Chapter 10

Leng Yuan went to work, Gu Jiaojiao was the only one at home.

Only now did she have time to take a good look at the yard.

The courtyard was built by Leng Yuan himself, because it is at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by a wall made of stones, covered with a layer of mud, it is more than two meters high, and the situation inside the courtyard cannot be seen from the outside at all.

When she passed by the village, she saw other people's yards, which were simple fenced yards, and the yard could be seen from the outside at a glance.

Compared to the fenced courtyard, Gu Jiaojiao prefers the courtyard in front of her eyes. It is very secretive, and no one will see her taking a bath in the courtyard.

She took a good look at it. The yard is not big. There are two main houses in the north, a woodshed in the west, and a shed where you can eat outside in summer. The kitchen and a grain warehouse are in the east. The most important thing is, In the corner, there are toilets and toilets.

The more Gu Jiaojiao looked at it, the more satisfied she was. After admiring the yard, she prepared to rest for a while.

I didn't sleep almost all night last night, so I took a nap in the morning, and went to the county to get a marriage certificate at noon, and now I feel a little tired, so I went into the room.

I didn’t take a closer look yesterday, but today when I looked at it during the day, I realized that the furnishings in the room are relatively simple. The largest space in the room is the heated kang. There is a locker next to the heated kang with a kettle and a tea mug on it.

On the other wall is a larger locker, next to which is a wardrobe.

On the opposite wall is a desk with a row of books neatly placed on it, and a locked cabinet underneath, which probably contains some important things.

Leng Yuan is a school teacher, so it's not surprising that he has books.

He is the only one in the family, so it is very impressive to be able to save this family business.

The inside of the house is very clean, and it is kept spotless, which shows that Leng Yuan is a person who loves cleanliness.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't need to pack anything, she just changed the bed sheet and lay down on it to rest.

As for Leng Yuan, after returning the car, he went straight to work.

The work has already been divided, Leng Yuan directly took the farm tools and went to work.


Chen Jianshe worked hard. He glanced at the field around him and felt strange.

Brother Leng has always been the most punctual, and he was actually late for work today.

Thinking that Leng Yuan didn't come, he wanted to take the opportunity to do more work and strive to surpass his brother Leng.

You must know that Leng Yuan works very neatly, probably because of the previous practice, he is very strong, even if he is a scholar, a strong man of two hundred catties, his brother Leng can lift one with one hand.

He never beat Leng Yuan in his work.

While Chen Jianshe was actively working, he heard someone talking about Leng Yuan in the other side of the field, and he was not surprised by this.

After all, Brother Leng is so outstanding, good at work, good-looking, and well-educated. Many people are envious of his hot-eyed, and some people will even say something bitter. This is a common occurrence.

He didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but as the action got closer, he heard it more clearly. The other party said that Brother Leng and Gu Jiaojiao had received their certificates.

Chen Jianshe was so startled that he almost tripped over the corn stalks. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and stabilized himself in time.
When he was born, he thought it was impossible.

Although Gu Jiaojiao often came to pester his brother Leng, but his brother Leng was never indifferent, and every time he refused with righteous words, and as long as he was pestered by Gu Jiaojiao, his brother Leng's card would last a whole day.

It can be seen that Brother Leng not only doesn't like Gu Jiaojiao, but also hates it.

This bastard dared to spread rumors about his Brother Leng.

As Leng Yuan's good brother, Chen Jianshe rushed forward, grabbed the hot-tempered man, and warned coldly.


Feng Ergou was taken aback by being grabbed by the collar, and after he realized it, he couldn't help but yelled: "Chen Jianshe, what's wrong with you, this is what the team leader said. If you don't believe me, ask the team leader."

Feng Ergou was so angry that he tore the collar out of Chen Jianshe's hand, while mocking in a cold voice: "I said Chen Jianshe, I said Leng Yuan but didn't say you, why are you so excited?"

"If you want me to say, with Gu Jiaojiao's virtue, she and Leng Yuan haven't had a long relationship, the two of them will get divorced sooner or later."

When Chen Jianshe heard this, he raised his fist immediately: "Say it again, believe it or not, I'll beat you up."

Seeing that Chen Jianshe was serious, Feng Ergou didn't dare to continue to mock him, so he muttered something and went to work.

As for Chen Jianshe, his mind was in a mess.

I haven't seen his brother Leng for a long time, and his brother Leng married Shi Jiaojiao?

Chen Jianshe didn't believe it, and planned to ask Leng Yuan personally what was going on?Did Gu Jiaojiao force Brother Leng?

(End of this chapter)

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