Chapter 19 Will Be Good To You

Gu Jiaojiao was suddenly lifted up, she let out a cry of surprise, and subconsciously hugged Leng Yuan's neck.

When he came back to his senses, his face was flushed.

Leng Yuan hugged her like this, just like holding a child.

Although she is not fat, she only weighs more than ninety catties, and it is effortless for the man to hold her with one hand. Sitting on the man's arm, Gu Jiaojiao immediately felt the gushing strength on the arm.

She couldn't help but think about last night, the whole night... and her legs went limp.

"Cold, Leng Yuan."

Just as Gu Jiaojiao opened her mouth, the man was already striding towards the house.

Back in the house, Leng Yuan threw the box aside, and put Gu Jiaojiao directly on the kang. There was no kerosene in the room, and there was darkness in front of her eyes, which made Gu Jiaojiao's senses very clear.

Realizing what was going to happen, she couldn't help but blush, although a little shy, but also a little expectant.

However, the man just bent over and remained motionless.

Gu Jiaojiao stared at him suspiciously, but couldn't see anything clearly, she couldn't help but want to say something.

Before she could say it, the man suddenly spoke.

"Gu Jiaojiao, live well with me, I will treat you well."


The next day, when Gu Jiaojiao woke up, the place where Leng Yuan slept was cold.

This man, working in the autumn harvest during the day, is actually so energetic at night. Before she went to bed, the sky outside the window was already bright.

Not knowing how long she slept, Gu Jiaojiao picked up the watch on the table and looked at it, it was already eleven o'clock.

Great, missed work again.

She lay on the kang for a few more minutes before getting up, packed up, and went to the kitchen.

Lifting the lid of the pot, the heat inside dissipated, and breakfast was still warm in the pot.

A bowl of polenta, two eggs, and a pancake.

This made Gu Jiaojiao feel warm in her heart. She took out the porridge and an egg and ate it with a smile. As for the other egg and pancakes, she couldn't eat it.

After eating, she checked the food in the house. There were only cornmeal and sweet potatoes left, and she ate the little rice last night.

As for the vegetables, they are private plots, such as spinach, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and leeks.

Why don't you make spinach and egg soup, then paste a few sweet potato tortillas, and then add a cucumber salad.

She wanted to make some delicious food to supplement Leng Yuan. After all, harvesting in autumn was tiring. Not only did she have to break the corn, but she also had to carry the corn, which was [-] centimeters long. The amount of tasks per day was three mu of land, and the yield per mu was [-] catties. Right or left, this is threshing corn. Before threshing, the weight will double, and the iron body can't stand it.

Gu Jiaojiao honestly cooks at home, but the gossip about her in the field never stops.

No, in the village, the villagers who were working next to Uncle Leng and Uncle Leng saw the two families, immediately greeted them with a smile, and then spoke.

"I mean Zhiguo, Zhigang, Leng Yuan is your nephew no matter what, he is married, why don't you go and see him?"

Leng Zhiguo is Leng Yuan's second uncle, and Leng Zhigang is Leng Yuan's third uncle, the second and third uncles who have severed relations long ago.

When the two heard the villagers' question, they replied without raising their heads: "We have severed our relationship long ago. He didn't even tell my second uncle when he got married. Are we still rushing to make it?"

Second Uncle Leng and Third Uncle Leng were assigned to another place yesterday, far away from each other. They didn't know the excitement at Leng Yuan's house, and it was when they were off work that they heard that Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao were married.

The two families were only surprised for a moment, but they quickly put the matter behind them, pretending that they didn't know anything, and continued to work as usual.

Second Aunt Leng and Third Aunt Leng were also not far away. When the villagers opened their mouths, they naturally heard them too, but they didn't make a sound.

Obviously, they don't want to have any more contact with this relative.

Both the boss and the eldest daughter-in-law passed away. At that time, Leng Yuan was only 17 years old, and it was time to eat. How much would it cost to marry a daughter-in-law in the future?

They didn't have the spare money to let Leng Yuan eat and drink for free at home, and they didn't have the money to marry him a wife, so they simply broke off the relationship and let Leng Yuan go out of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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