breakdown, with a posture of going all out and saying everything, she hurriedly opened her mouth, trying to hint at her daughter and find an excuse to get rid of the crime.

It's a pity that her daughter's personality is completely different from hers, and now she realizes that she cannot escape the blame, she has completely broken the can, and she has no intention of accepting the hints thrown by her mother at all.

"In your eyes, I will always be someone who doesn't have the ability to do things by myself, so I have to be arranged by others, right?" Yu Mengpeng looked at her mother and sneered, "When I was studying for a double degree at school, I learned about inheritance law. of those regulations.

I found out that brothers and sisters belong to the second heirs and are also eligible to inherit property!Grandparents passed away a long time ago, so did my aunt, and my uncle is so many years older than you, so he is not young anymore!

Before you, there was only my cousin as the number one heir. If she disappeared in this world, and my uncle's age would not be able to give birth to another child, then you are the heir with confidence!
Uncle was already old and not in particularly good health, how long can he last when he suffers from the loss of his daughter? !

According to my plan, our family no longer needs to pretend to be a grandson in such a humble manner!When we change our minds, we need a car to have a car, a house to have a house, and a company to have a company!We don't have to rely on others!We are rich ourselves! "

Aunt Wang Yuluo stared at her daughter who had fallen to the ground. She opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything.

At this moment, she has realized that if her daughter can really escape the sight of the police this time, after getting rid of the stumbling block of her cousin Wang Yuluo, it is impossible for her daughter to allow her uncle, who is only in his 60s, to continue to live a healthy life...

This made her shocked and terrified, her mind went blank, and she could no longer find a reason to explain her daughter.

Yu Mengpeng yelled at her mother, and tears came out of her eyes. She was sobbing, as if comforting herself, but also as if she was angry: "I have had enough of this life! I have been watching them since I was a child. Matters about money, racking their brains, arguing!

In order to take advantage of my uncle, I tried my best to curry favor with her. Personality and dignity are not important at all!I'm done!

I am desperate for the kind of life model my parents gave me, just want to change all this, I just want to take a gamble, so that the fate of the future will be different!
Now it seems that I lost the bet... Anyway, it's meaningless to live like before, and I don't want this broken life!If I can hold Wang Yuluo on my back before I die, I've earned it! "

As she said that, she actually laughed hysterically. The twisted personality and emotional depression over the years have completely destroyed her.

Aunt Wang Yuluo couldn't bear the fact anymore, she rolled her eyes and passed out.

Uncle Wang Yuluo also seemed to have lost his soul, slumped to the side with dull eyes.

 Today 520~ I love you who have been with me in the story all this time!

(End of this chapter)

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