Chapter 177

Gu Jiaojiao didn't care about the reason.

Wu Cuizhi was able to take Wu Cuilan away wisely, which saved her a lot of trouble.

Seeing that there were many people around, Gu Jiaojiao immediately showed a gentle and sweet smile.

She brushed her hair and turned to look at the crowd.

"Everyone is gone, what are you still watching?"

Those who were swept by Gu Jiaojiao's eyes immediately dragged the people around them away.

They just thought that Leng Yuan agreed to Wu Cuilan, and they also took advantage of it.

I didn't expect Gu Jiaojiao to be so difficult to provoke.

And Wu Cuizhi, is he mentally ill, didn't he fight with Gu Jiaojiao before?
When did you have such a good relationship with Gu Jiaojiao?
My own sister didn't help, but instead helped Gu Jiaojiao.

Wu Cuizhi, who was curious by everyone, kept dragging Wu Cuilan to a place where no one was around, and then let go of her mouth.

Wu Cuilan immediately spat a few mouthfuls of saliva, and angrily shook off Wu Cuizhi's hand.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

She hasn't taught that little vixen Gu Jiaojiao a lesson yet!

I have thought about all the bad words in my stomach.

In the end, she was dragged away by her sister.

Wu Cuilan looked unhappy.

Wu Cuizhi was heartbroken seeing her desperate.

"Let me tell you, in this village, anyone can take advantage of it, only Gu Jiaojiao can't."

"When you see her, stay away and don't be busy all day long. Is she someone you can bully?"

Wu Cuilan was stunned.

Is this still the older sister who takes advantage of her life?
"Sister, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

What happened to Gu Jiaojiao?
Isn't she just a delicate educated youth, what's not to provoke?

Could it be that her sister was scared just because she lost a dollar to Gu Jiaojiao last time?

so cowardly?
Wu Cuizhi was still persuading her earnestly.

"Forget about the scooter. We haven't had a scooter for so many years. If it doesn't work, you can scrape together the money to buy it."

"As for asking Leng Yuan and his wife to help, don't even think about it."

As Wu Cuizhi spoke, she moved her still throbbing arm.

She just went to Gu Jiaojiao's yard to watch the excitement, and she could break her arms.

Wu Cuizhi felt that Gu Jiaojiao was a wicked person, and everyone who opposed her would be unlucky. This was a lesson she learned in exchange for blood and tears.

She doesn't want her sister to follow her old path.

Wu Cuizhi said more.

The more Wu Cuilan believed that her own sister was a coward, so she didn't take her sister's words to heart at all.

Still thinking about the cart thing.

If their family also has a cart, it will save a lot of trouble.

Wu Cuizhi saw that her sister refused to listen, so she couldn't help warning.

"Don't take it to heart, let me tell you, anyone who troubles Gu Jiaojiao will be in trouble."

Wu Cuilan almost laughed out loud.

Look at her sister's unpromising appearance, it's as if she can engage in feudal superstition.

She doesn't believe in this evil.

Wu Cuizhi also knew about this younger sister, but she didn't believe it when she saw it.

She has said everything she should say, if you don't believe her, there is nothing she can do.

However, when working, stay far away from her.

So as not to harm the fish pond.

Wu Cuilan felt that there was something wrong with her sister, but she didn't care.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't know this, and the group went up the mountain, to the pine forest she had discovered before.

There are a lot of pine nuts inside, and several sacks are packed.

The pine nuts are rich in fat and can be used for stir-frying, as a snack, and can also be used to extract oil.

Pecans also pack a lot.

Pecans can also be pressed for oil.

In the end, there were still two sacks left. Although Gu Jiaojiao had always been thinking about saponins, she was still eager to pick up something to eat.

Now that the mountain products around here are almost all picked, it would be a waste of time and effort to go to other mountains, so I might as well pick two sacks of saponins.

(End of this chapter)

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