Eye of Sin

Chapter 88 Legacy

Chapter 88 Legacy
Wang Yuluo's case started quietly and ended in a low-key way. Don't look at Yu Mengpeng's boldness when he planned to murder his cousin. Once the crime was exposed, all the pretense fell apart. One answer ten.

Her attitude made Zhao Dabao, who was in charge of interrogating her, a little dumbfounded. Tong Ning Shuyi and the others joked, "As expected of a person with a double degree in law! He is more enlightened than others! He not only wants to use legal regulations to help himself get rich , now that I have been arrested, it is not ambiguous at all to strive for a proactive attitude of pleading guilty for myself!"

However, Yu Mengpeng's calculations came to nothing after all. Not only was she herself imprisoned, waiting for the trial of the law, but she had no chance to become the rich man who expected to get something for nothing, and live the life of eating, drinking and playing like her cousin Wang Yuluo. , even her parents are also useless.

After learning the ins and outs of the whole incident, Wang Yuluo's father was hit hard. He had already made all kinds of mental preparations, but he didn't expect that the culprit who killed his daughter turned out to be his own close relatives.

Especially when he learned that his younger sister's family of three has squeezed so much money from him overtly and secretly for so many years, gained a lot of benefits, and deliberately raised and spoiled his daughter, he was still greedy, and finally cruelly treated his blood relatives. At first, the boss who had fought in the mall for many years also collapsed.

After the rescue and treatment in the hospital, his body finally recovered. The first thing Wang Yuluo's father did after he was discharged from the hospital was to send a pennant to the criminal police team. Special thanks to Ning Shuyi and his team people.

The second thing is to find a lawyer and write a letter of intent to donate an inheritance, agreeing that after a hundred years, all the inheritance under my name will be donated to the local welfare organization in W City to help the children there get Better life and education.

Because the amount of money involved in this bequest is quite considerable, this matter was reported by the local media in W City. Although this case was not very sensational, when the truth finally came to light, the greed of human nature reflected in it still caused a lot of trouble in the society. There was an uproar.

Some people were shocked by the greed and viciousness of the three members of the aunt's family.

Some people are envious of the large sum of money donated by Wang Yuluo's father, and teased on the Internet that although the daughter is gone, if Boss Wang wants a son, the kind who went to college in his twenties, he can have it anytime, anywhere. One sign up and so on.

When this incident was reported in the newspapers, there were some sighs and discussions within the criminal police team. Most people felt that if Wang Yuluo's father could take the business down earlier and spend more time and energy on his daughter, the relationship between father and daughter would be better. Without any flaws, the aunt's family would have no chance of estrangement, and maybe everything would end differently.

Huo Yan did not participate in the discussion with other people, but he also paid attention to this news. Compared with Aunt Wang Yuluo's family who "lost his wife and lost his army", he seemed to write a bequest to Wang Yuluo's father and wanted to donate his property I was more interested in the matter of giving to the welfare organization, and I read the newspaper for a long time in silence.

After the case was settled, several of Ning Shuyi's good friends in the team and colleagues in the same group greeted Ning Shuyi's usual notification after the case was closed.

"Team building" - go to Ning Shuyi's house for dinner.

Father Ning is a retired old chef who has been around the stove all his life, and he also enjoys the process of cooking food, and he likes the feeling of others eating the food he made.

So in the beginning, he and Ning's mother hoped to help their daughter establish a harmonious colleague relationship, and they had a few dinner parties. Except for the other three girls who had known each other since Ning Shuyi's university days, the other colleagues had a little cramped.

But after a lot of times, when they became familiar with Ning's father and Ning's mother, they could no longer be restrained, and going to Ning's house for dinner changed from an invitation to an announcement that they would arrive on time.

"Great, after I have the motivation to go to your house for a meal, I feel that when I have a case at hand, I can't help but feel excited! I am very motivated! I told my dad when I was a child that if I get a [-]% in the final exam Just buying me a game console feels exactly the same!" Zhao Dabao sighed with Ning Shuyi full of expectation.

"Then the question is, have you got the game console?" Ning Shuyi asked with a smile.

Zhao Dabao laughed and waved his hands: "Don't bring up the past! People should learn to look forward, for example, go to your house for dinner the day after tomorrow!"

"I'm also looking forward to it, very much looking forward to it!" Luo Wei also chimed in, "Eating is second, I mainly hope that I can send my parents to your home for further study, improve themselves, and let them learn how to follow Deal with kids!

Of all the people I know, your family has the closest and most harmonious relationship between parents and children!They are close without estrangement, without losing the sense of boundaries. How did this happen?It is simply a miracle of human society! "

"That's easy, we'll have dinner, and you take your parents to Ning Shuyi's house to chat purely, I think it's good!" Zhao Dabao joked.

"Come to my house for dinner on weekends, and I'll send you the address when I return!" Ning Shuyi listened to their joking jokes, got up and went to Huo Yan, tapped the table twice to arouse his attention, "Remember to put the meal Bring the box with you!"

Huo Yan was taken aback for a moment, he wanted to stay out of the matter, but he also felt that he had already acted very clearly, but he didn't expect that Ning Shuyi would take the initiative to invite him.

After a brief moment of astonishment, he opened his mouth, wanting to say the words of refusal, but he didn't know whether he was disturbed by the conversation between Luo Wei and Zhao Dabao, or Ning Shuyi asked him to bring the lunch box over, making him realize He hadn't thanked the two old people for their kindness once, and he didn't say the final rejection.

"Understood." He nodded, seemed a little uncomfortable, got up and walked out of the office.

Ning Shuyi's reaction to him was commonplace, and he returned to his seat as if nothing had happened, but Luo Wei who was on the side was a little surprised.

"Did Huo Yan agree to your invitation just now?" He asked Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi nodded: "Aren't you always good at hearing! You heard everything and asked questions!"

"No, do you know that after Huo Yan came to our bureau, because his record as a sniper was really good, many people wanted to make friends with him and tried every means to invite him.

Playing ball together, eating together, exercising together, anyway, I have thought about all the reasons, but Huo Yan refuses all of them.

How is it so easy to get here? "

Ning Shuyi didn't know what Luo Wei said, and was a little surprised after hearing it, and then smiled: "Maybe this is the power of sugar-coated cannonballs! My dad conquered him with a box of side dishes!"

(End of this chapter)

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