Chapter 11 Really Married

Chen Jianshe had something on his mind, so he couldn't work so fast, and waited for Leng Yuan wholeheartedly.

After waiting for a long time, there was movement from the cornfield. When Chen Jianshe turned around, it was indeed Leng Yuan.

He couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately asked, "Brother Leng, what's the matter? That boy Feng Ergou said that you married Gu Jiaojiao, is it true? If it's false, I will definitely beat that kid later." A meal, let him talk nonsense..."

Chen Jianshe's face was filled with righteous indignation, and he waited for Leng Yuan to speak, as long as he said it was false, he would beat Feng Ergou up.

"it is true."

Leng Yuan replied softly, put on his gloves, and started breaking corn.

Gloves are the benefits of being a teacher, and they cost [-] cents a pair!Ordinary people don't.

Chen Jianshe usually coveted Leng Yuan's gloves, but now he couldn't care less: "Brother Leng, how could you marry Gu Jiaojiao, she, she..."

She talked to her for a long time, but Chen Jianshe didn't finish his sentence. Brother Leng had already argued with Gu Jiaojiao, so what's the point of him talking about anything else now.

It's just that he is also not optimistic about Brother Leng and Gu Jiaojiao's life.

Who is Gu Jiaojiao?

Miss Jiao from the city can't do any work. Although Brother Leng has a salary and can support her, the whole Qingshan Brigade knows that Gu Jiaojiao likes Yunhao.

Brother Leng's life is miserable!

"Hurry up and work, or you will be discredited."

After saying this, Leng Yuan began to break the corn.

They divided the land in the morning and were responsible for breaking off the piece of corn and loading it all in baskets on the tractor, which was considered as the completion of the task.

Looking at Leng Yuan who was working, Chen Jianshe was heartbroken, his brother Leng is suffering!
It's that Gu Jiaojiao who insists on pestering Brother Leng.

He had to help Brother Leng keep an eye on Gu Jiaojiao, and resolutely not let Gu Jiaojiao have anything to do with Yun Hao.

Leng Yuan's speed was so fast that when Chen Jianshe was thinking wildly, he was almost invisible. Only then did Chen Jianshe regain his senses and hurriedly chased after him.

As for Feng Ergou, he is a foreign worker. He works for a while and rests for a while, and he can get up to five centimeters a day. In addition, he was deducted two for watching the excitement before, and there are only three centimeters left in a day.

Leng Yuan used full centimeters for farm work, twelve centimeters.

Because it is the autumn harvest, it is two centimeters higher than usual.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, Leng Yuan finished his work, reported the centimeter, and went home.

Many people looked envious in their hearts.

This is good-looking, able to work, and a teacher, why did she let Gu Jiaojiao give it to Huo Huo.

However, for two people to live together, there is no one in the entire Qingshan brigade who is optimistic.

Yun Hao also saw Leng Yuan leave. He was assigned to another piece of land, and Leng Yuan happened to pass by that road.

The two were actually not familiar with each other, and they had no intersection, but because of Gu Jiaojiao's matter, Yun Hao couldn't help but look at Leng Yuan more.

Hu Ziqiang at the side couldn't help touching Yun Hao with his arm, and said in a low voice, "That's it, Gu Jiaojiao is married, and I won't pester you again."

Hu Ziqiang and Yun Hao lived in the same place. They were good friends and went to the countryside together. He knew very well about Gu Jiaojiao's entanglement with Yun Hao.

Now that Gu Jiaojiao is married, he is happy for Yunhao, and finally got rid of Gu Jiaojiao.

As for Leng Yuan, after marrying that young lady Gu Jiaojiao, she would make trouble in the future, but seeing Leng Yuan's back right now, she felt extremely sympathetic.

But thinking of Gu Jiaojiao's appearance, he couldn't help but approach Yunhao and ask, "You really don't regret it?"

Although Gu Jiaojiao can't do farm work, she doesn't have to choose her appearance. She looks like a white swan. She is extremely beautiful. No one from all over the world can compare to her. Even Hu Ziqiang from the city has to admit to Gu Jiaojiao. so gorgeous.

But such a beautiful girl, Yun Hao mercilessly refused, it was too cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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