Chapter 176 Hurt each other
Gu Jiaojiao took the lead and stood in front of Leng Yuan. After pissing off Wu Cuilan, she winked at Leng Yuan, signaling him to leave quickly.

Leng Yuan looked helpless.

The little girl in his family always moved his heart so much.

The Adam's apple rolled, and the man's eyes were deep and sensual.

Gu Jiaojiao, a straight girl, didn't notice at all, she pinched the man's waist and signaled him to leave quickly.

Leng Yuan couldn't laugh or cry, he had no choice but to push the cart away under the hint of his wife.

Wu Cuilan also reacted at this time.

Gu Jiaojiao is not praising her, but hurting her.

If she can make a scooter, can she come over and ask Leng Yuan to help?
"Gu Zhiqing, what do you mean?"

"Didn't I just ask you to help make a cart? It's not a strenuous task. You are too stingy. If anyone in the village has something to do, don't they all help each other?"

Gu Jiaojiao felt that this sentence was quite correct.

This is not the case in the village now.

"Then what did you do for our family?"

Wu Cuilan was at a loss for words.

Of course she didn't help.

Leng Yuan severed ties with Leng's family and owed so much money. It was too late for her to hide from Leng Yuan, so how could she rush to help.

But she can't admit it, or the cart will be ruined.

"There is nothing in your family that needs help. If there is a need, I can't help!"

Gu Jiaojiao smiled and stepped forward to hold Wu Cuilan's hand with a friendly face.

"Auntie, I knew you had a good heart."

"Our shed has collapsed, and we just need to build a new one, and the vegetable plot just divided has not yet been fenced. Since you are so enthusiastic, come to our house to help today!"

Wu Cuilan was dumbfounded.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't give her a chance to react.

"Auntie, what's the matter with you? Are you unwilling? Then, is what you just said true or false?"

"I, I..." Wu Cuilan was always articulate, otherwise she would never have the chance to be a shrew, but now she couldn't say a word when she was asked by Gu Jiaojiao.

She just wanted to take advantage, not really want to contribute.

Everyone in the village knows that Gu Jiaojiao's private land was moved to Leng's house, but it has not been circled yet, and everyone knows it too.

It's true.

Wu Cuilan didn't know how to answer for a while.

It takes hard work.

No, the cart is gone.

Gu Jiaojiao's smile disappeared and her face turned cold.

"Auntie, there is no such thing as a piece of cake in the sky. If you don't want to pay money and don't want to work hard, and you want to get something for nothing, your abacus beads are about to collapse in other people's faces."

"Also helping each other, I think only others help you, and you don't have the right to help others."

"Just like you, after a long time, who is willing to take you to play!"

Wu Cuilan blushed when she was told by Gu Jiaojiao.

As an elder, does she need Gu Jiaojiao, a junior, to make irresponsible remarks here?
What's wrong with her having no friends?
Thinking of this, Wu Cuilan felt a little heartbroken.

She really doesn't have many friends.

But will she admit it?

will not.

If others don't take her to play, she still doesn't want to take others to play!
"Gu Jiaojiao, you lazy woman, you still have the nerve to talk about me, you think you..."

Wu Cuizhi came over with a sack and happened to see this scene.

Her eyes widened immediately.

Without even thinking about it, he rushed over and covered his sister's mouth.

Everyone present was confused by her actions.

Wu Cuilan also desperately waited for her own sister with her eyes.


what's the situation?
Wu Cuizhi ignored the gazes of the people around her, and instead showed a loving smile at Gu Jiaojiao.

"Gu Zhiqing, my sister can't speak, don't be as knowledgeable as her, I will teach her a lesson later."

After speaking, he covered his mouth and dragged Wu Cuilan away.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

Before she had time to say anything, Wu Cuizhi and Wu Cuilan had already run away.

I don't know, I thought there was something chasing her behind!

(End of this chapter)

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