Chapter 20 Plum Blossom Watch
The villagers couldn't help shaking their heads secretly when they saw the expression on the faces of the two families who were afraid of Leng Yuan's entanglement.

They all belong to the same village, so no one knows who!

They were afraid that Leng Yuan would not be able to survive in the future, so they asked their uncle to borrow money, but they don't need it at all, okay?
What he dislikes most is the eccentricity of the old lady of the Leng family, and the shameless behavior of Leng Zhiguo and Leng Zhigang occupying his father's house and driving him away.

Originally, they were all separated. When the eldest was separated, he had nothing. He built a house with his own ability, and his life gradually improved.

As a result, as soon as the boss left, they occupied the house of the boss, forcing the son to go to the foot of the mountain to build a house by himself, which is too bullying.

There are quite a few people in the village who don't like it, but this is the Leng family's housework, and they naturally have nothing to do with it.

But Leng Yuan was a good teacher, and their children followed Leng Yuan in class, and their grades improved a lot, and they were all grateful to Leng Yuan.

If you ask him, Leng Yuan is a capable person. He didn't see him being driven out, and he built a house at the foot of the mountain. Although the place didn't cost much and was cheap, the house was really good. .

How capable is it to be able to build a house by yourself these days?
That is to say, the two families can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

The villagers changed their minds and said with a smile: "If you say that Leng Yuan will hurt people, you can buy such an expensive plum watch if you want to buy it. This skill is the first in our village."

After the villagers finished speaking, they began to crack the corn at a very fast speed.

But the Second Uncle Leng's family and the Third Uncle Leng's family were not calm when they heard this sentence.

Especially the Second Aunt Leng, who immediately stopped breaking the corn in her hands: "What? A plum blossom watch?"

The villagers laughed and said nothing.

Second Aunt Leng can't continue to work now, how can Leng Yuan have the money to buy a plum watch?
She has seen the plum watch in a department store, and it costs more than 200 tickets!
Not to mention the rare receipts for watches, even more than 200 yuan. They have worked hard for a year, but they can't get so much.

That kid has so much money?

Second Aunt Leng didn't believe it.

Third Aunt Leng also had the same thoughts. She stopped working and started muttering to Second Aunt Leng directly.

"Second sister-in-law, is this true or false? Can Leng Yuan pay more than 200 yuan? Didn't you borrow hundreds of foreign debts at the beginning? Have you paid it off?"

Second Uncle Leng and Third Uncle Leng couldn't help but stop their movements when they heard what their daughter-in-law said.

They don't like this nephew, don't look at this nephew now has a job as a teacher, 25 yuan a month, but the boss spent a lot of money in the hospital, not only cleaned up the family, but also borrowed a lot of money. less money.

That money alone is enough for Leng Yuan to live without food or drink for several years, how can he be rich!
The two families didn't believe it.

But when I said I didn't believe it, my heart was like a cat scratching, and I couldn't find peace. After finally resting at noon, a few people came out of the field and planned to ask someone.

Before Second Aunt Leng could figure out who to look for, Third Aunt Leng pushed her arm. Second Aunt Leng raised her eyes and saw Third Aunt Leng raised her chin.

Looking in the direction suggested by Mrs. Leng San, Li Hongmei also emerged from the cornfield, apparently planning to return to the educated youth spot.

Second Aunt Leng's eyes lit up.

This Li Zhiqing and Gu Zhiqing are good friends, and they are also big-mouthed, unable to hide their words, Second Aunt Leng immediately greeted them.

"Li Zhiqing, are you going back?"

Li Hongmei was taken aback for a moment, she glanced at Second Aunt Leng in surprise, and nodded: "Yes!"

She knew Second Aunt Leng and often met in the village, but the two of them were not familiar with each other and had never dealt with each other.

Li Hongmei was naturally surprised that Second Aunt Leng talked to her suddenly.

Second Aunt Leng didn't turn the corner, and went straight to the point: "I heard that Gu Zhiqing and Leng Yuan got married and bought a plum watch, is it true?"

Hearing this, Li Hongmei couldn't understand Second Aunt Leng's meaning. She changed her mind and showed an eager smile on her face.

"Yes! I bought a Plum Blossom watch. I have seen that watch. It is very beautiful. Besides the watch, there are also really good clothes and leather shoes! Just those, at least cost more than 300 yuan. Leng Yuan is really willing to say .”

(End of this chapter)

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